Punk rock, Hardcore, Oi!, Garage, Metal, Ska, Indie (and whatever else) Discussion and Anarchy thread

Saw them in 2023 with The Stranglers and The Ruts for the first time. Great show, only the voice was weaker. :)
Sounds like an amazing show!

Great lineup. Woulda loved the see the ruts!

RIP, Pete Shelley and Malcom Owen.
50 years ago

March 3rd, 1975.

The Dictators Go Girl Crazy! is the debut album by The Dictators, released in March 1975 and considered one of the first punk rock albums.

Such a great blend of hard rock, early punk, and The Beach Boys…

Favorite tunes??

And my favorite.
I put this on today’s song challenge…

Menace is one of my all-time favorite bands. Even before Oi! Or street punk was a thing, Menace had the look and the sound. They supported Sham69 at a lot of their early shows. The band was a mix of skinheads (non racist), punks and hooligans.

I got to see them a few times. East Coast Oi! Festival, Rebellion 2016 and rebellion Christmas 2012 and each time was like magic. My calves hurt from all of the pogoing and my throat was sore from all of the song alongs.

This is their swipe at the greater London council - who tried to ban punk rock in the city limits of London. To no avail.

So much great, raw energy. And a coupla swear words…

Menace - GLC
A few quick menace tunes before bed. My wife and I have been both listening to menace a lot the last few daze.

1977 insane society

2006 society is still insane

Here is us w steve and greg outside of the east coast Oi festival.

Squeeze is one of my favorite bands.

On this day in 1979, they released the single Cool For Cats.

It ain’t really punk rock, but it’s great music.

A year later another favorite band released an amazing single.

On March 11th, 1980, The Jam released the single Going Underground.

Doesn’t get too much better than this!!
I don’t think any band had a strong of four albums that were so strong.

All Mod Cons
Setting Sons
Sound Affects
The Gift

And their first two albums were great too!