Ooc: I think we need to brainstorm....

Ralf slipped his ax into the sheath on his back and stood there, looking around at all the carnage that the group had made as he took deep breaths, calming himself down. He had as much a hand in this as the rest of them, especially when his bezerker rage hit its peak in the middle of the battle and although it felt good to kill the French it still felt strange to help the English, especially after everything that had happened to him. He walked towards the carriage but stopped when he saw Andrew walking towards Chalcedony, a cord at the ready. He had a feeling what was going to happen but he did not want to do anything, especially not at this time- when he was calming down.

He leant back against one of the trees and stood there, watching as Andrew wrapped the cord around Chalcedony's neck and the one thought that came to his head was You are a dead man my friend. He took a step towards the two of them but knew better than to become any part of their little argument and there were still riches to be picked off the corpses- he was a bandit after all.

Ralf walked over to where the corpses lay and looked around at them, finding to his disappointment that they had been picked clean and the only way he would get anything now would be when it was shared out and that wouldn't be much at all. He let out a curse that made a few people look at him with an amused look.
Amelie the bastard:

Amelie slowly loosened her grip on cord, allowing her leader a little oxygen.
"You have my loyalty, Chalcedony, you are my leader. But I swear to you, I will not stand to see defenceless women used like animals. Even if it means that I must slay everyone of my comrades, they shall not rape again." She unwrapped the cord from his neck and tucked it back into her belt, palming a dagger in each hand, uncertain of his response. "Now I shall go and release those women. Kill them if you must. But no more whoring." She stared bleakly into his eyes, trying to convince him that though she had comitted a treasonous act, her motives were pure.

She knew that he had witnessed her skill in battle, and desperately hoped he would not try to take revenge for her rebellion. She did not want to kill him. She adjusted her grip on one of her daggers a little. Now it was aimed at his shoulder, rather than his heart. She knew that her throw would be lightning quick and painfully accurate.
OOC: Welcome, Angelius. Glad to have you.

He moved like lightning. He dropped down and the dagger went high. He swung his leg and tripped Andrew. His sword was out in seconds and to his throat. "Never. Ever. Threaten me. This woman, this whore of Paris has killed over 250 Englishmen. Do you understand that?! The other women are all her associates in business. She lures the man to her bed, then, when he is there, she sticks a pin needle into his head. I'm simply carrying out her punishment. And by the way, how do you think this camp would survive without women?! It's impossible except for people like me, who have no pleasure in such activities. Are you mad? Now, I'm afraid, we have a stand-off. You can throw that dagger and kill me, making me fall and impale you. Or, you can put the dagger away and I'll put the sword away. Finally, I'll leave you with a parting thought. I've had 20 assassination attempts on me. I left most without a graze", he said, then left the decision to her. She nervously put the dagger away, and Richard pulled the sword away, saluting her and then sliding it into it's sheath. He then moved to check the prisoners over again.
A man dropped out of the trees landing next to Chalcedony and Andrew. He was wearing a dark green shirt and pants, as was his preferance. His face was normal to say the least, an unscarred average john you could find in abundance everywhere.

When the raid on the frenchmen started, he took to the trees, to give deadly accurate assistance when needed, which it turned out not to be. Them having the circumstance under controll, he made his way around a large perimeter, looking for straglers, scouts, or even other groups. Which he found.

"There's a french patrol about 2 clicks south of here." he said. "They don't seem to have heard the commotion here yet."

"How many are there?" asked Chalcedony.

"39, including the driver and the rear scout. I took out the foward scout and hid him, though he will be missed eventually."

"What direction are they heading?"

"East by north east. If they continue in that direction, they'll skip this area, but they might stumble upon our camp."

"Good work. Thanks buddy. go warn camp."

the guy nodded and took off, nearly too damn stealthy for Chalcedony's preferance, but it was only natural for that guy to remain quiet and hidden. Unnoticed by his fellow raiders, he made his way to and through camp. Being dragged in unceramoniesly were the hostage woman. The guy made his way into the crowd of cheering raiders. only when he was midway through them was he noticed, in which case everyone shut up and let him pass.

One of the red-haired hostages was being roughed up more than the rest. Man went over to her and grabbed her away. He undid her bounds and gentily carried her to his private tent. Almost none of the raiders argued with him. One new giy started to protest but he was shut up by the rest. There was something about that nameless guy they feared. he was allways there, and yet not. He rarely spoke, sat around the campfire high in a tree, and was notorious for his accuresy.

Inside his tent, the frenchwoman started to thank him. What she didn't realize however, was that he liked to rape his women in private, and he hated to share.....
Ralf walked over to where Chalcedony and Andrew stood, cleared his throat and said, "Sorry to be a nuisance because I know you are so busy with your little dance but I overheard what our scout said and I was wondering what we were going to do because if we are going to fight them then I am going to look forward to it."

