OOC: Late Night with Cervantes De Leon!

Hahahaha! I could play the Dark Magician Girl herself!

Awesome! ^_^

Hey, do you think Cervantes should hire some sidekicks like Space Ghost has? Cuz spellbooks cost money, you know. ;)

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You're on the list Darktalon, it might be a couple 'shows' before we can get to you, but stick around and we'll have you on. We'll have anyone on! ;) Even you, Val... ;) *Booking special guest for Val's show* Muahahah!

Cervies not much into spell books, mostly booze and whores really, but thats on his off time. Oh, you mean, you want to play an Ed to my Carson JC? Sure, I'd be on board for that if you'd like to. :)
The DMG makes a good sidekick. I'm too young and naive for your reference, but I think I know what you mean. ^_^

You can hire me for the next episode. ;)
For the Shit Heaps post...for those that have read it...could you give me a heads up and tell me what you thought? :D

Oh Cervie..... mmm how about a new guest

I would love to tease and torment you through a 'interview'
Oh, but, you never know, perhaps Cervie will be the one to taunt you... ;) The first show is by no means the best representative toward how... RAW Cervie can be... He's only just getting his berings in the biz.
Hairy And The Hendersons

Hay Raven Loft Can i play the next Band you can Call Us Hairy ANd the Hendersons Thell be fun I Gurente it

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How could anyone pass this up?

Hey Raven, I'd absolutely love to be on this show. I think I have some interesting stories and some interesting takes on the work Im doing....
BWUL! That was Classic DarkTalon! *Clapping*

Okay, Harry and the Hendersons are booked for our next musical guests

You'll be scheduled a couple shows from now Jeremy.

If anyone wants, when there's a comercial spot, you can post your own comercials, thanks for the idea Talon! Just, no more than three comercial posts between breaks, please, thank you.

LOL! I am SUPER happy with how this is turning out! Thank you all for helping make this thread work!!!

Hey Raven...

Come a little closer
Love me a little better

I'll post some commericals on your next few breaks.
I won't forget about you Quiet_Cool.

But Polite, you don't like hairy guys... :p

Feel free to post comercials. ;)
I'd go on but then we'd need Hy, and if Hy is on and I'm on, then JC, Hy and I are in one trhead at the same time, and if we are all in this show at the same time only one thing could happen, that would be the audience yelling jerry jerry constantly while JC trys breacking up the fight between Hy and myself, all the while the censors will be beeping out sware words, while people at home are cracking up, then Arc will show up even though she wasn't supose to be on this show but instead the next one, any how Hy and I will end up chain to a wall blameing each other for being chained to a wall while JC plans to take advantage of Hy, and I try to figure out weatehr I have the higher score or Hy does, Hy will escape and start deuling Arc with wits, all and all sounds like fun.

(That was one hell of a run on sentence.)
Cats, Hy, and I should be in a band that performs on the show regularly.

Just a thought.
I call bagpipes! Waitr then again theirs the triangle..... Hmmm life is full of hard choices.

(Honestly I wouldn't be in here often enough to be a permament band member.)
Well, but if you're a member of the band, it'd be easy to NPC you for a while.

I'm lead singer, of course. And I could do horn solos with my metal hat!
JC I would call you nuts but that would insult the people who are nuts like Hy and me. :)
Ahhh, so tahts your real name. Adorably Eccentric, a strange name mind you, but whos normal any ways.
That was almost not funny except then I thought:

That should be our band name!

Adorably Eccentric and the _____. Something. Think of something.