To the Hermit:
I confused you and the Earl, and have clarified my last post.
You really do seem to have trouble listening, and aside from my confusing you and Earl, I see no mistakes in WH's or my comments.
If you want to mobilize, you need to learn to be concise, as I was in three proposals to abate the "1" problem.
Your claims are not quite accurate, nor is your last post.
The first three, you say, would virtually eliminate the impact of fraud. Let's see.
1) was to have ratings 3-5, with half steps, 3 being the new "awful" instead of "1".
WH has commented, as have I. You preserve your "hot" only assuming it's not recalibrated, as it certainly would and should be.
It's supposed to isolate a top 5%, or less.
To achieve that under your 1) would require making H awarded on the basis of, say, 4.75. At that point, the impact of a "3" is exactly the same as that of a "1" before.
2) is to show distributions. I have agreed with this. It would allow an author to see what the non-1 votes amount to. The author could try to see the center of the bell curve, if there is one.
Or calculate a median score.
3) was to lop off the bottom votes (option 1). This ignores fraudulent top votes. It's the reason I said your intent simply seems to be to raise. Lopping off top and bottom, you mention as option 2, and I favor that, though you don't.
In sum, 2) and 3) second option would help. If you would stick to those, in concise postings, you might get support.
It's to be noted that measures such as I described would have to be added to genuinely have an impact against a serious ratings vandal.
Lastly, the claim, in your last post, that it takes 180 fives to counteract 5 ones, is simply not true, if you are talking about remaining at or above the 4.5 level, i.e., maintaining a "H" rating. The correct number is 35 fives (to counteract 5 ones) . In short, a "1" has **seven** times the power to lower, as does a "5" to raise, above 4.5. Your claim is apparently that the 1 has **thirty five** time the power, and that's an error.
In general, the idea of bad guys with A bombs and good voters with pee shooters is colorful, but as WH and I have shown, if there is a "top" rating (average), then the lower votes necessarily have disproportionate effect, and your manipulations don't avoid that. The only genuine cure is to make sure the "1"s are given sincerely, by real people, an issue I dealt with in my last post.
I confused you and the Earl, and have clarified my last post.
You really do seem to have trouble listening, and aside from my confusing you and Earl, I see no mistakes in WH's or my comments.
If you want to mobilize, you need to learn to be concise, as I was in three proposals to abate the "1" problem.
Your claims are not quite accurate, nor is your last post.
The first three, you say, would virtually eliminate the impact of fraud. Let's see.
1) was to have ratings 3-5, with half steps, 3 being the new "awful" instead of "1".
WH has commented, as have I. You preserve your "hot" only assuming it's not recalibrated, as it certainly would and should be.
It's supposed to isolate a top 5%, or less.
To achieve that under your 1) would require making H awarded on the basis of, say, 4.75. At that point, the impact of a "3" is exactly the same as that of a "1" before.
2) is to show distributions. I have agreed with this. It would allow an author to see what the non-1 votes amount to. The author could try to see the center of the bell curve, if there is one.
Or calculate a median score.
3) was to lop off the bottom votes (option 1). This ignores fraudulent top votes. It's the reason I said your intent simply seems to be to raise. Lopping off top and bottom, you mention as option 2, and I favor that, though you don't.
In sum, 2) and 3) second option would help. If you would stick to those, in concise postings, you might get support.
It's to be noted that measures such as I described would have to be added to genuinely have an impact against a serious ratings vandal.
Lastly, the claim, in your last post, that it takes 180 fives to counteract 5 ones, is simply not true, if you are talking about remaining at or above the 4.5 level, i.e., maintaining a "H" rating. The correct number is 35 fives (to counteract 5 ones) . In short, a "1" has **seven** times the power to lower, as does a "5" to raise, above 4.5. Your claim is apparently that the 1 has **thirty five** time the power, and that's an error.
In general, the idea of bad guys with A bombs and good voters with pee shooters is colorful, but as WH and I have shown, if there is a "top" rating (average), then the lower votes necessarily have disproportionate effect, and your manipulations don't avoid that. The only genuine cure is to make sure the "1"s are given sincerely, by real people, an issue I dealt with in my last post.