Return From Madness

Blind Man

IC: This man was sick in the head, that was why he was out here with me. "Uh yeah, that would be odd." The blind man doubted he was the first person to consider setting him straight, so he figured it was best not to bother with his delusions.

"You know my daughter used to watch a show about vampires and witches. Can't remember the name of it off handedly, which is funny the way she used to run at the mouth about it." He smiled to himself thinking of the old days. "I guess one time the boy this girl was interested in lost his soul, and came close to ending the world. But a wizard or something put the boys soul back in at the last minute, I guess as a way to keep her from killing him and saving the world. So in the end the girl killed the boy. Sounds similar don't you think."

"But from what I saw those bastards weren't human. They ruined our great nation and the rest of the world too. They killed most of my men, blinded me and wounded many others. If you hadn't killed your 'friend' I probably would of. You did her a service, you saved her from a world of hate, if that is the case." The man soon realized this guy Nate knew became one of the soldiers he knew.

"So any one remember any good jokes?"

"I never said I killed anyone. I said what they were was dead, and then asked about the ramifications of killing someone who didn't mean to do anything, and had no idea they did. I knew a guy. I knew him real well, because it;s me. It's not easy to wake up one day, looking completely different, with a strange body and a weird blue eye. But at least now I know why the few people I'll seen have run from me. Because no one really gives a crap about anyone else. All people care about is themselves, and a lot of times that equals killing innocents."

Nathaniel nodded to the others, and started off again, scratching at his chin and mulling over everything he knew. So much information, so little time.
Joushein Kravilez

Josh had gotten lost in the two men prattling, turning everthing he knew over and over in his head and assimilating the new bits that came from them.
"Kind sir, it is difficult for us to hear your words..." he looked around at the other two, " for we three are the very same 'blu-bas-tards' that you speak of, though I have no memory before yesterday morning...
"Please sir, my name is Joushein Kravilez. How far from the Ukraine am I?"
Old Blind Man

Taken slightly aback, the old man was suddenly nervous...he had never heard of the Bluemen speaking, but still years of tension were hard to let go of.
"Son, you shouldn't talk like that! Some folk around here would be willing to fight over those words."
He thought for a moment, then said, "I believe the Ukraine is on the other side of the world, and I'm sorry for your three of you have memory loss?!"
Joushein Kravilez

Looking around at his companions, Josh uttered a positive to memory loss. He pushed himself off the ground, dusting off his backside.
"The other side of the world...I feel uncertain, but I remember it was 1937 and I was tending my fathers sheep in our you all here that?"

Josh turned his head east, craning his neck.

The wind was blowing through the long black hair of a man riding on the roll bar of a dune buggy. The motor rumbling deeply along sounded of diesel power.

The man with the black hair pulled a compass out one of the pockets on his flak jacket. After studying it for a moment, he called down to the driver.

"There sould be an old town up ahead, hopefully there'll still be some grease at McDonalds."

The driver and third passenger both nodded since they could see the fuel gauge showed very low. The man with black hair jumped into the back and started checking their guns. He felt quite confident in their abilities ad they had finally killed a Blue after 10 years of resistance. He was very confident indeed!
"i lost my memory too, do you know where we are?" Dan asked the blind man "Im from Baltimore and i was walking down belair road and all of a sudden, I'm here."
Blind Man

IC: Blind Man: "Well I have delayed myself enough." The blind man left behind the two remaining people. He was quite sure the three had gone nuts, and wasn't so sure if they had actually lost their memories or were involved in a sort of prank. Seeing as all three were crazy it may very well be some sort of disease.

IC: Dune Buggy in Palo Verde: "What happened here?" The team looked at the slaughtered remains of half a dozen people, some clearly cleaved in half.

"Well one thing comes to mind that could of done this." The captain leaning on the buggy spoke calmly. "Those damn sword wielding monsters."

The rest of the team looked at him and nodded. "So should we continue on foot?"

"Yeah, Charlie you stay here with the buggy. Stan, you do as planed and see if you can find a few working car batteries also. I'll still look for the grease but I am going to see if I can find out more about these bodies." The bodies were mostly intact, no one seemed to of touched them, and no maggots were on them. The captain was worried these bodies were very fresh. He knew he took down the blue by chance, and finding another one that confused wouldn't be a likely event.

