Remember when dumbshit PB Deplorables actually thought Musk was going to buy MSNBC? Bump this thread every day it doesn't happen, lol.

Keep telling yourself that. The FBI shares info with them, and in the Fuck You Kay there's no law protecting your libelling people, threatening underage girls, inciting mass murder, and... spreading transphobic propaganda.
I did none of those things, alice.

However, you did all of those things,MI6 will be along shortly if they can find your trailer.

No self respecting human would get anywhere near your bengay smelling ass, alice.

She was the only viable candidate. All others required a much more contentious path and likely drawn out. Biden dropped out too late to give any options on that front.
Correction. Biden didn't drip out voluntarily. The "Too big for their breeches" crew ousted him in a bloodless coup.
Do you remember when the fucking idiots who threw Biden under the bus thought Kamala was a suitable candidate?

She received around 75 million votes in November.

Trump received around 74 million votes in 2020. And 63 million in 2016.

By your own MAGAt-brained logic, your cult leader was less of a "suitable candidate" than she was in those elections.

Poor dumb Deplorable. 🤗
She received around 75 million votes in November.

Trump received around 74 million votes in 2020. And 63 million in 2016.

By your own MAGAt-brained logic, your cult leader was less of a "suitable candidate" than she was in those elections.

Poor dumb Deplorable. 🤗
Trump was NOT my candidate, repeat not my guy. Nikki Haley was my candidate.
And this ^^^ is coming from a self absorbed toddler who regularly talks about "poo poo pee pee".

You are out of your league. Go back to fawning over Wat.

Snowflake meltdown alert!

Triggered without a shot!

Poo Poo Pee Pee is my nickname for your dom, bitch. The one obsessed with full diapers. The one who lies about everything. The one who is under investigation as a Russ agent.

Just like my nickname for you is TrashPanda. And mine for RoryBabytalk is just that.

You can delude yourself all you want but whoever created this sewer titled it "Lit" for literature.

I publish serious books. The pseuds like you who pullulate here on the PB [Plowed Boi] page never post stories, never discuss erotic writers, and never go beyond 4chan.

By contrast, i post poetry, for which i am widely praised IRL, and literary commentary in general.

I don't fawn over WT. I maintain an entirely civilized relationship with WT, of a sort you won't ever have with anyone, especially when your neighbors are informed of your involvement here.

See, stinky, i have rights as a serious published author living in San Francisco that you don't have.

I have the right to post whatever i want wherever i want, as a recognized literary figure. It's all work product.

You never had a job and can't justify anything you do. Libel on a site lacking transparency is no more protected than your ass will be when those around you look at this site.

WT won't have any problems because he talks about guns, not sex.

You, RoryBabytalk and the rest of the cowardly incels here never thought you'd have to deal with an adult who won't put up with your snotnosed guff.

People on this site clearly hate RoryBabytalk, a Trumper who infiltrated this site for nefarious purposes.

RoryBabytalk referred to me online as an alt, culty talk that means nothing; as someone posing as trans; as an incel, a Magat, an identity thief; as a person new to the web, bla fucking bla.

My Wikipedia page clearly made you and your kind crap your pants so bad that Genocide Granny Butthead actually shut up.

You had a big lesson coming. I am teaching you that lesson.

Out of my league? It's my league, not yours. I'm the author here. And i wouldn't deign to post my erotic fiction, highly praised by actual literary authorities, as graffiti here.

You and RoryBabytalk failed here, just as you have failed at everything in your "lives." You had fun. Party's over. You sank this leaky rowboat yourselves.

And you can't do anything about it.

This site is owned by WT and me. I will make sure you are doxxed to the max.

I watched with relish today as SFPD, called to the scene by me, subdued a methhead of your type who had assaulted a man in a wheelchair. Subdued, i would add, very very firmly.

Yeah, i thought. That's waaay overdue at ShitPsychotica Mediocrita, the site for Plowed Bois and other incels.

ICYMI, there's nothing you can do about it. Whine, bitch.

( O O )

Snowflake meltdown alert!

Triggered without a shot!

Poo Poo Pee Pee is my nickname for your dom, bitch. The one obsessed with full diapers. The one who lies about everything. The one who is under investigation as a Russ agent.

Just like my nickname for you is TrashPanda. And mine for RoryBabytalk is just that.

You can delude yourself all you want but whoever created this sewer titled it "Lit" for literature.

I publish serious books. The pseuds like you who pullulate here on the PB [Plowed Boi] page never post stories, never discuss erotic writers, and never go beyond 4chan.

By contrast, i post poetry, for which i am widely praised IRL, and literary commentary in general.

I don't fawn over WT. I maintain an entirely civilized relationship with WT, of a sort you won't ever have with anyone, especially when your neighbors are informed of your involvement here.

See, stinky, i have rights as a serious published author living in San Francisco that you don't have.

I have the right to post whatever i want wherever i want, as a recognized literary figure. It's all work product.

You never had a job and can't justify anything you do. Libel on a site lacking transparency is no more protected than your ass will be when those around you look at this site.

WT won't have any problems because he talks about guns, not sex.

You, RoryBabytalk and the rest of the cowardly incels here never thought you'd have to deal with an adult who won't put up with your snotnosed guff.

People on this site clearly hate RoryBabytalk, a Trumper who infiltrated this site for nefarious purposes.

RoryBabytalk referred to me online as an alt, culty talk that means nothing; as someone posing as trans; as an incel, a Magat, an identity thief; as a person new to the web, bla fucking bla.

My Wikipedia page clearly made you and your kind crap your pants so bad that Genocide Granny Butthead actually shut up.

You had a big lesson coming. I am teaching you that lesson.

Out of my league? It's my league, not yours. I'm the author here. And i wouldn't deign to post my erotic fiction, highly praised by actual literary authorities, as graffiti here.

You and RoryBabytalk failed here, just as you have failed at everything in your "lives." You had fun. Party's over. You sank this leaky rowboat yourselves.

And you can't do anything about it.

This site is owned by WT and me. I will make sure you are doxxed to the max.

I watched with relish today as SFPD, called to the scene by me, subdued a methhead of your type who had assaulted a man in a wheelchair. Subdued, i would add, very very firmly.

Yeah, i thought. That's waaay overdue at ShitPsychotica Mediocrita, the site for Plowed Bois and other incels.

ICYMI, there's nothing you can do about it. Whine, bitch.

( O O )

You sound a lot like Trump.
I never denied being the anti-Trump. I'd rather be compared with DJT than suck the ass of RoryBabytalk.

Any day of the week, month, or year.

Do you cut the meth with baby laxative?

( O O )
Yup, you're a lot like Trump, with all the narcissism and childish name calling.

It's sad to see another Sufi self-destruct. It does not have to end like this.
Yup, you're a lot like Trump, with all the narcissism and childish name calling.

It's sad to see another Sufi self-destruct. It does not have to end like this.
You rilly wanna bring up my Sufism, TrashPanda? This will be:

I am no more self destructing than I'm pregnant. Your feeble wisecracks are dust.

You will never experience this, incel:

Thread 'Six Poems for R [1984]'

This is RoryBabytalk:

Here's Poo Poo Pee Pee:

And here you are:

( O O )
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That’s “President Musk”…

I helped pick the targets when we bombed the fuck out of your nasty little country, Serbshit.

I helped kill Serbs. Lots of Serbs.

Gave CIA and Mossad and IRGC a hand in this:

Can't wait to do it again.

( O O )