Packing Heat Casting Call (OOC)

rengadeirishman said:
ol dan knows a few tricks, she might not have the energy to rob him blind

lol, I may not have the experience required here.... but we all know... that the guy gets tired first... The girls can go aaaaaaallllll night long...
ultimate_nerdslut said:
lol at least she's not a bounty hunter lol Here... she's a gypsy ok? Does that work for ya? LOL!
Hey, I'm complimenting the lack of Bounty Hunter-ness!
I have yet to have a girl who can really and truly go all night long. and plus, with the Dan Daugherty approach to copulation, the man doesnt have tolast long, the girl always gets taken care of.
Uhhh... Ultimate should I be expecting another page long sex scene from you and one of out Bountiful Gentlemen?
Kirano_kun said:
Uhhh... Ultimate should I be expecting another page long sex scene from you and one of out Bountiful Gentlemen?

*snickers* Not riiiiiiight away... but it will probably happen... that's what grownups do lol
rengadeirishman said:
if you start having it half as well as you write it, ill be very sorry to miss out.

*Snorts* lol well that should be easy...

And still no response from Kirano...
Nothing wrong with sex, It's just that there is a forum for that already... Never mind.
Awww, I hope you guys didn't ditch me. It sure is a slow couple of days here... (edit: day, anyway.) (re-edit: woah, I'm impatient.)
Anyway, final call for people before we start. You can join afterwards if you want but if you want to start in it then post now.
Opening game thread at 10:00(ish)PM Pacific Time (approximately 14 hours from now.)
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I was thinking of having Dan be the founder of his own circle if thats cool. Faolchu circle. Faolchu is irish for "wolf" (along with mac tire)

theyd focus on strength, honour, cunning and loyalty.

I even have a quote for them.

Dan-"Consider the wolf, an honourable creature loyal to its pack. Consider the wolf pack, loyal all to each other and with cunning and teamwork brings down the largest prey. You are my wolves, just as i am your wolf. strong and fierce alone, unstoppable together."
i figure them as noble yet savage, kinda like a "techno-barbarian" type, Dans title is Alpha. theyll be into protecting the weak and fighting the "bad" guys.
how noble. your quote is in the game thread. (edit: wait I can't say noble, you said noble. How righteous.)