Save my World! (closed for JadeKnight)


Sexy Feisty Sub
Aug 19, 2008
Brie had acquired this dimension from the previous God and was doing a great job if she could say so herself. She mentally patted herself on the back. This world had magic and heroes, demons, and beastkin and she did a great job of keeping them happy and providing just enough conflict for the world to not get boring or die out. Heaven, she was even being worshipped below as a saint. Brie giggled as she closed her eyes and listened to the prayers of the people to Saint Brielle of Love. The more people who would worship and pray to her the stronger she would get. If she got enough people of this world to take her name in a religion than she too could be elevated from the lower angel being she was to a higher being or even to a status of God. Brie squealed, can you just imagine?

She stretched from her long nap and glanced down into her portal giving a quick high-level overview of the world that was in her care. She granted a few dire prayers and then turned to see if there were any news from the heavens. Brie walked over to the teleprompter and quickly scan the feeds before she stilled and went back. Brie waved her hand to turn the teleprompter into a newscast and listened.

"Angel, Demi-Gods, and Gods who have ownership over dimensions and worlds it has been 100 years! You know what that means!" Words flashed bold and sparkled as the commentor spoke. "9th 100-year Proxy WAR! That's right. Betting is starting! You can bet on your favorite world and whether it'll go through damnation," a replica of a world that was full of rainbow and sunshine suddenly went dark and hellfire started raining down on the world causing tiny screams from the world inhabitants, " .. or stay in God's Grace," the world went back to rainbow, sunshine, and birds singing.

"Below you can see all the worlds, dimensions, and dimensions of worlds, that are available for restructuring. You can also see their ranking on the determination of the world staying good (+) or going bad (-)". Brie watched in horror as she saw multiple worlds some she knew others she didn't on the scrolling marque ... Harge Dimension - pg 143 +73%/-27% ... Converatiatium World - pg 3 -80%/+20% ...

Brie felt sick as the commentor continued. "This year we are continuing last year's new betting line - betting on the Gods, Demi-Gods, Angels, Demons, Demi-Demons, & Halflings themselves! This year if they lose their world you can double your bets! A popular add on from last year I might add. If they gain a world then you triple your bets! Only one bet per contestant so choose wisely!" The newsreel then repeated itself, but the scrolling marquee kept going. Brie wondered if she would have to participate. She knew of the proxy wars, but she was merely 500 years old and only learned about it in school. She hadn't given it too much real thought.

There was a small tinkling noise letting her know she received mail. Suddenly, an envelope appeared from the God of this World - Artresion. It was a long letter. It described how great she's been doing, and how proud he was she was being elevated so quickly even as she continued to praise his name to them. Brie was growing anxious as she realized he hadn't gotten to the point of letter and she was afraid she knew what it was. "... as guardian of Albanese Dimension who will be expected to protect them in the proxy war. Summon your champion..." Brie trailed off as his words sunk in and she happened to glance at the screen and see on the scrolling marquee ... Albanese Dimension - pg 307 - -65%/+35%
"No!" Brie said out loud to herself. She didn't want her world to be a participant and even worse they had it ranked for her to lose the dimension and it to go through hell! She figured it probably had more to do with her never having participated in these games before. Brie picked up the letter. She was to summon a champion and not lose this dimension or he would not give her another. In fact if you lost your position she remember from school it was one of the worst things that could happen to a being; proving you couldn't protect your world. If you could gain a world then it was a best thing that could happen to a being; proving you could bless a lost world. Another tinkling noise and Brie was handed the rule book, rankings, status, start dates, training time for the proxy war, plus so much more. She had to find a champion and train them too?!

Brie immediately sank to her knees doing the ritual everyone learned from school to summon a champion. She desperately wished she paid more attention and now regretted settling for a C in summoning. " ... please let him be strong, smart, and able to save my dimension.." that wasn't how the summoning was supposed to go. Brie was nervous and her mind wouldn't calm and settle. She only gets one chance and they only get one champion. It's bracket tournament style and it's 3 strikes with each lost sending your world more calamity or blessings depending on which side your on and the 3rd lost you lose your world to the 3rd being so higher gods and demons would purposely set up worlds and dimensions with this in mind; sometimes even sacrificing each other to save themselves and ... other things. Because Brie hadn't been thinking about this war she hadn't prepared; she hadn't made any allies or friends. She was truly alone. Maybe Artresion, but he had 23 worlds of his own and she was sure he had basically told her to figure it out in his letter.

Suddenly there was a white light and her champion was before her. NO! NO! She hadn't been thinking straight. She wasn't calm. She had messed up. He wouldn't be what she needed as she hadn't given the right things she would need to save her world. Brie quickly sent a heartful thank you and prayer to God Artresion making sure to use his full name and to humble herself, so he would show favor with her. She needed one friend as she had already screwed herself. This one didn't even LOOK strong.

