OOC: To the Open Sea- Casting call and discussion (Open to all)

And now, finally, answering people's questions!

Okay, that was an exhausting hour or so getting that all set up. So, onto people's questions for the thread!

Well Miguelito, I must admit that you have had some good questions recently. And to be honest, this be the toughtest thing I have ever attempted after RPGing all these years. As to our Orc, I would be fine having them in thread if you can work out a way to make them fit smothly.Anyway, here are some things to answer your questions.

1- After some serious thought on the issue of races, I have decided to make this a human dominated thread, but there will be other creatures. This world contains the following races (so far):

Mermaids and Mermen- Like all good sailor tales, they like to lure sailors to their dooms, though they can be befriended if you help them.

Elves- Tall, thin, and very shy. Elves tend to live on secluded islands far from others. Known as the best Navigators for their ability to sense the currents of life around them (strong magic users). Tend to associate with the Freebooters and The Lost.

Gnomes- Very short, round, jolly, hardy and generally mistreated. Can be found most places. Gnomes tend to get the most menial of tasks in this world. Their small size makes them the perfect compliment to a ship's cat and also it's carpenter.

Goblins- Short, slight, cowardly, cruel and poor sailors. Found almost only in the Pirate Cabal's islands. They tend to be attach themselves to an Orc as his personal servents and guards.

Orcs- About middle height, broad in sholders and back, very nasty, and decent sailors. Can be found on most islands, more often in the Pirate Cabal's chain of islands. Their naturally nasty dispositions make them easily had crew members for pirate crews. They tend to do alot of the fighting.

Humans- Come in all shapes, sizes, colors, skill levels, can be found anywhere and tendencies where good and evil are concerned. They are the most numerous people in this world and have a decent talent for magic though some islands seem to bring this talent more than others.

Dwarves- Found only on Rockwall Island, they are loyal allies to the Kingdom of Rockwall. Short, stocky, tough, and excellent miners and close in fighters. They work the mines on Rockwall island and serve as heavy infantry in the rockwall army and some select detachments serve on board ship. Do not swim well at all (sink like rocks most of the time)

Ogres- Can be found on a few islands way out in the open ocean. No one is sure how they got there or what they descended from. Tall, tough, savage, and dumb, ogres can be found on occassion in the Pirate and Lost fleets.

2- Gods and Religion: I have decided to go with a system of 5 major gods that are worshiped. There may be others that come down the line, but we will cross that bridge when we get there.

Avena- Goddess of Sky and Wind. Is seen as a somewhat no-nonsense deity, since often the winds change suddenly if she is not kept appeassed. Consorts with Lagrem, god of the ocean. Seen as the patron of the Freebooters.

Lagrem- God of Water and the Ocean. A well respected and feared diety, since he gives life with the bounty of the sea and takes it away in his raging storms. Seen as the patron of the Kingdom of Rockwall.

Unt- God of Fire and Learning. Seen as the god that seperates man from beasts, Unt is revered by almost all creatures. For without fire, a creature cannot live as well as it does now. And without fire, a creature would not strive to learn more. Seen as the patron of the Dwarves.

Tyvilia- Goddess of Death and Destruction. Feared for the effect that she has on her worshippers. A devout followers can entera berzker rage and be filled with bloodlust. She is seen as the patron of the Pirates and wilder creatures.

Gesyt- God of Jugement and the Afterlife. He is little known,but also feared for he cotrols the scales by which one is judged. If one is deemed worthy, they can pass through the gates of gold and enter an afterlife of luxury. If deemed lacking, they will be re-born to try again. If deemed lacking and to dangerous, they are banished to a place with no light, nor hope for redemption.
This looks like its gearing up to be something fun.
*rugs hands together*
I'll be one of the mates aboard the Amarante if that is all right.

James Carver. A loud drunen obnoxious excuse for a pirate. He has long curly black hair, dark green eyes and usually a drunken slur in his speech (depending on the time of day it is).

He is a good pirate, an excellent swordsman, carries an ever sharp rapier on his side, and never misses a party. Can steer a ship when he's sober, and is pretty good with seafaring in general.

Can not wait to start.
Baron Mordo said:
Ship- HMS Dauntless, Frigate, 40 cannon, 250 crew
Crew Members:
Ian Cain- played by AmenRa
Title- Commander, in the service of the King's Royal Pirate Hunters
Affiliation- Kingdom of Rockwall
Location: Port of Last Rest, Admirality HQ

Sounds like the boat for me. Permission to come aboard AmenRa? You are not specified as captain. Do we need to fill in someone else for that? Or will you fill it in?

And seeing as reason_why is so interested in seeing a well groomed orc, and you've okayed it Baron, I suppose I really can't resist the temptation.

