OOC Invite Only CC

Bring back what you know, and it can peiced together with what Pet gave us, making the mansion the likely place. So that's where we'll hit.
Also remember we have information from the man Chewey and I got, though it wan't much that was viable, but it'll be enough to help.
I'd like everyone to end up back at the house to plan the final battle scene where we take the house, rescue the girl, probably blow the place up (my kind of party) fire everywhere, chaos reigning and the job done.
Least you got to go to yours, LOL.
I didn't. Joys of being an assistant manager with Radio Shack and having your ENTIRE store get sick.:rolleyes:
Oh well, it was dull from what I hear. And the Military Ball (HS JROTC) as great fun.
APET, I am just posting this part since I would imagine that is how my character would be. Do with it what you will. If nothing else, it could be a pleasant diversion......*winks*
Pooh......hope you do not mind Felix finding you. If so, let me know and I will change my post. I was not sure what you had in mind.
If you don't have a problem with them by chance finding each other in a park, neither do I.
I think I'd have a bigger problem making a couple of gunshots into a mob hit on the news. I'd imagine, whoever was left there alive, probably would have covered up what had taken place... But, just my opinion.
Fair enough. I just did not want to jump in if you had something specific if mind that you wanted to do.
To Everyone- sorry if I've been distant lately. Hubby's visiting his family in CA and I'm pretty much by myself here right now. Being away from him makes me darker, less chatty, more introverted then I'd like to be. *sighs* Guess I'm lucky- he brings out better qualities in me then I do, LOL.
So that's why my threads are moving a bit slowly and why I'm not posting much lately. Thanks for understanding (or at least reading this far.)
Things will get back to normal once he's back here, in about a week or so. Thanks for your patience till then.
Likely excuse......... hehehe. Actually, I found I write better when my wife is not here. LOL .
I can't post till someone opens the door and let's me in. Geez Vix..... you have GOT to hire a doorman....... hehehe.

I can't post till someone opens the door and let's me in. Geez Vix..... you have GOT to hire a doorman....... hehehe.

I'm sorry *cries pitiously*
Okay, I'm done.

Sorry haven't been posting much, my damn muse is still in CA.
I know exactly how you feel. This time of year its hard for me to concentrate enough to be on Lit. I try to get out and play ball when I can, so its tough to sit here and type. Plus the NBA Playoffs are going on right now.

chewbacca71 said:
I know exactly how you feel. This time of year its hard for me to concentrate enough to be on Lit. I try to get out and play ball when I can, so its tough to sit here and type. Plus the NBA Playoffs are going on right now.

Eh, I'm not a big sunshine person, though it was nice going out yesterday. Eneded up at the same random festival I did last year this time. Rather odd I think and I still don't know what the damn things' for.
Got to ring the temple bells though- that was interesting.
Moving along- yeah, muse still isn't back and I'm gonna tan his hide when he does cause I miss his silly ass. Sighs.
Hmmm..... Pooh comes up with an interesting plot twist. Can't wait to see where this goes.
Calling ScarredSoul82 and Third Magus, are you two up for coming back to finish this thread? I am sure Vix can find a way to work you back into the plot.....
Actually, it's an old plot twist... well, at least an old plot twist for me. I've had it in the back of my mind for awhile now, but was looking for a good opportunity to put it into effect.
This seems like the perfect place. A definite way to change the rules of the game.
Run with it, Pooh.
I've not been a very good thread-runner (or whatever you wish to call it), so you've not had a lot to work off of lately. My muse is back now, so things should return to thier norm... so to speak.
Besides- this could be interesting.
Since when did Vix and Normal go together? Did I miss that memo???? hehehe
Lovely plot twists so far...here's a question though..with the resident psychic on board is it feasible that Letisha would get a sense of *wrongness* from Terra? (Due to the Fae magicks used against him..)

Also...would like to send help to Ty...can we think of a way to get her out of the mess she is now in without her having to play dead??
Okay, Cara and Meele are off to help Ty so she's taken care of.

Letisha would get a sense of wrongness from Terra, a very strong one. Cara won't sense the spell until Letisha says anything cause she won't be looking for it.

Pooh- great plot twist.

Sorry my post ran so long, lot needed to be said.
Hmmmm now that was two interesting posts in a row. I love the plot change. It will certainly keep us on our toes.