Red Garden (OCC)

She turned her head and saw Tessa, she tried to rub her eyes but too many tears were flying out of her eyes."Yes,Tessa"
"Did you hear, they're closing school for the day... H... Have you been crying? I'm... I'm sorry, it was rude of me to barge in... Do you need some time? I can go if you would like me to... But... But I was thinking... I can't just stay here and do nothing... I want to go to where... Where they found Lise... Maybe there's something that would help us figure out what happened to her there? W-would you come with me?" Tessa asked as she hesitently reached out to touch Amber's shoulder, to show her she cared, that she was there, if Amber needed her.
"Im suppose to go to the Principal's office.I am a member of grace you know Tessa.Its an important job for someone like me." she said looking at them.Grace known as the law force of the school and they keep the peace between the students and some love to make school miserable for a couple students."I guess I can go with you but after I go to the principal's office."
"Oh, okay, I'll wait for you outside, then." Tessa answered. "And Amber, if you ever want to... Talk... I'll be there for you." She added with a concerned smile before heading out to wait for her in the front of the school.
She quickly left and entered the principal's Office. She stood with all the other members and wondered why things are happening.

"My dear Grace, please take care of our students and listen to what I have to say.As the members of Grace you are required to be at Lise's funeral for the entire school in two days from now.Other than that you are all allowed to go home." the principal said as she looked at Grace.

Amber sighed a little hoping she wouldn't have to be with them but she had no choice in the matter.She left the office and headed out to the front of the school seeing Tessa waiting as she said she would.
Tessa stood and waved to Amber as she came out. "Hey, that was quick. What did they say? Anything more about Lise?"
"just that Her funeral is in two days and I have to stand next to them" she said looking at Tessa. Tears started to fall down as she realized it wasn't a time for her to go to it.She wanted to know what happened to her last night and why couldn't she remember."So Tessa, what did you do yesterday"
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"I..." Tessa started, only to realize that she had no idea, her mind was blank, utterly blank. "You know, until now, I hadn't realized, but I can't remember. Its as if... As if yesterday doesn't even exist." Tessa hugged herself, shivering. "I've got a bad feeling about this... Why can't I remember... I always remember... I've got a photographic memory you know. Its as if yesterday was... Cut from my memory!"
"You aren't the only one,I can not remember either" she said looking at Tessa."I feel as if I know something before it happened but I can not remember anything."

She stood their endlessly completely clueless."What do we do"
"Well, the best place to start would probably be... Where they found her..." Tessa offered, looking in that direction. "I don't know how long of a walk it is though."
"Its best not to, They have that area secured and I can't get in trouble on account that if I do I might get kicked out of this school.I am apart of Grace you know" she said looking with her in that direction."I am not sure how far it is or where they found her"