OOC: Operation: Vengence

GREAT POSTS. I love them!!

Gamina is going to set up an IC thread. We can cut and paste the posts into it. We'll use this thread as an OOC.

One thing... the bad guys are "human trafficking" slavers. So instead of Cuban and Russian soldiers... please adjust to mercenaries from Cuba and Russia.


Not so necessary. Russian military becomes increasingly privatised nowadays, and if we have near future setting as it seems we have... It not that much difference. Also, they have not too many friends and don't flinch doing deals with bad guys.

Also the way it is being set up now seems to imply just about anyone has some interest in the, whatever, is going on over there.
Code name: "APC" real name Tygun Waxnor
Age: 28
Personality: Quiet and thoughtful
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Other: Looks can be deceiving when it comes APC. He is a big strong man, but he seldom uses violence to achieve his goals. He is always courteous and he is careful.

He works for the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA). That activity does not have field agents, so what and why, APC goes on missions is unknown.
Name & Rank: "SwipeRight" or Flic for her friends CIA Asset Hacker
Age: 19
Personality: introvert and rather shy but thrives under pressiure
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Other: was arrested two years ago for releasing the pornplaylists of several Senators, she was flipped as an asset by the CIA. While technicly a prisoner, she does know that her position will lead to a job as long as she keeps proving she is thrust worthy and the best at what she does. While she sometimes struggles with respecting the authorities, she does realises how much good she can do in her postion.

Hmmm might need to check what exactly are the investments my husband is making in Latvia lol

It's dedicated to the mother of a soldier, and motherland, mother Latvia.


Māt, tava šūpuļa dziesmas
Dzied, kas nededzis liesmās
Nededzis dedzināts

Māt, kļavas zied, koki runā
Tiecas mākoņiem tuvāk
Debesis remdināt

Es gribu lietu just un rasu rīta saulē
Un ik dienu teikt paldies, jo mirklis īss
Tu mani sauci cauri klusumam un taurēm
Kad aizgāji dēls, mājās pārnāca karavīrs

Māt, zaļo sētsmietu sētās
Rīta zvaigznes krīt rētās
Uzplēšs, klusē un krāj

Es gribu lietu just un rasu rīta saulē
Un ik dienu teikt paldies, jo mirklis īss
Tu mani sauci cauri klusumam un taurēm
Kad aizgāji dēls, mājās pārnāca karavīrs

Māt, Tavas sirds melodijas
Cauri klusumam vienas
Tur kur dvēseles stāj

Es gribu lietu just un rasu rīta saulē
Un ik dienu teikt paldies, jo mirklis īss
Tu mani sauci cauri klusumam un taurēm
Kad aizgāji dēls, karavīrs

Es gribu lietu just un rasu rīta saulē
Un ik dienu teikt paldies, jo mirklis īss
Tu mani sauci cauri klusumam un taurēm
Kad aizgāji dēls, mājās pārnāci karavīrs

(My attempt to translate can't do justice to the song, but still must be infinitely better than Google)

Mother, your lullabies
Sing, who didn't burn in flames
Didn't burn when being burn

Mother, maples flower, trees speak
Striving closer to the clouds
Heavens to soothe

I want to feel rain and dew in morning sun
And every day say thanks, because moment so short
You called me through silence and trumpets
When you went away son, home you returned soldier

Mother, in ranches with greening fence posts *
Morningstars fall in scars *
Rip a new, stay silent and collect

I want to feel rain and dew in morning sun
And every day say thanks, because moment so short
You called me through silence and trumpets
When you went away son, home you returned soldier

Mother, melodies of your heart
Through the silence alone
There where souls stop

I want to feel rain and dew in morning sun
And every day say thanks, because moment so short
You called me through silence and trumpets
When you went away son, a soldier

I want to feel rain and dew in morning sun
And every day say thanks, because moment so short
You called me through silence and trumpets
When you went away son, home you returned soldier


* it's chock full of symbols and references, but this one doesn't make sense unexplained, it reference a folksong that goes something like this:

Who will see fence posts to sprout leaves
Who will see morning star to rise in the evening **
She will see to come home
Brother who went to war

(** actually astronomically incorrect impossibility (Morningstar and Evening star both refer to Venus), but sounds good, so let's forgive artistic licence)
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Jungle Air Drop coming up. This will be an exciting part. Please have your characters do real heroic stuff. The character are bigger than life. But please don't kill all the bad guys... leave some for your fellow writers/characters!!
A preview of my next post!!