Nathan waited for the blind man to move out of hearing, and motioned the two others over. He moved into a crouch, and looked both men in the eyes. "Okay, near as I can figure, I lost about ten years. so it's likely somewhere around 2017, give or take a few years. Since you," Nathaniel pointed at the older looking 'Blue', "say you're from 1937, I could be off. I don't remember their being any 'Blue Bastards' around in my time, but judging on what I can gather, this may have a point."

"From what I see, we're got equipment and training unlike anything else I've ever seen. People hate us, but I think it has to do with fear. Judging on the state of the world we're in, I take it civilization as any of us may have known it is over. I think we may have been responsible, given our inability to tell what happened during that period, the changed state of the world, and our odd gear. Now, peicing these parts together, I feel there's an outside source under this, that may have been exorting a force over us, giving us the inabilty to control ourselves whilest we overthrow the world. Given that we now seem to have regained free will, this means the puppetmaster is gone, which is bad news for us."

"First of all, we can't expect to fit in with anyone, given that we seem to be responsible for the world going to shit. Which means we can only find acceptance among others of our own kind, if even then. Secondly, and this is the important bit, the outside force could be exerted upon us again at any time. One or all of us. Therefore, even if together we'd have to keep a watch on one another for our own security. However, since mankind will likely find us weak now, chances are they're going top try and kill us whenever we can. Negotians are basically a non-option at this point. Third of all, others of our kind will unlike use the fear they cause to gain positions of power, setting up little states of there own. This basically means we're doomed. So, we have three oiptions at this point:"

"Accept death, take over a town and form a state, or wander around trying to survive as best we can. All three options can be done seperately, or as a group. Frankly, I don't want to risk a coup, and I don't feel like dying. So I'm going to try my best to survive as I can. Since our survival will likely increase as we band together, I'd like to invite you two to come along. You in?"
Joushein Kravilez

Okay, obviously Nate's mind works a little quicker than mine, but his ideas make an odd sense... thought Josh. He was still having trouble assimilating the information that had been thrown at him. But this Nate, he seemed to have a good grip on things.

"I accept your invitation, sir," Josh said in his heavy Russian accent. "But if possible, I would like to find my home....if it still exists."
Palo Verde

IC: The group reconvened. "I didn't find out much about this slaughter, seems no one new about it yet, beyond these people didn't return home last night." Their leader stated.

Stan held a car battery under one arm and the tester under the other. "Well my mission was a success." He ten moved over to the buggy and hooked some cables to it.

"Good that means we should have enough power to get back home." Stan smiled happy to return home. "What of the grease?"

The rugged caption ran a hand threw his hair. "I forgot the gas can to put it in. But I did find some, not to much will be usable though. Well shall we get to it?"

The group jumped into the buggy and moved across town to a in and out stand.
3 men

IC: The three men put the yellow fuel tank back on the side of the buggy. "So are you going to pursue that Blue devil?" Stan inquired.

"Nah, those soldiers are fast, chances are it's miles away now." Seeing how disappointed his friends were he added, "if it was still close by we'd quickly have two kills under our belt."

"I swear they said it!" The trio turned to a beggar being ignored by another local.

Nate walked over to him. "Who said what?"

The beggar turned to face the direction the voice came from. "A group of three people claimed to be Blue."

"Boss we have our lead."

The blond haired man stroked his face. This beggar seemed blind, so chances were it was some muggers in a hoax of sorts. "Fine lets get going."

Nathaniel nodded, and stood up. "Sure. Seems like a good place to start. I have no intention of heading anywhere near my home. So, where did you live, and we'll start off on a quest to get there, hmm?"
Joushein Kravilez

"I am from the Urkraine, one day's ride South of Gordiyevka and one day's ride East of Budy. My father owned fifteen acres of land on which we raised sheep and goats." Josh got an odd look on his face akin to sorrow, "I guess that means my Gerdi would be gone by now...
"Perhaps then we should head West. We shall need some food soon though, I feel as if I haven't eaten in ages"

"Ugh. I know that feeling. Food would be greatly appreciated. We should look for a town. We'll need maps to be able to plot a course to try and find your home. A library would work best. If we can, we should try the seasides, see if we can find a boat we can take up along the coast, around alaska to to land on the Eurasian continent. From there we can head overland. A town might have some food, though it would likely be scraps. If we can find a library we could look into survival guides for edible plants, though..."

