
Du Fu (and a passenger's thoughts) -- wh, 1992/05/16-19


Du Fu (and a passenger's thoughts)

with snow and shine
with rains and stars
the skies
were a living
spacious room
to the ones
in Du Fu's care

the clouds below
glow but throw
a shadow
down onto
the gray Atlantic

if this
metallic bird
were a writer
and lost
its small ones in fog
it'd be a poet
after a million miles
like Du Fu
a thousand and more
years ago
sailing up and down
chinese rivers
into the other

no highways
cross apartments and homes
plush wall to wall

the hot air
between the seat of a comfy chair
and the seat of acceptable slacks
might be loud
but will never
shoot the pen
thru the ceiling

the monkeys on slopes and hills are long gone

the paper money and tax forms multiply

come travel Du Fu again
cross with us the white water
at the edge of the new millenium
sail up and down the electronic streams
amplify the faint echo
of your social concern
of the color of your children's pain
paint the chinese mountains in crisp fractals
and pour the eternal wine

there'll be never another poet like you


Slavonic Dance


Slavonic Dance

too far from Baltic sea
your red stream carries blue
commit your suicide
dream dream green land anew

your blood plays in your ears
a song of million birds
a tune of million years
for love for youth

the Gypsy wagon left
for the Carpatian trail
commit your suicide
to this Slavonic dance

dim noise


dim noise​

do u attend happy hours dim bars
u thrived on double drinks in single bars
small talks big laughs truths at the glass bottom
and the feel of sinking to the bottom

i hear u married have a bunch of kids
you work part time and play full time with kids
u'r proud of your husband he's not like me
but then nobody is truly like me

i attend happy hours in dim bars
i sing on double drinks in single bars
small truths big laughs dimes at the glass bottom
and the fear of sinking to the bottom​

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