
Wow this thread is great, kind of dissapointed I didn't discover it earlier. Wow Sabine you are looking GREAT!!! I definetly get really turned on when I see a tan line like that!
All the posters

Thank you! You have made a very average woman feel pretty good today! Thanks for all the sweet comments, I loved reading them.
Re: All the posters

Sabineteas said:
Thank you! You have made a very average woman feel pretty good today! Thanks for all the sweet comments, I loved reading them.

Sabine, I'm sorry, but if you think you're average, you have another thing coming. Just because you see yourself that way doesn't mean it's true. You are definitely not just average by any stretch if the imagination, woman.

You guys are all so sweet. I love reading each comment. And yes, I am still average. I do blush when I read what you all say though. I'm not that used to compliments.
Sabine dear, I think you need to stop dating blind, deaf and deffinately dumb guys dear if you don't ever get any compliments.
Re: Average

Sabineteas said:
You guys are all so sweet. I love reading each comment. And yes, I am still average. I do blush when I read what you all say though. I'm not that used to compliments.

Well, better to think oneself average and appreciate hearing the truth (compliments) than to let them swell your head.

Of course you realize we are all our own worst critics, Sabine.
Re: Re: Average

rexfelis said:

Well, better to think oneself average and appreciate hearing the truth (compliments) than to let them swell your head.

Of course you realize we are all our own worst critics, Sabine.

Yes, I know that....I look in the mirror everyday<laughing>. I am trying to treat you again, even if Halloween is past.

Enough with the hot stuff.....I am just a runner with well developed legs, hardly any boobs and tan line. And if I wasn't a runner my legs would be either skinny or flabby<laughing>. So get off the hot stuff....if you think my mind is good tell me that. At least that I had some control over...I just inherited my body.
Re: Panties?

Sabineteas said:
These are my naughty pair

Which, S.? The underwear, or the under pair (cheeks)? Both are awesome; thanks for sharing; I know you've taken heat before, and my dragon breath is warming up now. PeterBilt
Re: Re: Re: Average

Sabineteas said:

Yes, I know that....I look in the mirror everyday<laughing>. I am trying to treat you again, even if Halloween is past.

You know, that's a really nice pic. I like the anticipation it brings. That moment of truth, almost, where you see them. I love it. :)

And of course I can't SEE it, Sabine, but your mind is sexy too. :)
Questions, questions

Oh GCA, where are you? Is it convenient to me or too far away for me? Let me know

Now about my naughty's the panties. I have one thong and you saw it. It isn't my bum<laughing>.

And yes, I flirt and tease, but I always seem to attract the guys I don't want and the ones I want I don't attract. It is a mystery of life that I do not understand.

But no matter, thank you all again. Hearing your comments does tend to make a gray day a little brighter for me.

Like you need to ask....silly woman. Of *course* you need to post more! :)

Sabine's wish...

Is my command tonite ;) Here you go hun, a bit of peek at Mae's panties somedays...hehehe...lord I really need to not drink *sigh*


Here's a bit of green to get folks in the holiday spirit, lol
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More festivity

Dunno if purple makes others think of the holidays as well, but it does me! :)
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OK *drum roll*

I may change my mind after I sober up some and take this one away, so look while you can ;) Found a cool new filter and was trying it out on this shot...if you peek you can see my new hairstyle, it's a bit strange, I feel somewhat like a stripper or something, lol!


The shot you thought you might never see:
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wow mae - i love the purple pic - the panties, the pose, the form - oh my yes!!!!

Sabineteas said:
Enough with the hot stuff.....I am just a runner with well developed legs, hardly any boobs and tan line...

Sabine, I've mentioned before, on more than one occasion, what I thought, maybe to the point of qualifying myself as one of those "wrong kind of guys" you mentioned. But I must go on record once again as saying you just don't give yourself enough credit. If you saw yourself as we see you you'd probably shave a minute or two off that runners pace, just from really knowing just how sexy and healthy you look. I assure you my head woud turn, (again, maybe the "wrong" head). Digressing for a moment, on the subject of running, how much do you do? Leaving for a 3-miler shortly, (hopefully). Try to get 3 or 4 of those in a week, (gotta watch out about overdoing it 'cause I don't recover like I used to), but only have one so far this week.
Mae, you done it to me again. There just aren''t enouch words in my vocabulary.
Re: Another question

Sabineteas said:
Do you think I should post another?

Absolutely! Please do.

And as far as attracting men: are you after mindless, drifting droids? There are plenty of men here who are "stuck" on you.
Mae, thanks

for the great photos. Can't wait to get to a high-speed connection so I may better touch, er, peruse them.