He looked at his leader and then at Andrew and saw that they weren't finished with what they had started and he didn't want to see any bloodshed before a battle with the French, if there was going to be another one.
Chalcedony turned to Ralf. "You're right. We'll move immediately. Leave 5 to gaurd all of our prisoners. Get me some horses and find our best riders. Dismissed", he said, saluting at the end. He then extended a hand to Andrew, and helped him up. "Forgiven. Stay with me through the fight, okay?" he asked gently.
It didn't take long. Befor the french redhead could think about why her body enjoyed the rape, a knife was sticking out of her heart. The man removed it and cleaned it on her shirt, placing it back in it's holster. Ripping off a piece of her blue dress, he tied the strip to his belt, next to the dozens of other pieces of cloth. Souvenears.

With haste, he made his way through the woods to his 'friends'. Actually, they were more like bosses. Through mutual interests, they had joined forces, and through his intelligence, Chalcedony had invariably become the leader. But whatever he was, the guy made his way towared him.

while rustling through the camp, he made it a point to whisper roumors about the french unit to the south. They'll be ready come what may.

Before long he was standing beside Chalcedony. "Everything is set" he said.

"Good" said Chal. "we're going to attack the french. scout them from above, and when I give the signal, create some confusion" The guy nodded and took off. Only chal knew he was there, though even he didn't see him come or go.
"Blast this wicked body. I am a mere meter tall and am wide enough that people mistake me for a balloon. My very hairy body lends people to call me a baboon. My name is Hoyle, King of Games."

That is my tale. The audience looks up at me, expectantly. "Games, my dear friends is an island several days journey from this lovely English soil." They knew I was lying and I watch as people start to leave their seats, in deference for other entertainment. No coins in my tattered helm.

My white robe is actually a tablecloth I stole a few hours ago and the golden cape is from some young girl's laundry. I decide to leave this town named Lockenshire and head into the forest, hoping to find another town with more gullible people, with deeper pockets.
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So, are we gonna do this?

If so, should we create a new thread or is this just for ideas?
OOC: Bobo: calm yourself. I'm a God, not a miracle worker. One more thing: Cryo, you don't seem to have any weaknesses. By the way, you're not supposed to kill the women. Lastly, where's Chelsea Rose?

IC: Richard tested the spear thoroughly. The French scouting party moved slowly, looking for their hideout. He threw the spear expertly and it transfixed 4 of them before it stopped. "Charge!" he roared as he crashed out of the trees, leading the attack and lopping off limbs like a madman.
Oh, good point. well then, he's the dark one of the group.

as for weeknesses, hmmm..... he's stealthy and has excellent accuracy. that's it for skills. as for weaknesses, he doesn't know what an affect Love will have on him, and is anything but immune to it. His strength is minimal, and his skill with anything but a bow is nonexistant. He stays back and hides for a reason you know.
OOC: Fair nough, but in the battles they'll be fighting, his weaknesses can't be exloited by the enemy very well.
Ralf ran straight at the scouting group, his red hair flying behind him and his ax held firmly in both hands. He let out a loud cry seconds before he swung his ax in the air, easily decapitating one of the French scouts. With that scout dead Ralf at the main group, madness in his eyes and a large cry on his lips.
"You will die at my hands you French scum. Come and let my ax taste your blood!"
Amelie the Bastard

OOC: Sorry guys, my computer crashed and had to go in for (very expensive) repairs. Oh, and remember, you're supposed to think that I'm a guy.


A small grin played at the corners of her mouth. Chalcedony, acting so bluff, even though she'd cut off his breath only moments earlier. He may have escaped other attempts without a graze, but his neck would bear bruises for days to come. But the encounter had been interesting. Fun, even.

Her earlier rage forgotten, she took his proffered hand. Next time she would just kill the women before they were raped.

Rubbing her short hair, she thought quickly of the battle ahead. Her fingers brushed lightly down her body, checking the position of her daggers.

Suddenly pain tore through her body, squeezing her chest hard. Struggling to keep upright she slumped against a tall oak tree.
Ever since she had taken a bad chill last summer, these pains came every so often. They frightened her badly- with the knowledge that they could come in battle and strip her of all her strength.

Breathing quickly she staggered away from the group, hoping no one would notice her desertion. Alone in the forest, she curled tightly into a tiny ball of pain. Fire burned through her chest and she drifted in and out of consciousness with the pain.
OOC: Got it.

IC: Richard filed back slowly, his stump of a left arm hurting like Hell. As he walked into the camp, he saw Andrew curled up, gasping. He rushed over and helped him up. "Are you all right? Waht happened?" he asked.