Return To Darmus

Florin Bornsmith

"Well my lady, a most impressive title that is too." Florin said, giveing a somewhat quizicall look toward Hi Atchi. Clearing his throat, he continued, " As far as work? If you mean servant type, I'm going to have to dicline. You see, I already have employment as it is, and our newfound friend" he said, pointing in the direction of the cemetary, " has just become part of that. And I do say, Valdimer trapped that fine animal you wear? Impressive indeed." he said, rolling his eyes. "Now, my lady, if you dont mind, I believe we should make our way to the cemetary, and catch up with our fellow key searcher, before he gets into anymore mischief." Florin said, casting a glance at Hi Aichi, and reaching for the door of the coach.....
Bethesda Verlaine Van der Snoggenheim

"I have no need for servants, thank you. I have those a plenty and they certainly smell better than you do. I have need for a guide. I have this map, you see, and I can't read it. My step-mother's old lover made after he hid the key. I mean to have that key. I shall take it as payment for all those horrible things my step-mother made me do. She actually made me saddle my own palfrey! Me! Bethesda Verlaine Van der Snoggenheim! As if I were some sort of smelly stable boy. She's a horribly mean person.

"Anyway, that barkeep person has no need for such a precious gem, even if it is a key. He has no couth." She waved her hand in the air dismissively. "However, I shall find a guide, never you fear. Do you know of any available guides in the area? He must be clean, fair of face, and he must have impeccable fashion sense. I simply cannot have retainers who cannot dress. He must be an elf as well. The map is in Elvish and reading is such a dreary chore. I simply cannot believe how that step-mother of mine made me learn to do it. Ladies do not read.

"I bid you good day, gentlemen."

Zahn tried the key in the second mouslem door, nothing. He grunted is frustration and decided to take a break, leaning on the concrete door in front of him. Suddenly that familar tinge went up his spine and two his brain, it was his master contacting him telepathically. "Zahn!! What the hell are you doing??!!! Open the door before those barflys get there!!!!" "I'm sorry master I just--'I know you can't remember which one right?" Zahn was silent for a minute. "Thorn, you moron, THORN!!!" Zahn walked over to the door and started to open it, "Is this really necesary master?" "If you want me to bring your fiance back and restore your form it is !!!" Zahn opened the mouslem and entered, changing his skin color back to it's natural grey. "Now find that bracelet!!"
Florin Bornsmith

"Ahh, my lady, if it guides you seek, then perhaps me and my friend here could be of service to you after all." Florin said, his eyes searching for the map Bethesda spoke of. "As you can see, I am elvish, but as far as my fashion sense? Well, my circle of mages only allows us to wear such dull clothing, which I must admit, is quite comfortable." he said, pulling his gray robes and cloak closer to his frail body, trapping what little warmth he could. "Now, if you would be so kind, could I take a look at this elven map of yours?".........
Hi Achi:

As he stood silently by the elf and the lady, Hi Achi shifted his eyes back and forth between the two of them. Once the elf extended his services to her, Hi Achi nodded ascent to it as well. He'd take work whenever it presented itself, never knew when the next chance would come after all. The girl seemed kinda vain though... Her vainess nearly overshadowed the elves own... But not quite... He wouldn't put up with this nonsence for very long when real danger was about... But for now, it was kinda humorous...
OOC: Sorry this took so long, I wasn't exactly feeling very well for a while, still aren't, but my brain is working better now.

Bethesda Verlaine Van der Snoggenheim

She clapped her hands together, delighted. "Wonderful! First to the furrier and then to the tailor. We simply must do something about your wardrobe. You look as if you're some sort of lecherous adventurer with less than two coppers to rub together. I am Bethesda Verlaine Van der Snoggenheim! I won't have less than the absolute best. I do hope baths can be found for the two of you in this place. I must say that I have very little hope.

