OOC:High School blues: anime style High school rp

Um, well damn. I'm not alone in the world. Also I was working on staff so I was supose to not be flirting. Oh well. I'm guessing the girl you got the number for was working on staff. If that the case I'm shocked as hell She would do that.

It's fun though all the lil scouts fallow around the girls that screw you because they have nothing better to do and you don't either. Okay so gthe girls up at camp wouldn't screw me any how but sill I can dream can't I? It's all I have.

Any how you win this round Hy but were only in round 34 and the battle is still close.
Well all I know is I'm one up on you for now...

How many more rounds we got?
I think we keep going til one of us has been knocked out or quits.
Pack you swim trunks becuase you'll quit long before me.
If you wearing your glasses you'd notice I was a cat. But if you were I wouldn't be able to do this. *Punches Hy in the nose.* Beat that hot shot.
*Bites Cats' hand* Who said I was blind? You look so ugly, you look like a dog if you ask me!
Why would I kill myself? Oh the other dog. If I fry him it was brought on my your own tunting. Also note for the moment Rikku only has magic. So It would take a bit to kill him and she is only skilled with enchants.

She doesn't know how to fight? Somebody better teach her, nobody can survie Blue High without knowing how to fight!
Trust me by the time she leaves this tower she will be a fighter.
He did. Why do you ask. Remeber spoiled rich kid. Up until the curse that why he's made a point of not loseing fights now.

Why do you ask.
Well because... The tower has many abilatys remember? one of them will make an clone of the persons biggest rival

I need to know some of this info just in case
I'm not shure lee has one. I recamened until I come up with one either Eiji or Rikku.

Eiji is one of the same side rivals and don't ask about rikku.
Eiji is sudgested

It already seems they're pretty big rivals
Well Eiji reads Lee's mind for no reason. Not to mention looks at him when he's wereing sex clothing. He didn't kiss lee back. Yeop there several things leading to that rivalry.
One prob Cats.

Eiji didn't read Lee's min on purpose. He can't controll it all the time
Lee dosen't know that. And for the most part thats what matters story wise.
Hy, you've done 2830 posts dose your post count really mater any more?

Silly question, ofcoarse it dose.