OOC:Gundam Wing:New Rising


actually I think I know more about gundam the series then you do soul edge. All though I can't back it up.

Further more Altron wasn't just in the movie it was in the end of the series. When the deathsyth and shenlong were destroyed the engineres rebuilt them useing oz's resources with out oz's knowlege. They made the death syth hell and altron both of which were at lease twice as efective.

The Sandrock and heavy arms custumes were made by the pilots and howard and were mostly redone to operate in space. They have some nice upgrades but aren't as impresive as the other two.

In the movie they redid all the suites for an artistic reason they have no true new names and the suites look the same at the point they were made to were they are now. Something I disagree with. How ever they were impresive there in particlular the heavy arms post more firepower then ever at the sacrifice of it's close range blades.

Is any one else wondering why I'm typeing this because I am. Sorry if I affended any one in this post but hey.

Any how the reason I thought about switching suites is because Cyan wouldn't seem right in the roll heavy arms puts him. He needs some speed.
Word to the wise.

Some how in all the words I used in the post above I forgot to tell you what I ment too.

Soul, wing zero has the zero system..... ya you knew that I know. Any how no matter how prepared the person thinks they are the system screws with there minds. This gives you a great place to roleplay from.

This note dosen't matter much but the buster rifle only has three shots... So don't rely to much on it.

Lastly Cats you're a bum and oh me money pay up or suffer the consiquences. Don't forget I know were you live.
hey everyone

I make music videos in my spare time(a sort of hobby for me),and i made 2 or 3 gundam ones.If anyone wants to see them PM me your e-mail and ill send them to you.
where is everyone?

Step out the front door like a ghost
into the fog where no one notices
the contrast of white on white.
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I'll be blunt.

I'm sorry but I lost interest in this thread. It disapeared for a month and so I forgot about it. How ever if some of the others come back, I'll try to come back too.

Good luck.

that makes two besides me. I'll play again, so disregard the above statement. Thank you.
ok,ill pm anyone else who doesnt answer,i have to post on the main thread again so it is veiwable,ill do it tommorow since i dont got a lot of time today.