OOC:Twilight Saga Based Thread, Who's With Me?

Seth can be an NPC, that leaves us needing Emmett and Edward to really get started. Time to call in favors from friends, peeps.
Ok, now once we get a good Edward we can begin. Anyone know of any decent writers who could help us out and take on Edward?
Not male but willing to try writing one (I've written just about every orientation of female here).

I'd like to write Edward, if that's acceptable? Though if you have a male lined up for the job, I understand.
Welcome!!! And, now, ladies, we can begin! I'll get an intro and an in character thread up in a couple of hours. Meanwhile, start brainstorming some interesting subplot ideas and character interactions. :)
Thanks. I'm reading through the draft of "Midnight Sun" to get a more Edwardian tone. I think this is going to be a lot of fun.
I don't think I realized what a challenge writing a psychic character in third person would be.

Personally, I think setting up different colors for different character's thoughts will make it easier to keep track of. Anyone have color preferences?
Needing Men...

Guess its the old fashioned gentleman in me, but I'm responding to the damsels...

I'm interested in a character in your Twilight thread, but in looking at the lead post it seems Emmett is taken and Jacob is comatose. The big bear of the family is my favorite Vampire, but I lean a bit towards the Wolves.

Wanted to post my interest and flexiblity - Can play Jake, or another of the tribe, or Emmett... hell, one of the Volturi... I aim to please.

I believe Alice is a fan of purple so I'll use that for her. Oh, and I remembered after my posting she can't see things relating to the wolves normally so this will be a freak occurrence and I will come up with a reason why later. The fun of living in the moment, I guess.
Ok, I had a plot idea.

The newborn vampires were spawned by a demon named Victor. He is the great-grandfather of the vampire slain by the Quileute werewolves and the Cullens and he's pissed off to find out how his great grand-daughter was killed in such a way which apparently doesn't even allow for her soul to be able to pass on to the Other Side and choose Heaven/Hell/or Earth based on their truest loyalties. He'd wanted his whole family in Hell with him. Now, he's decided the best punishment for these supernatural creatures is to undermine all they stand for.

Not only is he going to try to diminish their numbers with another newborn vampire army but he's going to be sneaking around cursing people throughout the thread. I decided it would be cool if he'd temporarily turn Esme into a demon and attempt to get her to voluntarily remain with him in hell as his bride by wooing her and brainwashing her against the Cullens the whole time she is working alongside him against her family.

Victor will also will curse Rosalie, Bella, and Alice with humanity... Each of them becomes human instead of vampire and no one is sure how long the change will last. (Shortest timespan for Bella, then for Alice, then Rosalie because it will work in reverse order of how long you've been a vampire beforehand. So, Rosalie will get to stay human for a few months (something she secretly will love anyway *egg harvesting anyone?*), Alice, a few weeks, and Bella for about ten days but in the thread they have no knowledge of how long it will last.)

Now, they all have to learn as much as they can about demons and how to battle them or else not only could they lose their lives they could lose the souls they didn't even know they still had.
We may need to NPC Victor for a while but it might be cool to get someone to write him full time pretty soon.

What do you think?
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echo, echo, echo....
Guys, we need to move along. What should we do next? Is everyone ok with my idea? We have a new Jasper/Sam/Bad Guy writer so we can officially go forward with most of the spots filled well enough that we all should be able to find something to be doing or writing about in the current situation. If you feel there's nothing for your character to do at the moment borrow an NPC and help make the plot more interesting or develop a subplot. Ready?