Pending Stories

My last few stories have been nice and quick. One was obscenely long (15,000 words) and I was impressed how quickly it was reviewed.

Last two have been much shorter stories that I've written mostly to experiment with submitting to Loving Wives. Can confirm it gets 3-4 times as many views, about 30 times as many ratings, and far far more comments than BDSM does, so worth it if you want brutal feedback on your work.

Thankfully Laurel is no longer rejecting them for AI - either I've got better at writing like a human, or she's got used to me!
Thankfully Laurel is no longer rejecting them for AI - either I've got better at writing like a human, or she's got used to me!
It seems strange that stories are being rejected for AI, when it's clear that the real bots are the readeds rating my stories. After all, they're the ones that only seem to know 0s and 1s!

Ahahahaha hahahaha hahaha I'm such a sad case.
It seems strange that stories are being rejected for AI, when it's clear that the real bots are the readeds rating my stories. After all, they're the ones that only seem to know 0s and 1s!

Ahahahaha hahahaha hahaha I'm such a sad case.
Come here little kitty. let mommy scratch you behind the ears and make you feel better...

Not really, I don't want to anger the REAL red head.🤣
I posted my initial story on 12/31 and it was accepted and published within 24 hours. However, my second installment in the series, which took me about 3 weeks to complete, was posted on 1/20 and still shows pending after 9 days. The first story was about 16,000 characters while the second was about twice as long. The difference in the two processing times is interesting and somewhat frustrating. I do wonder the reasons behind the discrepancies between the two.
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Story rejected after a huge edit by my self no grammarly. I feel like I can't write here anymore. No idea what to do.
Okay, so I'm not the only one getting unusually long pending times on my latest story. I submitted it two weeks ago. Then a week ago, on the 20th. For some reason, it's submission date changed to the 27th (and no, I didn't edit it or anything). It's still in Pending status as of this post.
This is odd. I submitted two stories for the 750 word event four days ago, three hours apart. The SECOND of the two was approved for publication in 24 hours and published about 40 hours after submission. The FIRST still is pending, 96 hours after submission. It has no controversial content. I can't figure out what the hold up is.
Both of mine, which were meant to be samples of a larger work I’d publish here as a series, were rejected a week ago for the use of the word “sample” in the title, which I corrected and re-submitted.

Still pending. I’ve since added a third chapter but currently my desire to upload more of my work is wavering due to the waiting game with pending. It feels so frustrating, when all you want to do is publish and see the critical reception to the work.
I’ve been spoiled with two-day turnarounds. Now I’m getting antsy if I’m in the Pending Circle of Hell for more than three days.
Feeling quite dejected - new stories going up daily, meanwhile the ones I have put up are all pending still. I have reached out to Laurel now - I guess I’ll see them published when I see them?
Misery loves company....I have one chapter pending since 1-23-24. I'm still waiting for a message reply from Laurel on the same day.

The story ( four more chapters) should have been completed back in November, but the AI bot keeps kicking the first one back.

I'm getting tired of this.

No luck yet everyone?

I can report one of mine now has “new” and the date of publishing has changed. But it’s still in pending.
No luck yet everyone?

I can report one of mine now has “new” and the date of publishing has changed. But it’s still in pending.
If it's marked "New" and has a date, that means it will be published on that date. Usually that will be tomorrow.
Still pending. Between this and my avatar picture having been sat there for two weeks, I’m feeling dejected. I want to join in the author threads and get feedback, take part, but without anything to show there’s no point. So frustrating. Sorry to vent!

Edit: just as I said that, my profile picture appeared. Great timing!
Sorry to hear that Portly Penguin.

I’ll send Laurel a follow up message.

Hopefully at least one chapter gets through!
Any luck everyone?

I’ve heard nothing and nothing has changed for me.
I see it's not just me. I submitted a story on February 5th and it's still "pending". The FAQs (which were probably written a long time ago) say that stories take up to five days to be approved, which I assume means business days, of which seven have now passed.

I can't speak to the whole AI thing, except to wonder how the mods would be able to tell one way or the other, especially since there aren't any rules that I'm aware of governing AI usage on this site. I know from experience publishing stories on Amazon KDP that Amazon's content reviewers are no better than AI bots, and I hope Literotica isn't sinking to Amazon's level.

UPDATE: My story was FINALLY approved and is due for release on the 15th.
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I see it's not just me. I submitted a story on February 5th and it's still "pending". The FAQs (which were probably written a long time ago) say that stories take up to five days to be approved, which I assume means business days, of which seven have now passed.

I can't speak to the whole AI thing, except to wonder how the mods would be able to tell one way or the other, especially since there aren't any rules that I'm aware of governing AI usage on this site. I know from experience publishing stories on Amazon KDP that Amazon's content reviewers are no better than AI bots, and I hope Literotica isn't sinking to Amazon's level.
I’m at the point where if I don’t get at least one published in the next week, I will reluctantly look elsewhere.

It has become depressing seeing the other dozens published daily and not a single one of my own have dropped, all still in pending, no response from Laurel to my PMs.

Not sure if I did something wrong? But yeah, very frustrated.
Incredible. Seven stories written, submitted. All rejected for AI. I’ve only used Grammarly to help with things like dialogue.

Seven rejected in one go is incredible.