RP's with an anime flavor.

...Well you SHOULD know what takes better in your mouth! Milky or sweety! ...You're weird. :D
Of course I am. Did you realize that about me before? ^_^

Umm... sweet, I think. Yeah -- I don't like creamy stuff that much. But as long as it's something. I'm out of green tea. ^_^
Sweet eh? *Runs off and eats alot of sliced pineapples* Green tea? Blech! Drink Cof-fey! :D
Chhhe. Coffee tastes terrible. I really don't understand why people even bother. It tastes bad, so you drink it enough until it finally starts tasting okay -- or you have to put in sugar and cream. What's the point? If you want caffeine, just drink green tea. Better for your teeth! ^_^

Enough with your eating pineapples. Where's my sweet drink, ShotoBunny!
-_- Well...you gotta su--I mean work to get your drink. Just like coconuts don't just pour its juice, you need to put a straw in there and "pull"! :D

Oh, man, I have a bad feeling about this.

*pouts and turns around*

Besides, you said I was weird! You're mean! >_<
*Smiles. Hands her an open coconut with a straw in it...* Here, this is a summer drink. You'll like it. Not all coconut, but you'll like it.

...And sorry! I thought you liked being called weird, you weirdo! :p
Jacobo_Curious said:


*smacks Shoto to the ground and tugs her hat over her face again to hide*

Y-You could at least ask permission or something... o_O;;

*crosses her arms across her chest*

...well, that leaves my bottom unprotected again...


*carefully considers strategy a few moments before taking off her hat and sitting in it*

There! I'm safe now!

Just because I dress like this doesn't indicate anything about my personality, you know!

...and neither does that hentai! I really DID need the money!

...ahem. :eek:

You arright there Hyb? Got a shrimp stuck up there or something? You need something to suck that out of you?
You sure? *Tapping hard behind Hyb's back* I mean I can continue doing this while Jac over there who wouldn't talk to me can lip-lock with ya and use her tongue to take it out. No? Well then may I let her do it to me then? Yes. Okay. :D
Okay, this vampire is getting restless...and needs to find a way to sleep!

I think I'm gonna go jog it off and then take a nice ice cold shower! (I don't like the warm weather!)

If that, of all the mankind logic, doesn't work. I'm heading for the beach and sleep there. (Heard the waves were coming in tomorrow, gonna go surfing...so why not just get there early?) :D

~G'night/G'day all...
*tackles Hy and stomps him*

Hmph, here comes my knight in shining armor, hours late, to just stare and cough! Rrr! Something stuck in your throat, huh? I have a better method of getting it out!

*jumps on Hy's stomach*

Rrrrrr! Where are you when I need you!?

Ow! Why is it when I'm on your nerves, you become the nightmare of lit, but when its Shoto or Cats (etc) you're the Maiden in distress?!
Weeeell, because I expect more from you, of course! ^_^

*sits on Hy's chest*

I certainly don't expect Shoto or Cats to rescue me if I get in trouble! And, in return, you get my undying affection!

*pouts dramatically*

...if you would ever notice! Hmph!

Come on! You don't pay enough attention to me!

*tugs on Hy's hand, still pouting*

You don't even seem to get angry at people when they flirt with me! It's like you don't even care! That's why I stomp you, silly!

Now, if you showed that you cared... maybe I wouldn't get so frustrated with you!

Hmph. Maybe I'm just wasting my time!

*turns head away and crosses arms, pouting even more*

*Groans* (That pouting starting to get to me! I have to escape!) You know darn well I care, its just that I'm the type that doesn't show it! (I admit it! I'm a stuborn mule! It runs in my family!)
Of course I know that you care! But you have to learn how to show it! Girls need to be reassured! Heck, so does everyone. I bet you wouldn't be very happy if I never ever stomped you or glomped you. ;)

So, I'll help you learn how to show you care! You can practice with me!

*glomps and smooches* :kiss: :heart:

Man, I always have to be the assertive one! ^_^
*grabs you by the shoulders and nuzzles your neck happily* :heart:

Hahaha! ^_^ Come on, Hy, don't you want to spend the night snuggling?

*looks up and leans in close*

Unless that's not enough... :rose:

*kisses nose gently* :kiss: :heart:

Er, ah... (Run you dolt!)

... (Either you run, or I will!)

........ (I'm warning you! Either you bail, or the brain bails!)

*Quiet brain!*
Oh, Hy-chan! Aren't you even interested!

*leans in, pushes you back, and kisses firmly on the lips* :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

Hmm... stop thinking about it and just do something, Hy! :heart: ^_^
(Oh I give up!) *Wraps arms around Jacobo, and pulls her closer into the kiss*