"Once that's done, we shall dine at the Inn like civilized beings ought and discuss what's to be done. Of course I should like to make sure your horses match mine. You do have white horses? My furs are white and the horses must match my furs. I shall also need to engage a ladies companion. Mine most recently ran off with some country bumpkin gentry as a governness. Of all the cheek, she quit her post as companion to me, Bethesda Verlaine Van der Snoggenheim to see after a gaggle of smelly children. I am a Duke's daughter and the prince has his eye on me for marriage. I shall have to decline of course, the man has red hair and it absolutely clashes with my dog's coat."

She swung up into her coach and smiled at the elf. "We'll discuss your fee at the Inn as well as plotting strategy over the map. I feel like a Lady of Adventure, I daresay. I do hope they have pheasant. I am getting sick of venison."

OOC: Feel free to segue to the Inn. Wonder if anyone else will hop in?
Hi Achi:

Quickly becoming annoyed with the woman's prattle, Hi Achi began grinding his teeth. He'd not put her in her place just yet though. It did little good to start a quarel with her when she had yet to put coin in his pocket. Taking his black mare, Hi Achi stroked her cheek lightly and whispered something foreign to her as he swung himself up onto her back. She snuffed her nose in acceptance and began to trot for the next Inn.
Florin Bornsmith

"Why yes, my lady, dinner and some fresh clothing woud be good for us." he said, giving a small smile to Bethesda. Looking behind him, he continued, " But, I fear this establishment wont do us any good. No no no, we need a new place to go." Looking around, Florin didnt see much, for eating establishments that is. "This peasent town is nothing. We need a city. My lady, if you care to join me, we can go somewhere, get fresh clothing, of the finest in Darmus, and the best pheasent as well. Hi Atchi? Are you coming?"

Florin turned from his companions, and let the noise drown out, as he formed a spell in his mind. One word was focused in his mind, Browning. He let the word flow from his lips, his arms moving in an up and down motion, forming a blueish protal in front of him. Inside the portal, a city began to form.......his hands moving at an almost blinding speed. A large castle, from what appeared to be made of marble, and built by the best of dwarves and elves, began to appear to the right. In the center, merchant shops, tailors, vendors, and the like crowded the main street. Florin to a heavy sigh, and turned to his companions. "Are you coming?" he said, as he stepped through, watching the rest follow after him.........
Hi Achi:

"Yes, I am coming..." Hi Achi spoke, his asian accent showing through his words. He wheeled his mare about and let her canter through the portal, she wasn't the slightest bit skittish about the magic the portal used it would seem. On the other side of the portal he smoothed his hand through her mane as she nodded her head with a laughter like whinny. Leaning forward he whispered into her ear again. "Keep an eye for any unwanteds Felicia... Never know when they might find me again..." In answer, she fluttered her eyes and gave her "laugh" again. In short order, they came to one of Browning's many Inn's, it was rather lavish in its decoration, yet still held a homey aura about itself. Hi Achi guided Felicia into the Inn's stableing, and dismounted. He walked back toward the other two who were just pulling up in front of the Inn. Craning his head back to find a young man about to tie Felicia up for him, he clucked his tongue to get his attention. "She'll stay put lad, do not bind her." The boy gave him a strange look as he shrugged his shoulders and walked off, leaving Felicia the way she was.

Zahn punched through the marble name plate in front of him. He removed the coffin out of its shelve and opened it, before him laid the remains of Carlo Remus, the master thief of Daramus. Remus was famous for stealing everything from hens off of the farm to the king's crown jewels He took so much pride in his work, it is said he was buried with his trophies, including the ruby bracelet.

Zahn sifted through a collection of pearls, gems, and various treasures but could not find the bracelet. "Where is it!!!!" Zahn stood up and punched another hole in the marble wall, letting the moonlight shine through. Suddenly, he recieved another telephathic message, "What is taking so long, Zahn?"

