Parasite Eve 3 OOC

uh...that's a bit difficult...there are different kinds of NMCs....furthermore, there are ANMCs, or Artificial Neo Mitochondrion Creatures...those are ENGINEERED NMCs...they are humans turned into NMCs by science. in the original game, everything from rats to bees get turned into the second one, there were snakes, maggots, caterpillars, rats, fish, and dozens of others, plus the ANMCs which ranged from horselike creatures to camoflauged spiderlike creatures

What about the plot? Where is it leading and does it have enough room for my character to in the antagonist (you got to love the bad guys)?

well, technically the former leader of MIST was a bad guy....he was selling information to corporations, that's how PE2 started


That's only throwing a wrench in the schematics, a problem that can be fixed.

After all, you only said "most" of your friends, not "all" of them.

*Watches In Horror As Previous Schematics Burst Into Flames*

Well... Hell...

That leaves us between a rock and a hard place.

well, i suppose we COULD start, but i'd prefer to have a few more characters