Scion: Road to Asgard OOC


Two out of Three! :D


*hands over an assortment of Hershey's candies*

You're right that the white wind is the final reference. A further hint is that it comes from a video game.

Btw, I had a question. I kind of wanted to change one of the Purviews that the relic I gave Colin gives him access to. He hasn't gotten any Boons in that Purview yet, which is why I was hoping it'd be all right. But if not, that's fine as well, I should have thought of it before I submitted him as finalized. I was thinking of changing the War purview that the torc gives him to Animal (Suidae - scientific family of pigs and their relatives) or just Animal (Pig).
Oh, I know the white wind thing! Ha!

It's from Chrono Trigger - it's a paraphrase of Janus's "The black wind howls . . . " thing, where he tells you that one of your party's about to die. And from before you fight Magus the first time, he's about to summon Lavos and mentions "the black wind" as well.

And, as a side note, I totally thought Real McCoy was passive - duh. I didn't figure she was shapeshifted, because, like, nothing ever is - it's either illusion-covered, or transformed in some other way. So, never mind. I already spent legend with Center of Attention, I'm not dropping more on Madame Green Dress.

One thing I do want to know - and you can put it in on your next IC post - is whether or not the Muscle Brigade resisted Center of Attention.
Of course, that change is perfectly acceptable.

And damnit! I am a first-class, card-carrying nerd. I feel as though I should know this one. The game reference is going to bug me, now.
I will certainly put it in IC. And thanks for clearing the reference up, id never have gotten it. You'll have to wait about an hour and a half for my response, though. I'm at the gym right now, trouncing frat boys.
I do love a well-trounced frat boy, and thus can wait.

Though I may make cookies in the meantime. Cookies for everyone!
*hands around chocolate chip cookies* See? You all thought I was joking, but I really DID make cookies. I got bored, and wanted something sweet, and you all reap the virtual benefits!
posted! Nothing for Kiyomi here, but that's because she's doing nothing in particular, and because I have her tied to my bed. Feel free to interact with her, I'll let her up or put words in her mouth to react appropriately.
. . . Y'all are like, my favorite people. Seriously. I don't even care if it's true, lol. Just give her a cookie if she's a good girl and earns it :D

I'll probably post tonight, but I don't know if I'll wait for Arm or not. Depends on how fast he gets here, I guess.
I second 'Boots motion on that. Meeeeow, ladies. :)

And is that fast enough, for ya? ;)

The good thing is here that my RPing and writing is in earnest. I have as little idea of the nature of such places as Colin does, lol. Makes for an authentic experience at least!
Aww, baby, you know you're always just the right speed for me!

And I have posted! Tag, Leanna and Lily!
Muahaha, our positions are reversed! Wait...poor choice of words? All right, 'Boots, we're it. Unfortunately, work calls for us both, as we go on at 11:00. I may post before then via blackberry, but I'm not sure. Leanna says that if I do, you can go ahead and post along, and she'll work the events in according to where we are. So, anyone wanna guess what leanna's mystery creatures are? She won't tell me, the wench. Maybe if I get that crop out...
I support any and all efforts with a crop, flail, or paddle . . . just in general, that is.

My guess is . . . .hmmmmm. I'm gonna say they're Greeks, not zombies or thralls, prolly, but something icky. Though I've just recalled I didn't ask whether or not THEY were shapeshifted . . . nothing's ever shapeshifted, though . . . .

In any case, I'm heading to bed, so post at will. Or, you know, once the bed-tying-to is over, as well as work. And, you know, stories about either of those things would so NOT offend Arm or I. Just in case you want to share, or anything ;)

. . . I'm going to bed as soon as Criminal Minds stops capturing my brain! Bad crime show, I must sleeeeeeeeep soon! Stop being so compelling!
I. hate. STRIP CLUBS! Sometimes, at least. Poor Leanna got hit by some drunk tonight. Twice! Anyway, we're back, and mostly intact. I'll post now, then Leanna can post when she likes.
Grr! Bad drunk! His ass should have been bounced after the first time - hitting girls is not cool, wherever you are.

*walks off muttering to herself about some people who don't know the first thing about being civil in public places*
That's terrible! I will hope Leanna feels better soon. I'm sorry to hear that someone acted like that; it's inexcusable.
Aaaaand Arm's out to dinner with some friends, which means that Lily or Leanna, if you want to post, you're free to, says him.

I myself am probably going to play some Harvest Moon (yeah, welcome to my nerdliness) and check back every now and then in the hopes of a post somewhere from someone.

As a side note, I really am liking the thread so far :) Good show, everyone!
I must echo 'Boots. I am enjoying this immensely and we've barely gotten started! :D Leanna has set things up wonderfully and is managing us really well. Not to mention writing very well too. And Lily's posts have been fantastic! :)
Awww, you guys are too sweet! I am undeserving of your praise. Of the three non-gms, I am by far the least talented. 'Boots, you have a special flair for imagery and Arm, your character development is fantastic! With that, tag! You're it!
I think we're only being fair. Don't sell yourself short!

As a note, I'm trying to show in the post that Colin's using both Willpower and Legend (for success) but it may not have come through that well. Not that this is up to a roll or anything, I just meant that he's very serious about it, that's all.

That should, of course, not effect the outcome. That's up to RPing but I just felt I should mention it.
Well, it looks like it's time for Leanna to post soon, doesn't it? I mean, if for no other reason than to tell me my toxicity, lol.

Lily, you're doing great, don't feel inferior! I'm going to be a little arrogant here, but Arm and I are both good. And you are 100% holding your own, which is awesome and makes me a happy panda.

So, there! We're all awesome and sexy and smart and cool and super-duper-keen!

. . . . wow, I just went all perky, didn't I? I can't help it - first time the sun's shone in almost two weeks, I'm fucking ecstatic! *frolics off*
Congratulations on your sunny frolicking! And Lily and I have both posted. Its now either murderquest or supernatural orgy time, depending on the party's preference.