Zahn slumped as he said, "I'm sorry Master, it's not here." "What do you mean it's not there!!! Is the grave robbed?" "No master, that's the weird thing, everything else is here." "Well Zahn, your gonna have to do some foot work to find that bracelet. I would suggest finding Remus' son."

stark sat sielently by himself in a isolated table from the rest of the bar. he sat sawating the arrival of his old friend florin. he then took a big gulp of his ale and slammed it on the table " more " he said . "florin where the hell are you" he said sielently to him self and drank deeply of his new found ale.

oc: val i hope this is alright?, any way what do you think?
Rictor the thief

Rictor sat at the end of the bar, sipping on the cold beer the waitress he charmed had given him for free. He counted the money he had stolen today in his sachel. "300 gold," he thought to himself, "not bad for a weekday." He was waiting for Egor, a fiendish creature who worked for Galvin. Galvin himself was the local hood leader, not strong enough to be the mob boss, but too big to be a scrub. Rictor has a big gambling debt to work off from Galvin, so he agreed to allow Rictor to do a few jobs for him to pay him off.

Egor was supposed to bring him blueprints for the castle, so Rictor could sneek in and grab a bunch of jewels for the smelly bastard. Problem was the little goblin was an hour late.

Rictor scanned the crowd and saw a man sitting by himself at an isolated table (Stark). Rictor smiled as he yelled to the patron, "Sir can I interest you in a game of chance?"
stark looked over to the man that had said something to him, "a game of chance", the dwarf looked puzzled. " Not today , im waiting for a friend to come into town. he has important business with the king, and I have been sent to bring him in". The dwarf looked closley at the man, he had not seen him here before, "who are you, if you dont mind me asking? if iam to play a game with you I least should know your name". Stark reached down under the table and touched his trusty battle axe and thought ' just in case.' " I suppose i chould play for a little while florin is not here yet, so what can it hurt, please sit down and tell me your name and about this game."
Place your bet!!

Rictor took three cards out of his pocket and began his scam. "My name is Rictor Remus, the great and this is a game of kings and queens." Rictor flipped over 2 of the cards, one a king and one a queen. "However, my dwafen friend, what would a royal court be without a joker." Rictor flipped over the last card to reveal the joker. Rictor turned all three cards face down and began to shift them across the table. "Now my good man, place your bet and identify the joker. If you find the clown you get the gold."

"Now my friend place your bet on the table and we can begin."
Hmmm..... Stark looked very closlely at the cards placed before him, and one of those cards holds the joker. 'What to do' he thought 'where in blazes is that card.' then Stark placed 5 gold on the table. "Hmmmm... I belive it is the middle one, yes im sure of it the middle one," Stark pointed at the middle card, " now flip it over and revel its true identey. For the king demands it." Stark gave Rictor a big smile:D . He reached slowley for his battle axe agian just in case.
card game 2

Underneath the table Rictor slid off his boot, and wrapped his toes around the sachel the dwarf kept his gold in. Ricotor poured the dwarf's gold into his left boot and replaced the sachel. Meanwhile, stark picked the middle card, Rictor flipped it over "Sorry mate it's the queen herself, don't get so down have a drink on me." Rictor saw Egor walk in and sit at the bar. Rictor bought the dwarf a brew and signeled for Egor to meet him outside.
"damn it" stark thought " I knew I should never have done that, well at least he only got 5 of my gold. No big loss to me. " Stark reached down to patted his money pouch and relized it was empty, stark stood up and screamed " CRY HAVOC AND LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR" Stark took his battle axe and began to leave the bar to find the thief, and turn him into a female with a high piched voice problem, and rename him Racheal.:mad:
Rictor and Egor walked behind the bar so no one would see the sinister exchange. "What took you so long you smelly toad?" Rictor asked. Egor snapped back, "Never mind that!! I smell great, your the one that's pungent my friend." Egor handed Rictor the blueprints, a dagger, and a grappling hook. "Now Glavin wants you to go up the south tower tonight after midnight. Most of the guards tend to doze off around then so you won't run into much trouble. Then you have to sneak into the kings room, take his jewels, and kill'em."

