OOC: The Dragon Wars

Zircon said:

Shrekkk! Cuts of both Hy's and Cat's tail for a Chinese Mix Dragon & Cat soup... with mushrooms, carrots and tomatoes... hmmmmm...

Hey Frick and Frack! You two aren't going to just sit back and let the Z-Man make soup out of you, ARE YOU? :eek:

Hello, Butch/Goda! Welcome to Dragon Wars. The main thread is just further down the page. Take a read and jump right in. :D

*An new tail begins to grow back...* I can regenerrate my tail once in a while.....

Lizzard can grow his tail back. Ha, well I can do better then that. But I don't want to just yet. So for now I will remein tailless.

As for the soup, I'll make soup out of you Z! *Kicks Z in the nuts.*
Kick me in the nuts, will ya...! Cuts off Cat's nuts to make Connecticut/Rocky Mountain Oysters for Chewey...

Head butt me, will ya...! Cuts off Hy's head to make Dragon Head Sushi for Maid...

Z why are you bringing chewy and Maid in this.

*Head bunt, then trips then rips off nuts. Then pokes out eyes. Then trows the parts into his stew.*
Hi people sry about that had some family things to do but im back and up and running! Yay! Looking forward to all your posts.


Life is like a rose beautiful and delicate but every turn does have its little pricks.
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Krysta said:
Hi people sry about that had some family things to do but im back and up and running! Yay! Looking forward to all your posts.


Life is like a rose beautiful and delicate but every turn does have its little pricks.

Speaking of little pricks... where are Cats and Hybird? hehehe

Welcome to the thread Kyrsta and also Butch.


thanks chewy. I dunno I havent been around much to see whats all goin on. But at least there are starting to be more posts lol. Well see you on the flip side.


If you build it they will come!
Chewy, who are you calling a little prick. Now maybe Hy is a prick but little prick no way. He's a big prick like you.
The only prick here is chewie and that smart mouth of his if you ask me!

Didnt mean to start a spat. Just a lil quote I say now and again when things dont go my way. I dont mean it to anyone here. Peace to all.


"Behold the dog bone, but do not lickith the dog bone, for he who lickith the dog bone shall never cease from licking. Its just that good!"
Hi and Welcome to Dragon Wars, Krysta.

Don't worry about offending people with your gore post, as this is an adult site, and we're all adults, well... some of us anyway...

Anyway, down in the Lit crypts is a a thread call Nighshade Cafe, which is a front for a gore fest if you want to see some examples...

:D Z
(for once Zirc is right...) *ahem!* Right! We had been looking for people for that thread (Ever since the owner had to leave)

I had also been looking for new people on my thread
Holy shit! I hadn't even noticed Nightshade cafe is gone! Thats one of the oldest threads. It's been around since I joined.

Also Highschool blues is a very good thread. But the only players right now are me and Hy....... How did that happen?

I never relised cafe night shade was a thread. I thought it was a ask questions and chat thread. Like fantsy advatars or the first thread on this page...... I can't rember what it's called.

About offending some one it's pretty hard to do. So just relax.
We are still recruting Cats!!! there still some that are willing to play you know? so Come on down!!!
I didn't relise I was excited. Sorry Hy but the fact of the matter is High school blues only has to players. But it still has a very good plot.

Speacking of plot. Whats the plot behind cafe night shade.
There's no true plot right now (since the owner had to leave) But right now we are hunting a Demon that escaped into a evil carnival
Are you limited to humans or can you play as vampires deamons angels and other foke. Not I have a fear of clowns and will not go into the carnival until my tail grows back..... Oh wait thats lizards that can grow back lost tails..... Then why did some one cut off my tail?

LOL ok thanks. I am building up for something big I just need to get the feel of things first. This helps me understand more how my character is goin to act. And I think I have it. So...look forward to a wonderful post comming soon hopefully.

"Behold the dog bone, but do not lickith the dog bone, for if you lickith the dog bone, you shall never cease from licking. Its just that good!"

hey got a quick question. What is the slayers weaknesses and strong points. That i am confuzzed on. I dont have much time to go back and read all the posts so can someone please post it for me on this page. Thanks !


"Behold the dog bone, but do not lickith the dog bone, for he who lickiths the dog bone shall never cease from licking. Its just that good!":heart:
Zircon said:
Hi and Welcome to Dragon Wars, Krysta.

Don't worry about offending people with your gore post, as this is an adult site, and we're all adults, well... some of us anyway...

Anyway, down in the Lit crypts is a a thread call Nighshade Cafe, which is a front for a gore fest if you want to see some examples...

:D Z

I don't think Z meant this as an invitation to post there, so much as an example of what kind of gory stuff has been posted in this forum previously.

It was kind of an "okay" to feel free to post whatever Krysta is happy with. (Although the level of violence in the OOC should show that you guys don't cringe at anything much. (K) )

The Translator for Certain Sometimes Missing Z Men
~M :D