He has been called a humble scout, a lying thief, an honored Karg's Son (a sort of warrior priest), a bad shaman, and a great lover and friend.
He spent his childhood among a tribe of orcs who made peaceful treaty with a nation of elves so they could remain on their homeland. He taught himslef the worship of a god of decay whose source of power came from betraying the god of death in that world. He then traveled to another world in which he was made an honored cult hero to a mother goddess from a darkness pantheon.
He has quested accross outer planes and between worlds and through long forgotten mythic places.
He is roughly six and a half feet tall, clean shaven accross his whole head and clear of complection. His skin is of a mildly pleasing light green, with dark brown hair when it grows, and deep blue eyes, and the sweetest dimples when he smiles, revealing his prominent sharp white teeth.
He comes dressed in one of two ways. On ship he most likey wears a worn suit of bezainted leather with a simple matching cap to keep off the sun. On land he would likely change into his magically crafted lead plate armor, designed to be 100% silent, and strengthened to better resist attack.
Either way, he always fastens it with a fine black belt around his waist which has a simple enchantment to make him stronger.
Weapons carried include the following: a magical longbow which he stole from a "good" version of himself in dream dimension enchanted to fire true, especially againt those "evil elves," a ceremonial lead mace bound with the spirit of a dead hero from that mother goddess cult to advise him how to be a better priest/hero, and a broadsword the was crafted from the essence of death itself.
He has a couple unusual abilities that he won from various quests (water breathing, turn invisible for a short time each day, and very limited duration resistance to the powers of undead) and through rigorous study (see spirits and bind them into charms through will to will confrontation, and cast spells granted by his god which notably he doesn't have on in this world yet).
He is also a master trapper and well untrapper? (boxman)

I figure his last adventure had him sneaking off one way when his god told him to go the other and he ended up in a world other than his own. So he ends up here just outside of (the?) Port of Last Rest. He senses no connection to his gods, so he figures he's safe to slum it a while and blend into that quiet life he always wanted. Eventually when the money runs out ( at the first vendor who realizes the mint of his coinage is a bit funny), he decides he needs work, and since working on a ship usually means lodging as well, he looks to enlist.

Lugging a large sack, he swaggers (staggers?) up to dock, looks for the cleanest looking ship in the harbor and waits for someone who looks like they are in charge. "Hey-O there! Might ye be the Captain? I'm a strong honest lad with nimble fingers, and just a little experience on a ship. Suppose you could offer some work to a lost traveler down on his luck?"

How about that?
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I would be glad to have an Orc aboard my ship. A hearty hand he would be.

As for the captain of the vessel, Ian Cain carries the rank of commander in his Majesty's Navy, and therefore has been placed in the position of commanding officer of The Dauntless.

Sounds great to me, as long as the Baron ok's it.

Welcome aboard!
Casting closed for now

Okay gang, casting is now closed for open enrollment. If you have not put in your request to be involved in the thread prior to this you will need to wait for while. Once the adventure is underway you can petition to be let in.

The process for petitioning will be pretty straight forward. Put a character into this thread with a request to come aboard a particular vessel at a specific point in the game. The person whose vessel you want on will make the call as to whether or not they will have you. If they say yes, and it will not seriously interrupt the flow of the game, your in.

Just want to let everyone know that I look forward to this and I hope its as good as it can be!
Hey everyone ^_^

Anyone whose character is without a ship at the moment...feel free to join the Amarante. Lockpicks are completely welcome, too.

I need to go on leave for a week perhaps, so feel free to start even without Allie acknowledging a thing.

The Cast List was very helpful, thanks ^_^ Can't wait to RP with everyone!

Much love,

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Crew of the Anne

Just so I don't cross my characters later on:

Rufus Ironoak- captain
Tori Orion- first mate

Crattax- helmsman:
Cook- duh

Bira- rigging aid/rope master
Duvoi- generic sailor, a marvel with a scrub brush
""- cabin boy who has yet to be names.

I'll be editing this a lot as we go.

Regarding my sig line...

Know what it's from?
AmenRa said:

Regarding my sig line...

Know what it's from?

Not a clue. And while I could google it, that wouldn't be as amusing as you telling me, LOL.
It's from an old movie, An American Werewolf In London.

The main character finds himself waking up in the London Zoo, naked and in the wolf cage. He sneaks out, and sees a little boy holding some balloons. He snatches the balloons and runs away. The little boy promptly reports to his mother, "A naked American man just stole my balloons."
AmenRa said:
It's from an old movie, An American Werewolf In London.

The main character finds himself waking up in the London Zoo, naked and in the wolf cage. He sneaks out, and sees a little boy holding some balloons. He snatches the balloons and runs away. The little boy promptly reports to his mother, "A naked American man just stole my balloons."

OMG that's cute!
Hey there AmenRa

We should work out some common ideas on who else is on the ship. I kind of have an idea of one of the higher ranking officers -- responsible for night shift -- being corrupt ever so slightly. And I planned on having a couple of bullies on ship try to start trouble with me (so I can put the hurt on em).

I'd like to know about what standard of ranking you would like to use, and create a common list of officers for all key possitions with a line about each one's character.
Kind of like Vixandra is doing.

Since you are running the ship, I figure you get first pick on all that.
Otherwise I'm going to start making people up in a few days with ruthless abandon.
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