Real life things you suck at

A heavy emphasis on "being bad at sports" in this thread. Is that an American thing, or is it another of those "all the women here are men" things?
I'm a dude, so for me my brain goes there first. But I sucked at school too. Math especially. That better?
I'm pretty sure America puts a heavy emphasis on sports. I also suck at Soccer! But was great at American Football. Maybe not great,. but good enough to be a better player on all my teams growing up.
Woodworking and carpentry.

I’m a CNC programmer / machinist. I work mostly in aerospace. I routinely hold tolerances of .0001” - one ten thousandth of an inch - to create a perfect fit on metal components for aircraft. You’d think that skill and attention to detail would translate to other materials, like wood. It does not.

I can’t hit a 1/8” tolerance on wood. I don’t have the patience, I don’t enjoy the work, and everything I do in wood takes twice as long as I expected and cost three times what I budgeted.

After nearly forty years of home ownership I’d rather burn the house down than fix anything made of wood.
I suck at impulse control..I have very little of it. Most say that's cool u gotta be lots of fun.. and I am.. but it's also landed me in some sticky situations...
I love fishing... but am almost never successful, so despite the fact that I talk a good game... I got none.
I will buy it!

Draft sub-title: The time's I didn't remember to stop myself from doing all the things I shouldn't have done.
Wow I must have quite a reputation to have ppl I don't know wanting to buy my memoir site unseen. I'm so proud
Wow I must have quite a reputation to have ppl I don't know wanting to buy my memoir site unseen. I'm so proud
no reputation that I'm aware of.... I just appreciate whats behind the inspiration!

I'm the opposite: always evaluating possible outcomes of every decision or action. Its instictive... I don't even have to try. <reaches behind to connect cranial battery charger>
no reputation that I'm aware of.... I just appreciate whats behind the inspiration!

I'm the opposite: always evaluating possible outcomes of every decision or action. Its instictive... I don't even have to try. <reaches behind to connect cranial battery charger>
Damn..good way to burst a chicks bubble.
And I'm actually a huge contradiction.. analytical impulse control...wrap ur mind..(for some reason I wanted to say "mouth" instead of mind,) around that
Woodworking and carpentry.

I’m a CNC programmer / machinist. I work mostly in aerospace. I routinely hold tolerances of .0001” - one ten thousandth of an inch - to create a perfect fit on metal components for aircraft. You’d think that skill and attention to detail would translate to other materials, like wood. It does not.

I can’t hit a 1/8” tolerance on wood. I don’t have the patience, I don’t enjoy the work, and everything I do in wood takes twice as long as I expected and cost three times what I budgeted.

After nearly forty years of home ownership I’d rather burn the house down than fix anything made of wood.
this may be the sexiest thing I've ever read or heard.

Me too, Sir, on the woodworking

genetically I was supposed to have this in the bag

turns out not so much so
Woodworking and carpentry.

I’m a CNC programmer / machinist. I work mostly in aerospace. I routinely hold tolerances of .0001” - one ten thousandth of an inch - to create a perfect fit on metal components for aircraft. You’d think that skill and attention to detail would translate to other materials, like wood. It does not.

I can’t hit a 1/8” tolerance on wood. I don’t have the patience, I don’t enjoy the work, and everything I do in wood takes twice as long as I expected and cost three times what I budgeted.

After nearly forty years of home ownership I’d rather burn the house down than fix anything made of wood.
As a welder/mechanic I can somewhat relate. I strongly dislike woodwork. Now splitting wood no problem
A heavy emphasis on "being bad at sports" in this thread. Is that an American thing, or is it another of those "all the women here are men" things?
It's a 'girls in other countries were made to do PE by abusive cunts too' thing.
Funny I was always very well coordinated at sports, but when it comes to dancing, I'm your classic "two left feet" guy.
I'm handy and smart enough that I can get good at most things that I put my mind to. My wife and I grew up in the suburbs and then we moved to Idaho and we bought a small farm. I taught myself how to build animal shelters, erect 2000 feet of fencing, feed, and care for animals I'd never cared for before. I banded male calves, harvested poultry, built sturdy stalls, and created a 12V solar-powered lighting system in my barn. I can get good at most things.

What I suck at ... is having the drive to get great at anything. At some point, I get my skill level to acceptable levels on some task, at home or work, and then I'm just good with it. I know that I will never be the Jimi Hendrix of anything, and I'm fine with it. But I do see it as a personal failure, a character flaw. Like I should want to be a best-in-show artist, instead of just a first place in the _____ class, artist. But I don't. Why don't I?
As a welder/mechanic I can somewhat relate. I strongly dislike woodwork. Now splitting wood no problem
I’ve built two decks and finished a basement. I could probably frame a house, but give me close work that requires flitted joints that look nice and I’m screwed.