OOC:High School blues: anime style High school rp

Ok I'm going to post up the thread really soon. maybe an hour or so
Is it to late to join?

Also do we have to take three electives, or can we only study one or two?
No tap-out, like I said its never too late to join in! And you don't have to have three or four, it could be one or two

Ok guys, threads up!!!

High school blues

hy I'm takeing flight 202 so would you mind telling me? Is this the version of flight that involves being shot out of a cannon or is this the one useing magic or psy or..... just tell me please. That way I can post in that class. Thank you.
Flight 202 is Non machine flight. meaning you have to use your wings or psy and energy abilatys.

So yeah, what you said!!!

I was thinking about it and I decided long as it dose not involve gun powder I won't complain. But whith that said I would like to reright my chara to be an untrained psy. That way I have some way to fly.
I hope I am not to late. If any changes need to be made just tell me HY.

Ken Balsavage
He basically has the same features as Gohan in regular form.

He is a Fighting instructor and a sub flying 202 instructor

Eiji is psycic right? Or did I screw up on that?
Yeah he's a psy, Although His is not as strong, but it does have an extent to knowing people nomatter how different they look

I didn't screw up. By the way Hy I apreceate you job. *hit's Hy in the gut.* It's a very needed job, saves me from therapy.
I guess I should be happy that I'm completely num right now..............

Hy look on the bright side. I'm not twice you size. I'm just under.
pshh! And what exactly was that damn punch for anyway!?!

I was just keeping you in work. Your the one that made you the offical punching bag right?

Besides you never hit me with that fire ball way back when. Shure each of the crickets got one and chewy got one sometime before but I never got one.
Probably not,

but you didn't get me a chrismass present or a birthday present or any kind of present. Along those line I will gladly except a 1 million dollar check from you.
Wh-WHAT!?! One millon bucks!? You think I have that kind of mony? Get real Kitten!

The last time some one called me Kitten or rather one of my charas kitten was my first week on this site. Oh so very long ago.

Any how if you wright the check then it will bounce and you won't pay any money. Your credit will drop though.

*Hits Hy a second time* Need to keep you in buisnes.