"I dislike having to deal with people though. Chances are most survival guides will be taken, too..."

Nathaniel shook his head, and started off towards the road to head off towards a town. "We'll just have to see what we can do when we get there. WIth any luck, two Blues will have them hiding, so we can just take enough to get along and get moving, leaving plenty for them. It's not the best solution, but it'll have to do."
"I'll come with you guys, I got no other ideas." Dan said he pulled out a pack of cigarettes that he had taken from a body. "Any one?" he said offering them around.
3 men

IC: The blond man was content to let his friends feel heroic, he'd turn them back home before they wasted to much fuel. He gazed up at the dark clouds, he didn't like the idea of getting rained on but if it did start raining, that would be the perfect excuse for he and his men to turn back.

Charlie banged next to the top gun, "Stan look over their!" He pointed off in the distance to three travelers.

The blond man pulled out his binoculars, they were in fact three blue. Almost a death sentence, but all the same his friends had their hearts on being heroes of the people, leaving three blue bodies behind. Trouble was, he feared the towns people would find the three blue lifeless bodies of himself and his companions. "All 3 are confirmed you sure you want to do this?"

"Yeah, you've yet to steer us wrong. So whats the plan?" The blond man considered his options.

"Stan your sure the ammo you made won't blow in the gun?"


"Okay Charlie when they are distracted start firring. Avoid sudden movements Stan, so he can aim the explosive rounds." The rounds didn't have a powerful explosive charge, but they do cause a fair degree of shrapnel.

"Wait whats distracting them?" Charlie asked.

"I will." Chances are spreading their fire in two directions wouldn't help, but the chances were greater of his friend living, he on the other hand would go down quickly. The blond man graded his bolt action riffle, and a number of rounds. "Stan stop here and let me out then take the long way round to their backs. If things seem bad run." He stepped out and his friends drove off.
Ezhno Talbot

Somewhere in the distant of LA, away from the others

Concentrated within his meditation, Ezhno started dreaming. Perhaps, even a vision. He was diving from the sky into the world beneath him. He felt calm observing the dark blue sky with bright stars stationed in the distant yet anxious on how the earth descended above him.

He took a deep breath, not understanding if this was a dream of another life or his unconscious talking. He thought about his life, they played hastily infront him. This troubled him while his heart pumped hard and a ripple of dreams showed how he cut men in half and destroying mass numbers of tanks with a glowing sword.

"What kind of visions are these?" He thought to himself. A sense of love and loneliness choked him as he held an odd flower. He held it high as if he was giving it to someone. Perhaps he was in purgatory and relapsing his life in strange lessons. Perhaps he was dreaming all this time and he is finally realizing this. His thoughts grew him bigger until he watched a young boy standing below him. He could see his reflection through the kid's eyes. His eyes were glowing bright blue before he stepped on the child.

He heard a glass-shatter and someone pushed him as he opened his eyes, he couldn't grasp if he had killed a child meanwhile he felt like he tripped. Maybe the child was him and he is his own self to blame. His eyes focused and saw an amazing sword float in the sky as he was himself. He tilted his head up to realize he was falling down. A tear flew out of his eye when closing his eyes. "Who am I?", he thought. He saw the flower fall endlessly as it glistened brightly into darkness. He expected to wake up now, but he couldn't. His eyes opened in shock, his heart stopped, his skin felt like it was burning flesh, and he sweared, "I'm in hell now..."

With a loud thud, he hit the ground and he saw white flash before blacking out. He haven't realized it yet, but he had fallen down the sky like a meteor shower and just like how it hits the ground or any surface, he had caused the ground to open into a huge whole upon impact.
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The Blond

IC: The man loaded the first round into his riffle, not sure he'd have time to load a single round if they spotted him. He moved at a quick and steady pace closing in on his three targets.

Once he felt safely in range he dropped to one knee and brought the riffle to his eye. The three warriors seemed calm and silent but surprisingly mortal for the legendary butchers of men they were. Something has happened these creatures had lost their grip on the world, or perhaps their powers were never what they had seemed. In any case it feel onto him to try and rid the city of these three.