30 mins later

The C-130 flew just above the tree tops of the dense jungle. The visibility sucked with only moon light to fly by. There was nothing but dense jungle below the aircraft. The Sierra de Perija, a branch of the Venezuelan Andes mountain range, made the aircraft change course many times, flying in valleys and between mountain peaks.

The jungle below was similar to the Amazon. There were many different types of animals and insects which would certainly devour the Seppuku Squad if through bad fortune they crashed. Jaguars, electric eels, man-eating piranha, and bushmaster snakes, the most dreaded vipers in all of South America.

The pilot’s skill was very good. He did not just look the part, he knew how to fly. The plane had actually tapped the tree tops a few times as it flew to the drop zone.

10 mins out

“BOGIES, BOGIES, BOGIES, 8 O’CLOCK” The co-pilot yelled into the radio.

“SHIT” Codi yelled back as her team was just about to get into their parachute seats. She felt the C-130 heel left and start to climb.

“SU-30 Flankers!! We’re fucking DEAD!!!” The pilot reported

“APC… open the cargo hatch” Codi ordered. The big man was closest to the opening controls. He pressed the button and the hatch slowly opened.

“Lead Aircraft firing missiles!! Deploying counter measures!!” The co-pilots yelled.

As the cargo bay door opened, Codi and the rest of the team could see what was going on. There were three high performance fighters closing on them rapidly. The lead aircraft had fired two missiles… which streaked towards them. Hot IR counter measure flares had deployed from the C-130 as the transport aircraft banked hard right. The flares were working as Codi watch the AA-11 Archer missiles head towards the flares. But it was going to be close, very close!

For some reasons, while she hung onto the bulkhead to remain standing during the wild aircraft manuvers, she pulled her M4A1 Carbine Assault Rifle and fired a short burst at the inbound missile. It is unknown what caused the missile to blow up. A defeat in the missile, the missile striking a flare, or by some wild ass luck, Codi’s rounds, but the missile did explode.

“And that gentlemen, is how you shot down missiles!!” Codi bragged over the radio. The fighters had much more speed than the C-130 and flew by their plane. All three banked and were coming around to attack again. Everyone saw that none of the planes had any more missiles.

“No more missiles… they’ll switch to guns!” The Co-pilot said over the radio.

“They must not have had time to load all the plane. We have a chance!!” Codi declared with joy over the PTT. “Everyone, pick a side of the aircraft and get ready to fire at those planes when they come too close. They will not expect our counter attack!!”

“Pilot… resume course to drop zone. Straight and level. We provide you cover fire!” She told the pilot.

In the cockpit

“Is she fucking kidding??” The major asked his co-pilot.

“No… I guess she thinks she’s in a B-24”

“Well, NO FUCKING WAY I’M GOING STRAIGHT AND LEVEL, but the sooner she is off this plane the BETTER” he said as he banked back to the drop zone.
i picked the country because it was hostile to US. I had no idea it was going to go crazy during the story. Well... we might be able to use that in our story.

Perhaps... SOCOM/CIA triggered some political unrest to assist Commander Banner's squad.

Or it is just random good luck.

Sorry about the sudden parachute. I just figure it was a another nice way to torture the characters!!

Anyhow, there are parachute for a few people in the C-130 cockpit... or some of you can jump on the device before it leaves the airplane... or glide like james bond to the device.

If you hate the post I can edit.
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My DSR rifle

Just in case I will double it here too: while firing at the first fighter I had written my sniper rifle as already fixed to the landing basket.

Right now I don't plan to directly visit the landing site, so please someone fetch it for me.

As far sniper rifles go it is rather light and very compact. Less than 6kg empty, maybe 9kg with that smart scope and amo (two mags right on the rifle, working is in the back, the hot-swap spare in front of trigger guard), and not a full meter in total length.

If a need arise, someone with passing familiarity with a bolt action firearm may even attempt to use it.
sorry for the delay, crazy weekend with the kids, will post my part tomorrow