Please write me a story and email it to me.

Chicklet said:
I feel so dull and unprofessional

i work at mcdonalds

there you go putting yourself down. You could never be dull and everything i've seen of you here suggests much professionalism. And for god's sake, don't ever be impressed by newspaper talk. We're talking about the stuff people use to line their trash cans, right?

pretty_lil_stranger said:
This is my 1000th post...better make it good, lol.

1000 in one that's a record. It's taken me 2 years to get where I am.

someone should make a drawing featuring chicklet and pls. I'm not talking about seeing them in a "69." Just, the two of them together, like, sitting at the same keyboard or something. Or maybe showing one in montana and the other in oregon.

Just a thought. Any artists here at Lit? Someone could make a large-scale work featuring many of the well-known Literoticans.

Hmmm, i'd do it myself if i had an ounce of talent at drawing.
pretty_lil_stranger said:
I have this great little thing called Photoshop....

Photoshop is great but i was thinking of a drawing, so we could see an interpretation of you that's just a teeny bit abstract. We've already seen pictures of you. Not that i'd be opposed to seeing more. This is just something different.
fanzee1 said:
... so at least one mistake MUST be there and it's my job to find it ...

Some years ago I prepared the order of service booklet for the consecration of the Church of the Ascension in Malvern Link and I had seven different people check it, separately. All the errors were corrected and they re-checked it.

Then we printed it.

On the big day I opened my copy and within 15 seconds ... there was a typo staring me in the face.
Charm_Brights said:

Some years ago I prepared the order of service booklet for the consecration of the Church of the Ascension in Malvern Link and I had seven different people check it, separately. All the errors were corrected and they re-checked it.

Then we printed it.

On the big day I opened my copy and within 15 seconds ... there was a typo staring me in the face.

amazing how that works. thus, my theory. I wasn't kidding earlier. I truly HATED turning in a story without finding something to fix in it.
i dont know i had enough of britt.. and i worked at mcdonalds too lol
I'm only working at McD's due to the 6 months of job hunting and unemployment FINALLY catching up with me financially...Cross your fingers for me getting a better job <one in THIS state, Stranger>

A pic of stranger and I? That could be cool - I've never had a drawing done of myself EVER. Let alone with a "stranger" ha ha ha I'm so clever...

What was this thread about, again? I've forgotten...
oh yeah, the thread topic. glad you asked

someone wanted a britney spear non-consent story.

Maybe an artist could depict you and pls ravishing poor britney in the lithograph.

There see? It all neatly ties together.:p

Actually, i really wasn't thinking of anything overtly sexual when i thought of drawing of chicklet and pls. Just an image of the two together. They are certainly linked on this board, why not in artwork, too?
I don't know about ever being in ANY sort of picture with Brittany...I don't really like her.
Chicklet said:
I don't know about ever being in ANY sort of picture with Brittany...I don't really like her.

yeah, i remember you and pls both said that once. I wasn't serious anyway. ;)
Why do so many people like Brittany Spears, anyway? I really just don't get it...and I *DO* like girls, so I can say that.

(if i were straight and I didn't understand, it would be a different story)
britney spears does catchy pop tunes that are over-produced to correct the MANY flaws in her voice. She then packages and sells these tunes to teenage boys and girls with glitz, flash, glamour and lots of sex appeal. She's got the looks and the ear for a good hook (when someone else lays it down) to pull it off, too. There's not much more to it than that. It's teenybopper pop, plain and simple.
Nah, no snuff... She may be somewhat annoying but who knows, deep in her heart, Britney could be a really nice girl.

Imagine her with short messy red hair, no make up, dressed in something a bit less glossy but nevertheless slutty, sitting behind her desktop... She could be a Literotica regular!

I bet even Chicklet would like her.

No, I think a story with Britney should be about 'humanizing' her, ripping off the plastic cover and discovering a fragile, mentally quite unstable young woman..

Of course she should be very horny as well so that the main character would be obliged to teach her a lesson in humility...
A lesson she'd never forget...

Today I got a good review by a lovely editor on my first posted story so am feeling really invincible. I think a Britney story is underway...:D