His heart beat strongly in his chest, and sweat fell to the ground. If he could kill just one perhaps that would be enough for his victory today. Stan and Charlie could finish off the other two while they focused on him. He let his sights fall on the head of the closest foe. He held his breath as he slowly squeezed the trigger, but a rush of blood pulsed threw his veins lowering his accuracy by the slightest degree. The bullet sped past his target and the three knew thy were hunted.

Nathaniel was moving even before he realized the sound was a shot. "DISPERSE!" he yelled to his new comrades. Activating the powers inate to him, he lightened his weight, and ran up the nearest tree, unholstering his omniblaster as he went. Once within the foliage he jumped, making an almost impossible leap between two trees. His eyes scanned the area as he moved around, trying to find a lock on whoever was attacking him.

"Damnit. I guess three isn't enough in numbers to throw them off in fea-"

Nathaniel spotted something, and brought his omniblaster around A man, a man with a gun. "Got to be precise..."

Firing at the weapon, Nathaniel shot off the omniblaster, adjusting for the weapon as it went off to give the best shot. As soon as the shot was off, so was he, slipping around the back of the tree to fall lightly to the ground, feet moving even before he hit, wondering just how the shot had hit, but not worried enough to stay and watch. Who knew how many were out there...
The Blond

IC: He watched as the three quickly became blurs of movement, perhaps he had under estimated the three. He hesitated getting up and running for only a moment thinking he may be able to remain unnoticed, but he quickly realized that was a bad idea.

He placed his feet firmly on the ground and took his first step away when a white bolt of energy removed his foot from the rest of his body. His instinct to keep running was in action and he stepped firmly onto his phantom foot falling to the ground. "Damn it." His wits returning to him, he loaded another round into his rifle and scanned the area for the soldiers. Spotting a dust trail quickly approaching where the three were, he realized Stan and Charlie, were coming into the battle.

He heard the boom of the flack Cannon and saw the cloud of debris from the resulting explosion of the shell. "Get away you fools." He spoke only to himself as if they would here him clearly.
Dan ducked when he heard the shot. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" he yelled, then he saw his attacker. He hefted his sword onto his shoulder and ducked again att he sound of a large cannon. Roaring he charged at the sound.
Joushein Kravilez

The bullett sped past Josh's head, though oddly he could almost see it fly by!
"DISPERSE!" yelled Nate as he ran up a nearby tree.
Almost immediately an incredibly light tower shield appeared on Josh's arm, and his sword seemed to jump into his hand. Not knowing where his assailant was located, he crouched behind the shield scanning the horizon. He spotted a man with a rifle. Josh watched for a split second as the energy blast flew at the man, detatching a leg.
Instincts took over, and Josh was moving toward the man. Yet, he slowed to ponder the shield, that seemed to streamline itself as he ran.
Debris whistled through the air straight at him! The shield again bent shape and nearly engulfed Josh. Still he moved toward the attackers. He saw three of them, two in a vehicle with a large cannon. First Target! the thought came unbidden to him.
As Josh passed the rifleman, he could see fear in his eyes, but not for himself...He worries for the others? But Josh couldn't think of that now, he was coming up on the vehicle, and he needed to destroy the cannon.

Moving in a crouch, Nathaniel moved around the battlefield. He watched the other two trying to survive. The vehicle was coming up. Deciding to try and buy the others time from the fire of the wepon, he began to lay down cover fire, trying to distract attention from the attackers so the others could get in closer. Instinctively, he seemed to know that staying in one place was suicide.

Moving amongst the lay of the land, he continued to shoot his weapon on low power towards the vehicle, trying not to kill its passengers, but also trying to be enough of a threat to draw their fire. It was a difficult balance to strike, but Nathaniel was not ready to kill someone if he had any choice in the matter.
3 men

IC: The blond man groaned as a sword cleaved right threw his shoulder blade, his assiliant seemed to pop out of no where. When the sword pulled out of his shoulder he rolled around pointed his rifle at the man and squeezed the trigger.

The two in the vehicle were fairing much beter. The soldier with the range weapoin wasn't much of a sniper fireing blasts that were frequently missing. Charlie was new to his weapon as well though and he wasn't much more accurate. His mind was torn he had one with a range weapon unloading on them and another one with a sword charging them.

"Weres the boss?" Stan asked, "I can't find him."

"No clue. Just keep moving. He'll show up he isn't a coward or nothin."