"Right," Galvin replied, "Sneek into the south tower,get to the kigns room, take his jewels, and kill'em...wait kill'em??!!" "That's right, Gavin wants the king gone!" "Now wait a minute, I agreed to steal a little here and there but never did I agree to kill anyone! " Egor replied, "Do it or Glavin's gonna kill you!"
"Fair enough, but this squares us away!" "You're squared away when Glavin tells you so, where's your draw for today!"

Rictor handed Egor his sachel filled with all the cash and belongings he had stolen today. Egor opened the bag and licked his lips, "Nice, ten more years like this and you'll be squared away in no time. He he he he"

Egor began scampering away as Rictor saw the axe wielding dwarf running toward him in a rage. "Hey mate, that guy stole your wallet," Rictor yelled pointing to Egor. The dwarf started to chase Egor as Rictor fleed the scene.
Just as the by by stander tlod him who had stole his wallet, he charged after the person. 'Florin will have to wait' Stark thought to him self ' this punks mine' just as he turened down an alley way he saw him " THEIF" Stark scramed, raising his battle axe up he charged. He toppled the man fairly quicly, throwing the money, starks money all over the alley way. "theif, nobody steals a dwarfs money and lives, your going before the king, you see im caption of the gaurds, and well see waht the king has to say about this.
Florin Bornsmith

Florin watched as Hi Atchi trotted toward the tavern, and while Bethesda Verlaine Van der Snoggenheim *whew* and her coach ride in, following behind Hi Atchi. Spotting the events taking place outside the bar, Florin turned to Bethesda and said, " Now my lady, if you would kindly wait for me in that nice tavern there, I shall be with you momentarily." he said, not giving a backwards glance as he took off.

Following the dwarf, and what seemed to be a thief run into the alleyway, Florin casually followed along.

"I'm the captian of the guards, and we'll seewhat the king has to say about this!" Florin heard, as the dwarf bellowed. "My dear, tiny little friend Starkweather. Is this how you treat all the people you arrest?" Florin said, pulling down his wool hood........
"FLORIN," replied stark, "where in hell have you been, the king is looking for you. " stark waited for a reply," no matter come lets chat for a while this thief can wait. " Shaking the thief violently, "give me all the money you stole,and maybe ill let you live." the thief gave him all of his money, and stark pocked it and pulled the thief close to him and said, "run, run like youve never run before.:mad: " soon the thief got the picture and ran. Stark turned to Florin " now lets go have a drink and I'll tell you what the king has in store for you." Stark led the way.
Zahn watched Egor scamper away from a distance. He had seen the whole incident but didn't know where Rictor had gone to. "Maybe I can recruit the dwarf into finding Rictor. That women was from the other bar though, perhaps a disguise is needed."

Zahn walked into a stable next to the bar and took a blanket off of one of the horses. "This will do." Zahn draped the blanket around him like a cloak, concealing his features. "Now for the finishing touches." Zahn's skin once again turned from snow white to a pinkish, more alive color.

Zahn walked into the bar and next to the dwarf's table. After a few minutes, he was sure the woman didn't recgonize him. "Excuse me sir, I'm looking for a bandit who may have been through here recently. He's got dark skin, long black hair, and may have been wearing a shiny red bracelet. Have you seen anyone like that sir?"
Stark turned to the cloaked figure and said" Why yes I have, we played a game a few minutes ago, and while I was playing that game a thief stole my money." stark replied with anger, " however, I caught the thief and got some of his money. Why do you ask?" Stark looked at him puzzled.
Zahn, still disguised, said "I'm looking for my wife's braclet. DO you know where he was headed?"
" I have no idea where he was headed, after playing the game with me he went outside with a friend of his, after that i never saw him." gulping more ale , " need some help finding him or something?" stark said.