part 11 of the China Pearl Inn

*Nods over to the man coming in from the dark.*
*Sensing eyes on him, his gaze swivels to Jack, returning the nod he swivels on his stool*

Greetings, dont believe we've met, *his voice was a dark baritone, a hint of a growl* Logan, Resident Shadow Wolfshifter, asshole, general all around pain in the ass *he smirks*
Now would that be Irish or Scottish Logan. Now I am partial to the Irish.

Yes Jack, Glad as Logan says the tired is going about of late.
Irish it is Logan.

Ah that it is Glad. ;)

Jack to you need me to freshen your Rum and Coke?

*he nods a thanks as he smiles*

appreciated my friend, i hear your health has not been well, we are all worried about you Master of the Pearl, although my year hasnt been well either *he chuckles*
"We're a regular bunch of invalids holding it together." he teases. "No, this year has relatively been better than some of the others for me. A lot of mine is managed to a degree by meds but is just never going to go away. At least not unless I lose like 100 pounds and I eat too much shit for that to happen."

He sips his water and sighs. "Hi Jack, I'm Glad, or that's what they've called me for so many years that I've stopped arguing over it." he smirks. "I did try once upon a time, and meh, it just stuck. Nicknames are sometimes like that though. We don't always pick them, sometimes they just fit or we're guilty by association." the elf chuckles, "Not to mention Glad is easier to spell than my elvish name."

[sorry for the errors damn computer.]
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Health is alright, I would say. I've just been very tired lately.

I am more searching to get the thrill back as of late.
I make my way down from the loft. As I pour my morning coffee I wonder where the ladies have gotten off to.

Morning to any who may be about and to those that hide in the shadows.
He yawnsand leans back in his seat “My plan is to be here as long as I can.”
"Yeah, he better stick around... "
She appeared on her rafter and looked down at the interior of the Pearl.

"We're trying to get our story off and running again.,,, Morning CG"
Morning dear and I do love those sexy legs dangling from the rafters Kait. :p
He walks in and sets himself up at a table with a typewriter, a coffee carafe, and a plate of cookies. He sits down and relaxes.

Is it me, or did there used to be a lot more active threads around here?
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No it is not you Jack there is a perceptive lack of writers and threads now a days.
He walks in and sets himself up at a table with a typewriter, a coffee carafe, and a plate of cookies. He sits down and relaxes.

Is it me, or did there used to be a lot more active threads around here?

No it is not you Jack there is a perceptive lack of writers and threads now a days.

There are far fewer writers. For sure.
*grumbling he steps from the darkest shadows of the Pearl, making his way to the bar he grabs a bottle of whiskey and plops his ass down yawning hard* youre not wrong, most of the old guard from the early days have moved to other pages or boards on other websites. there is definitely a distinct lack of good writers,
Putting down a box of paper and some pencils and pouring a fresh cup of coffee.

Yes, it does seem like that way. Many lovely interactive stories were going on. I never bothered to venture out and write a story for the site because I had so much fun here and had beautiful relationships with female writers I collaborated with in the creative process. I know that when you put an idea out there, you get much more of a response. I've had a few requests from some women who liked my writing and wanted to roleplay, but we didn't share interests. We all have different tastes and preferences, but I do wish people would say that and part ways like adults.
*Slides a large empty glass down to his associate, who walks out of the darkness if he wants it.*

Yes, some talented people have moved on. I guess that is the nature of the beast.

*Looks up to the rafters and then around at the four walls.*

Still, the old place fulfills my basic needs. I will say not a day goes by that I don't hear from someone talking about their hobby other than writing where they suddenly didn't have the time. Work and family obligations quickly take over. I can only imagine how many great stories and ideas remain unfinished and put off until "someday." Artwork, model ships, train sets, etc...*sighs and has more coffee.*

If I ever win the lottery, there will be no shortage of things for me to do, but in the meantime, one does the best they can. I just got word my ex-girlfriend is moving away. I wish her well. Maybe I'll have a drink.
*Ish finally has returned to this place from a long absense from here and parts of his life but has dropped by to see how things are. He takes a drag from his nearly finished cigar and finishes it*