Pentagon Watchdog Halts Review of Military Efforts to Root Out Extremism

A lot of that stuff is funnier than hell in it's ability to trigger the thin skinned hand-wringer. Take the following for example;

“The white liberal ethos tells us Blacks aren’t at MIT because of racism. They say Blacks dominate the prison population for the same reason. They insist America is a racist hellhole where ‘people of color’ have no future. This does way more damage to Black youth than the KKK. When you strip people of culpability and tell them the odds are stacked against them, they don’t feel like trying. White liberals make this worse by then using affirmative action to ‘correct’ society’s mistakes. When Blacks are forced into schools they aren’t qualified for they have no choice but to drop out. Instead of going back a step to a school they can handle, they tend to give up on higher education entirely. Thanks to the Marxist myth of ubiquitous equality, this ‘mismatch’ leaves Blacks less educated than they would have been had they been left to their own devices.”
– Gavin McInnes, “America in 2034,” American Renaissance, June 17, 2014

The first time I heard that notion put forth it was by Dr. Walter Williams of George Mason Univ. in the early 1990's.
A lot of that stuff is funnier than hell in it's ability to trigger the thin skinned hand-wringer. Take the following for example;

“The white liberal ethos tells us Blacks aren’t at MIT because of racism. They say Blacks dominate the prison population for the same reason. They insist America is a racist hellhole where ‘people of color’ have no future. This does way more damage to Black youth than the KKK. When you strip people of culpability and tell them the odds are stacked against them, they don’t feel like trying. White liberals make this worse by then using affirmative action to ‘correct’ society’s mistakes. When Blacks are forced into schools they aren’t qualified for they have no choice but to drop out. Instead of going back a step to a school they can handle, they tend to give up on higher education entirely. Thanks to the Marxist myth of ubiquitous equality, this ‘mismatch’ leaves Blacks less educated than they would have been had they been left to their own devices.”
– Gavin McInnes, “America in 2034,” American Renaissance, June 17, 2014

The first time I heard that notion put forth it was by Dr. Walter Williams of George Mason Univ. in the early 1990's.
So lemme try and break this down. A racist white guy who couldn’t fuckin get into MIT much less Middle Indiana Tech posts an opinion from another shit fer brains racist douche whitesplain in from Canada what the perceives to be happening in America. Fuck Off.

How bout this sport, baby steps - come here, for once in your miserable life, and impress the members here by winning an argument with your GED intellect against all those inferior minorities and women here who kick you in your nads every goddamn day.
So lemme try and break this down. A racist white guy who couldn’t fuckin get into MIT much less Middle Indiana Tech posts an opinion from another shit fer brains racist douche whitesplain in from Canada what the perceives to be happening in America. Fuck Off.

How bout this sport, baby steps - come here, for once in your miserable life, and impress the members here by winning an argument with your GED intellect against all those inferior minorities and women here who kick you in your nads every goddamn day.
As Bugs Bunny would say, "What a maroon."
A lot of that stuff is funnier than hell in it's ability to trigger the thin skinned hand-wringer. Take the following for example;

The first time I heard that notion put forth it was by Dr. Walter Williams of George Mason Univ. in the early 1990's.

LMFAO it's hysterical.

I'm not sure who was saying it out loud first, but I heard it from Sowell MAYBE even earlier than that, the is not only brilliant but has a talent for seeing what is instead of what he wants or what the groupthink says.
So lemme try and break this down. A racist white guy who couldn’t fuckin get into MIT much less Middle Indiana Tech posts an opinion from another shit fer brains racist douche whitesplain in from Canada what the perceives to be happening in America. Fuck Off.

How bout this sport, baby steps - come here, for once in your miserable life, and impress the members here by winning an argument with your GED intellect against all those inferior minorities and women here who kick you in your nads every goddamn day.^^

^^ Hates Jews, Whites and Asians.....pretends he's not racist as fuck.
LMFAO it's hysterical.

I'm not sure who was saying it out loud first, but I heard it from Sowell MAYBE even earlier than that, the is not only brilliant but has a talent for seeing what is instead of what he wants or what the groupthink says.
Williams and Sowell were close friends and corresponded often and regularly. They were of like minds on the subject so it would be a coin flip as to who was the first to publicly put the notion forth.
^^ Hates Jews, Whites and Asians.....pretends he's not racist as fuck.
I’ve yet to see any of you two numbnuts displaying any of the white male superiority in intellect you tout and as a white male that f’in upsets me. Stop embarrassing the rest of us!
I’ve yet to see any of you two numbnuts displaying any of the white male superiority in intellect you tout and as a white male that f’in upsets me. Stop embarrassing the rest of us!

^^ More racism and lies.

Typical Democrat.
See? Wrong in every single sub-clause of that sentence. You are psychologically incapable of truth.
I was spot on in every single sub-clause of that sentence.

You are psychologically allergic to the truth.
I was spot on in every single sub-clause of that sentence.

You are psychologically allergic to the truth.
Dems are not terrorist defenders, and you know it. Dems are not pedo defenders, and you know it. You just can't speak the truth.
Dems are not terrorist defenders, and you know it.

They literally suck Hamas off on a daily basis and weep for the cartel scum bags being deported.

They took the side of a violent wife beating pedo who attacked people in the streets just because he got smoked for doing so.....

Dems are not pedo defenders, and you know it.
They regularly demonstrate otherwise from Kenosha to Florida.

You just can't speak the truth.

They literally suck Hamas off on a daily basis and weep for the cartel scum bags being deported.

They took the side of a violent wife beating pedo who attacked people in the streets just because he got smoked for doing so.....

They regularly demonstrate otherwise from Kenosha to Florida.

All lies. E.g., you know -- I know you know, because I've laid out the facts for you repeatedly -- that no "pampers pirates" or "MAPs" were involved in the fight over books in Florida schools.
All lies. E.g., you know -- I know you know, because I've laid out the facts for you repeatedly -- that no "pampers pirates" or "MAPs" were involved in the fight over books in Florida schools.
LOL all facts, no lies.

ANd you didn't lay out facts.

You laid out the Democrat approved narrative. Those are RARELY the same thing.
LOL all facts, no lies.

ANd you didn't lay out facts.

You laid out the Democrat approved narrative. Those are RARELY the same thing.
These are the facts, not some "Democrat approved narrative":

There was never any pornography in Florida classrooms or school libraries.

As to what was at issue, see here:

According to a report released in April by Pen America, a non-profit advocating for free speech, Florida had 3,135 book bans recorded from July 2021 to December 2023 - the highest in the country.

Pen America has said that the majority of books removed are ones that “talk about LGBTQ+ identities, that includes characters of colour, that talk about race and racism, that include depictions of sexual experiences in the broadest interpretation of that understanding”.

Among the books removed are Ernest Hemingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls, Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, and Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina.

^^^^^^ Now, that's Nazi book-burning! ^^^^^^^

And it had nothing to do with MAPs or "Pampers pirates." Nothing at all. Not on either side of the controversy.
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These are the facts, not some "Democrat approved narrative":

There was never any pornography in Florida classrooms or school libraries.

Whatever you've got to tell yourself.
^^^^^^ Now, that's Nazi book-burning! ^^^^^^^

No, it's not. You clearly don't understand what a Nazi book burning actually is.

And it had nothing to do with MAPs or "Pampers pirates." Nothing at all. Not on either side of the controversy.

I'm sure that's why the LGBTQ+MAP community lost their fucking minds over it.

Because it did nothing to nothing and totally didn't upset the (D)'s......except it did. :D (y)