Rossie's World of Brilliant Colors

Just stumbled upon this pic on Tumblr, a nicely done artistic arrangement. :cathappy:
Whenever I see pictures of Banff, I initially have to do a double take because I always think of Banff in Scotland to start with :D. Anyway, that's a magical view.

I couldn't find pics of Banff that show a lot of colors. How about images of other Scotland locations?

Forth Bridge Sunset - Firth of Forth, Scotland

South Lighthouse, Fair Isle, Shetland, northern Scotland

Neist Point Lighthouse, Isle of Skye, Scotland
Those pictures of Scotland are wonderful, thank you :). That view of Fair Isle is particularly beautiful under that sky.
Just a photo with neutral colors but the bird is so cute. I believe this cutie is called McKay's Bunting, a rare North American songbird. :heart:
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