Gandorn Nightsong was am experienced elven adventurer hailing from the lands of Galorian in his own world. While he was only 135, he had always been a fast study in what he put his mind to. Most foundt him a bit gruff and rough, even his close friends. Magic had been his area of study, though not the normal route of a plain old wizard or sorcerer.He had chosen to become what was known as a Spellburst Savant.

To these mages, magic is as much about the process as it is the result. Spellburst savants possess an instinctive understanding of magical effects, allowing them to tinker and toy with their spells, modulating their components and abilities to fit the situation at hand. They don’t have nearly the same strength as more traditional students of the arcane arts, but they make up for it with sheer understanding. The spellburst savant is a spellcaster first and foremost. Their role in an adventuring party is that of a battlefield artillery specialist. Spellburst savants excel at dealing damage and laying down fire support for their allies—often in a very literal fashion. Gandorn persued the art even futher, following the path of the Gun Witch, using physics to their advantage, stacking the ingenuity of mankind with the power of magic to fill their foes with lead in the most efficient manner possible.

When Brie had chosen to summon, it was during the worst possible time of his adventuring career. During his last adventure run, his party had managed to piss off a hag they were sent to hunt. She responded to their intrusion by cursing the four of them before she managed to escape, leaving them to deal with the curses. Two of them got permanently polymorphed into a pair of cats, while him and the other wizard got cut off from using magic. So he had to join a bigger party to hunt down the hag once more, to try and get the curse removed. The last thing he was doing was kneeling in front of a large stone door with various runes on it. He was starting to speak when the summon spell kicked in without him noticing it yet.

"Sara, I think this..."

He frowned for a moment as he found himself no longer staring at a door covered with runes. He stood up abruptly, slowly turning around to see his new surroundings. He stopped for a moment when he spotted a few feet away.

"You there, where...Never mind that, I need you to return me back to my group now. No games."

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Brie was supposed to be in traditional, ceremonial garb! How could she have forgotten that! So instead of wearing a pearly white with a slight pink tint long trained dress with decorational wings she was wearing a strappy black dress no wings. She literally slapped herself on the forehead and groaned. No wonder he wasn't treating her with reverence and awe. In fact, he should be thankful and honored. Instead, he was looking at her with a kind of hostility.

Brie tilted her head back and prayed to the heavens for strength and guidance. Okay, she learned that not all summonings have a thankful summonee. Sometimes, you get down right rude and hostile summonees. She would have to calm him down, explain he can't go back. Explain how he'll never age, but he could still die. Oh, and if he doesn't want to stay she could reincarnate him and it doesn't even have to be in his same world. It could be to any world she had at her disposal; which was ... well .. Albanese.

Brie growled in frustration there was too much to go through and catch him up to speed. She didn't have time. Maybe she could beg Artresion to swap this one for a much more well-rounded fighter. Brie waved her hand at him dismissively. "You can't go back. One way ticket. Hold on for a moment."

Brie waved her hand in front of the teleprompter and made a call to Artresion. She looked down and gasped as the call rang. She ran to her side of the room and began frantically searching for her dress, throwing things out of the way. Everything her hands landed on was tossed over her head from her shoes even to the cat. Cat? Where the hell did a cat come from? Brief hands touched tulle! She hated tulle. This had to be the dress.


Brie panicked, ripped off her clothes and pulled on the dress before running in front of the teleprompter while trying to smooth her hair down. "Yes, Lord Artresion I am your humble servant and I was ..."

"Get on with it. Time's wasting," Artresion said cutting her off.

Brie looked over at the sullen elf and sighed. "Can we switch fighters? I ..."

"You fucked up your summoning didn't you? You mess this up and I will send you to Hell to work off your debt for losing the world." Brie was shocked into silence. He would send her down below to be an indentured servant! Artresion's voice trailed off. "Can you believe that? She's going to lose - " then the line cut off.

Brie wanted to cry. Instead she turned to her new charge and gave a small tight smile trying to hide her panic and tears. "I'm an angel and you've been summoned dear hero..." Brie trailed off with her head hanging low.
He frowned as the woman simply told him that he was stuck there. This was not how he wanted things to go. And he really had no idea who this person seemed to think she was. When she ran off to some ringing, he turned back around to examine his surroundings. It gave him no clues to what he was supposed to do next.

He used the time to check his belongings he still had. He was wearing his large backpack with all of his adventuring gear in it, and his bag of holding hanging off the right side. His dagger hung in it's sheathe on his left hip while his magical double barrel dragoon pistol was in the holster on his right hp.

When she returned to him, his face softening a little. Seeing her a little distressed made him feel a little pity for her. He raised an eyebrow for a moment at the mention of her being an angel and calling him a hero.

"Well, this is the first time an angel summoned me somewhere, but you aren't the first I've met. And what did you summon me for exactly? It's not as if I was in the middle of something already."