OOC: The Slayer Chronicles

lol, just finished darlin. Don't get fussy with me, though you are cute when yer mad. :D
Oops, I even scaned threw that one looking for the second slayer. Oh well I guess I am blind.

Yeah it would make more sense if Jayde was killed then. Simply because she is older. She thought my character was the villain trying to take over the city, despite that he just killed that villain. Honest mistake, and it still sets my chara up as a villain.
we can start whenever someone with a main charater wants to kick it off :)
Um... well I am ready to begin when ever.

I am finaly out of school so I might jsut have free time.
Good stuff. Whoever starts the thread, just please post the link here and the rest of us shall follow it. Thanks!
Thanks for starting the thread Mag. Yer a gentleman and a scholar....or some such crap like that. :D
Okay so James previously Killed Jayde for a short time. So that is the one that will likely not be hapy to see him. Check.
Um... do you have the tiny black holes that go so well on pizza?
"No, now get off the line before you trip and fall on an icepick six or seven times."


...Who said I owned the bar, cats?
Crap, lack of logic! Well on to editing a psot or two.
I said in my first post the "other customers".

That seems to infer he's a customer, wouldn't you think?

Yeah, TM, what if neither slayer wants to pick up the phone? Then what? A random pizzaria?

"Now, if you don't mind, I gotta order these two pizzas to these ladies who said they're drive stakes through my heart if I was late. Ironic, huh, the two of them said that?"
hey I edited it.

Now to answer your question about who said you own the bar. Well aparently I did. Any how it gave me a chance to fix my normal spelling errors so that is good.
so was wondering if you guys were interested in another player I was thinking a witch type like willow...except not exactly willow... also .. was interested in when you guys switfched times and all .. about doing a pirate slayer... (cause that is like awsome times.. okay im done with my valley girl bit)

So here she is let me know what you guys think and whether I could join..

Her name is: Raven Evinspire
Her age: 17
Eyes: golden brown, the color of mayple syrup.. usually hiddne under glasses.
hair: Long dark and wavy

Raven is a quiet mousy girl, doesnt talk much, extremely smart. She usally hides out in the library and is constantly reading, Doesnt really have much friends, and lives in the older part of the nieghborhood. Her parents are part of the "ton" of society and she abhores parties..Thus she appears to the mundane..

She is a natural witch, mostly researches many things, has much knowledge about herbs, potions, internal powers, the elements, historical artifacts and .. other lore which is of convenient need. Can definately make some damage with the offensive magic.. simply chooses not to....
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Anyone seen MissChevious? I left her a perfect opening to pop into the thread and yet I find myself hanging. Any idea?
Hmm, yeah hate it when that happens. Thanks for being pateint though.

My advice is to simply have your character escape and then join into teh main plot else where.
Good point, I'll give her another day or 2 then do that. Thanks for the suggestion, I prolly otherwise woulda been hanging ass in breeze!