Pornography vs Erotica

TheEarl wrote

That is apparently quite entertaining. Using only a mould, water and a freezer. Unfortunately none of my girlfriends have ever let me try it.

Earl don't bother with the mould and the freezer. Use your imagination try an Ice Pole - if you can find a woman who is adventurous / foolhardy / kinky, enough to indulge in your experiments.

Not sure what this has to do with the Erotica Pornography debate - but I feel a story coming on - but then I am a pornographer not the artistic :rolleyes: Erotiwhateverpher:cool: creator of artistic writing about human relationships pertaining to the sexual side for the purpose of sexually arousing the reader.:confused: I am.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil: :D
jon.hayworth said:
. . . Use your imagination try an Ice Pole. . .
Just make sure it isn't a METAL pole. :confused:

That may tear the tang out of your poon. :eek:
i hope jon has gone for the day... quick dump this last dozen postings so he doesn't read about the metal pole. i edit his writing you know!

and i have a distinct feeling he is thinking ice already...

you know, when i was a kid we used to fill rubber gloves with water, tie the wrists up then when the ice was set, we'd scare people with our iced hands... how come it didn't sound kinky when i was a kid, but it does now?

but we digressed....

wait up i haven't finished! imagine what one of those wand thingees could do with a bit of ice around. oh geez. i'm outa here.

NaughtyMike, i think you're right... porn is strictly for jacking off to and erotica is a definate time waster ;)

NaughtyMike, i think you're right... porn is strictly for jacking off to and erotica is a definate time waster ;) [/B][/QUOTE]

Ah a woman who understands me....
i think 99% of the women on Lit understand you dear.

and i think about 100% of people on here understand me too (except you that is). lol

time wasters - yep, babies, kids, web cams, junk food, erotic writing, drawing, photography, friends, lovers...

pity you mistook the wink though.

Erotomaniac? Erotographer? Pornician? Pornocist?

But I've already got a lock on the best: Ecstatician.

its Leslie said:
But through it all, "porn" is a word used derogatorily, while erotica is not.

Therefore, regardless of the application, it would appear, that "porn" is used with a negative conotation.

Not sure if it's necessarily negative in connotation in all cases, but just a descriptive of an attitude of lust or over-indulgence. Again, consumption for consumption's sake, etc. It can also have a somewhat playful or light-hearted usage, as in the recent Comedy Central made-for-cable movie 'Porn and Chicken.'

Another analogy may be that erotica is for the gourmet, while porn is for the gourmand. Of course, I've always thought of myself as someone with the tastes of a gourmet and the appetite of a gourmand.;)

:D Oh WOW I am here,

what was it WILDSEXYONE ;) wrote

"i hope jon has gone for the day... quick dump this last dozen postings so he doesn't read about the metal pole. i edit his writing you know!

and i have a distinct feeling he is thinking ice already...

you know, when i was a kid we used to fill rubber gloves with water, tie the wrists up then when the ice was set, "

Now I can do far more with ice hands than I'd dream possible with POLES Metal or Ice.

Just wait for the next DP story WSO :cool: my mind is churning and I am still stuck on polishing the last one to fit.

And I still say I AM A PORNOGRAPHER and proud of it. And if you want to know why go and read "Possibly the Oldest Profession" the link is. -

Have fun all you Eroticists, Erotomites, Erotographers etc.

PS The Oxford Dictionary describes Erotology as the study of sexual love.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:
wildsweetone said:
i think 99% of the women on Lit understand you dear.

and i think about 100% of people on here understand me too (except you that is). lol

time wasters - yep, babies, kids, web cams, junk food, erotic writing, drawing, photography, friends, lovers...

pity you mistook the wink though.

What wink? Did I miss a wink?
ohhh dr. i misread your 'Ecstatician' and instantly thought of that tiny tube running from the ear... hmm estacian? (can't spell it enough to find it in the dictionary sorry).

NaughtyMike - timewaster... didn't you ever learn time wasting was fun and relaxing? (and yep, you missed the wink)

RomanHans - porn and chicken? omgolly i am not going there, especially since an entire truck of chickens turned over on the main road during the week.

jon! - ICE HANDS! oh grief, you sure know how to make me wriggle lol thank goodness you're bypassing the pole though, i have to say i'm VERY relieved at that.

Eustacean. The eustacean tube is the one that connects your ears with your throat or elbow or something.
It's named after St. Eustace (901-822) whose tubes were so large that his head turned inside out.

ahh thank you dr. i wondered about the 'u'... St. Eustace... if i can hold my stomach contents at the thought of an insideout head i'll find more info and read about him. maybe he had real big elbows too...
Erotica vs Pronography

I prefer the base ... the animal responses we have to the sights and smells and tastes and feel and sounds of sex
Jon's Essay

I just went and read your excellent essay "Possibly the Oldest Profession" in the reviews/essays section, and must say it was very good, although I do disagree with several things you say.
I stand by my working definition of pornography as art specifically intended to cause sexual arousal and excitement , while erotica is art exploring our sexuality which may or may not arouse but is intended to do more.
Leaving aside the imprecision of these definitions and the difficulties of reconciling intent with result, and ignoring what the lexicographers and courts say, I think there is still a difference.
I support your contention that pornographers have always been valued by society, albeit clandestinely, and that many fine artists and writers have made livings doing blatant porn, but I think you oversimplify by assuiming that all erotic work is prurient by nature and intent. Sex is one of the Big Things in life, right up there with birth and death and taxes, and people have been trying to understand how it fits in and what it means since they started to think at all.
There's probably some sexual payoff in all art, but to say that all art is prurient in intent is just not true. There are many dimensions involved in sexuality, and I think pornography deals only in one of them. The others are the province of Erotica.
But that's just my opinion, and based on my own definitions.

THANK YOU DrM.:D :) I am really pleased that you took the time to read the essay. As for disagreeing with some of the points I tried to make ;) FANTASTIC - it would be a boring world if we all thought exactly the same things.

I guess that in a way I get a certain amount of enjoyment from shoking people who are so uptight and po-faced that they would like you to believe their kids were the result of immaculate conception or whatever. Calling myself a PORNOGRAPHER gives no intellectual let outs, it says that my stories are not risque, mildly titillating or any other definition that gives some sort of intellectual let out.

The poets and writers in the group I belong to have to comeface to face with the genre of a lot of my work - and that I have more readers than any of them.

I like that, I like honesty,

Jon :devil: :devil: :devil: