Raven's Loft 2.0

I caress your neck and run myour fingers through your hair as max kisses you, then, as he trails his way down to your hot, sticky pussy, I take my turn at your lips, kissing you deeply. Fondling your breasts, I pinch and roll your nipples between my finger tips.
"I'm so tired. I'm sorry to do this but it's 2:35 in the morning for me and I'm exhausted and have a massive headache so I've gotta go."
"I'm so tired. I'm sorry to do this but it's 2:35 in the morning for me and I'm exhausted and have a massive headache so I've gotta go."

Hey, been there at times....the Sandman doesn't even spare one for the sake of good sex.....
I had a pretty bad anxiety attack this last week end, but I think I'm better now. Pm me if you want to hear the details.

Really? I've been very active recently... I'm not sure why it looks dead.

I was actually wondering where you had gone. Lol.

Unless you snuck one in and I missed it, I'm still looking for a post from you. :p
Oh, you mean here! In my lounge!

Boy, I'm slow. Lol!

Well, the panic attack kinda kept me out of it...
yea, the lounge was a bit quite. I may not post but I try to pop in when I can and spy...hehe
Brilliant concept with cleverly designed game pieces. The trust tokens hug together neatly and can then be turned into satisfaction points.

I've wanted to design a incubus/succubus card game where the goal was to accumulate soul points by laying sleeping mortals, but I've never quite figured out a good design for it. Still mulling it over, I guess.
Oh, and the designer of consentacle designed another sex game.

Very simple free to play concept.

Significantly more creative than all the shitty sex shop dice games.

It's called sex mix.

And what you do to set the game up is take turns creating a play list of music you will latter engage in sexual activity to. As Long as the song you pick is readily available to you and can be played in whatever device you're going to run the play list on, it's a legal choice, but it has to be a song. No cheating and playing Monty python clips now... well, unless they are the songs, that is, you dirty bastards!

After you've made the list up, then you write down a simple wish you would like to have fulfilled, like getting to keep a pair of panties a naked photo or something similar. Keep it dirty, but not too complex or expensive. Generally make sure everyone is okay with certain ideas first, the winner should get what they want after all. Not punched in the face for asking for a photo of a friends wife.

Anyway, once the list has at least twenty or more tracks, hit play and start playing with your partner. Hell, if you're into it, make it an orgy, for all we care, just play nice and make it consentual now... the more the merrier.

Okay, the rules are, once you've begun, if you laugh, you're out. If you make a face like you're grossed out, another player can call you on it and if you can't explain it away as discomfort or intense pleasure, then you're out. Mind you, just because you're out, doesn't mean you can't continue participating, you're just not elegible to win what you wished for during the set up.

If the play list runs out before one person remains ellegible to win, hit play again.

The last player left gets their wish.

Have fun!