Random story Ideas- Hijack this thread!

sirhugs said:
hmmm...story iodea:

two lonely horny people get each other off swapping sex innuendos over IM

I've thought about doing that, since a woman I know and I did just that. Maybe I should do that. But change the names, etc. Just one of those things when you're both online, no one really to talk to, etc. etc. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's ever done it. :D
bigblueboy said:
I've thought about doing that, since a woman I know and I did just that. Maybe I should do that. But change the names, etc. Just one of those things when you're both online, no one really to talk to, etc. etc. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's ever done it. :D

yopu mean people really do that?!;)
Stop teasing him sirhugs! ;)

BTW, nice profile bigblueboy.

*waiting for what will happen next*
Nola said:
Stop teasing him sirhugs! ;)

BTW, nice profile bigblueboy.

*waiting for what will happen next*

perhaps after the story is posted, I'll stop...

A7inchPhildo said:
I agree, know that it would get out of hand. I was just being selfish and lazy wanting my prefered stories more specific.

More of a wish would be to have the new submissions in categories. Silly fetish of mine he he!

An even better idea would be to have a "spanking stories" contest! If the powers that be don't want to do it, sometimes the writers themselves hold contests just for fun. It does get people thinking about and writing more stuff for that 'category.' Emphasize that the spanking story doesn't have to even go in BDSM, and see where that takes you! Its fun to experiment. (spearament? mmm, gum!)

Anyway, just thought of that. What do ya think?
Great idea SnP, you get a swat on the ass for that one.
I've long advocated a Spanking Stories category.

Paddle your way up to the Contests thread and post it as an idea, see what kind of response you get.

sweetnpetite said:
An even better idea would be to have a "spanking stories" contest! If the powers that be don't want to do it, sometimes the writers themselves hold contests just for fun. It does get people thinking about and writing more stuff for that 'category.' Emphasize that the spanking story doesn't have to even go in BDSM, and see where that takes you! Its fun to experiment. (spearament? mmm, gum!)

Anyway, just thought of that. What do ya think?

I think you are a feisty one that is what I think! I will have to just hold you down and mount from the back side to avoid a slap.

Smacking your cute ass in a contest will be fun.
))))))>>>>>-Sa-Wack-<<<<<(((((( "crisply snaps across the room"

Is a painfull pleasure I am willing to give to get! Biteing my lip to stay focused on just the right amount of pain you can endure.
Seriously Sweetnpetite, I need another story in a different flavor. Just touching up the last one before it posts. And the others can wait. Let me know what to do and how this works? I think you know how to PM me? Oh, a contest must have a wager. Let me know LOL. Oh yeah let me know about the contest too!

Phildo :rose: