OOC: The Price of Freedom

Wolfsister said:
That amount of money should make everybody at least a little happy :D

Oh, I'm not complaining, at all. But, I don't think I'd want the position of President. I'd have to worry more about looking good in the public eye than doing some actual good.

Name: Ken Kurt

Ability: He can read the energy flow in people. He can tell their emotions, actions, even some of their past and what their likly to do. He can judge brain capability, and whats it used for. He is like a super shrink or something! He can also see thermal energy. He is also able to monitor his own energy, so he is always at near perfect health.

Description: He usally dresses in a brown cloth hat, glasses, a baggy shirt and swetter, and some nice used jeans :cathappy: .

Temperment: He is usally never angry, as he can predict moods and his own. But if he does get angry, his body gets stronger up to a point and he gets enhanced reflexes and a limited ability to affect the energy he can see.

History: He was designed to read enemy movements and use them to lead a group into combat. He was mostly a success, but he saw the pain of those who suffered and rebeled. He is trained in leadership, close range combat, tatics, basic survival, and limited firearms(he did't have any other affective way to attack).

Weapons: He carries two short swords, a small handgun, a single barreled shotgun(a small one) and an assortment of daggers and knives.
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Iv fullfilled my promise for one more charecter. Now i truly have nothing to do :cathappy: . Time to get angelus to post! Or to see whats on tv. :D
let3us2be1free0 said:
Iv fullfilled my promise for one more charecter. Now i truly have nothing to do :cathappy: . Time to get angelus to post! Or to see whats on tv. :D

Go watch some TV. It's going to be awhile before Angelus posts.
well, i have my main, one i thought up on the spot, and this one, who i promised angelus to make. Ill see if i can handle three, and try to go from there :cathappy: .
let3us2be1free0 said:
well, i have my main, one i thought up on the spot, and this one, who i promised angelus to make. Ill see if i can handle three, and try to go from there :cathappy: .

You know, your last character's abilities pretty much render my character's camouflage useless. Unless, of course, you intend to have the camouflage confuse your character's ability or something like that.
Jedi_Khan said:
You know, your last character's abilities pretty much render my character's camouflage useless. Unless, of course, you intend to have the camouflage confuse your character's ability or something like that.
sorry, i forgot about the dragon :cathappy: . How about the dragons shape makes the energy flow diffrently then usual, so he thinks something is there, but dons't know what?
let3us2be1free0 said:
sorry, i forgot about the dragon :cathappy: . How about the dragons shape makes the energy flow diffrently then usual, so he thinks something is there, but dons't know what?

Um, he's not a pure blood dragon. Hell, he's mostly human. What makes him dragconic are the wings and scales (among other things).
The shape thing still applies. I like to call him the dragon cause he acts alot like one. And its very simple to remember :D . If everyones names were simple like mine, i would attempt to remember them.....
let3us2be1free0 said:
The shape thing still applies. I like to call him the dragon cause he acts alot like one. And its very simple to remember :D . If everyones names were simple like mine, i would attempt to remember them.....

Simple names, like yours? What's that supposed to mean? His name is John "Draco" Hera.
Jedi_Khan said:
Simple names, like yours? What's that supposed to mean? His name is John "Draco" Hera.
Havent seen his name in a while, sorry. It is simple :cathappy: . For some reason alot of people like to think of complicated names for their charecters.... Drives me insane......
let3us2be1free0 said:
And by name i mean charecter name of course :cathappy: :eek: :D .

Yeah, I realized that. But did you realize that his nickname is Draco because he is part dragon? Haven't you ever seen the movie Dragonheart?
Jedi_Khan said:
Yeah, I realized that. But did you realize that his nickname is Draco because he is part dragon? Haven't you ever seen the movie Dragonheart?
I'm not sure if i saw the movie. I knew about the nickname, but i forgot about the entire name. Period.
let3us2be1free0 said:
All this really helped with is improving out post count a little. :D Yay!

And yet, I'm ahead of you. You're little break helped me get the lead. ;)
let3us2be1free0 said:
lol. once my other posts get active again, im gonna skyrocket :D .

Eh, I'll still be climbing steadily. I seem to have a more consistent posting activity. While you go in fits and spurts, I keep a rather steady average. At least, I think so.
Well, I must be off. It's late here, and I need sleep. Good night, Freebie, Wolfsister. See you all tomorrow.