Scion: The New Gods (OOC)

Nice one Armphid. :)

I'll wait to post, since the "mooks"(as Boots called them) are acting before me in the initiative order.
The mooks all decided to attack Jason. That was not wise, but, well, they're mooks.

Mook 1 is out cold.

Mook 2 thrust with his pool cue, and rolled 4 dice: 5+10+9+3 = 3 successes. Jason's DV is 5; attack misses.

Mook 3 threw a pool ball, and rolled 4 dice: 2+4+3+1 = botch. Jason's DV is 4; attack misses.

Mook 4 went for a baseball style-slide under the table, and rolled 5 dice: 7+4+8+7+9 = 4 successes. Jason's DV is 3; attack hits. Mook 4 is up by 1; Mook 4 rolls 6 dice: 3+4+10+3+4+10 = 4 successes. Jason soaks 4B damage.

So should we make rolls to see who gets there first? :p

I'm kidding (mostly).
Hehe, sure. Arm, I need . . . Dex + athletics.

Thunderus, I'll need you to roll Dex + Control.

And then we'll see who owes who ten quid, eh?
Nice roll! I'm not beating that. But I shall manfully do my best!

Dexterity (4) + Athletics (3) = 7 dice

2 successes from the roll + 1 automatic from Epic Dexterity = 3 successes

Jason owes Kenji 10 pounds and he and the lovely doctor will probably have to wait a few minutes before Jason arrives. Get your swerve on, Kenji!
As we're all in the same place, I think it's time for you guys (and Gabby, as well) to make a roll.

This will be Perception + Investigation. Or Perception + Art, whichever is better for you.
Gabby rolled Perception (3) + Investigation (1) = 4 dice.
3 + 6 +5 +10 = 2 successes.

So she and Jason will be able to tell that these statues were not made in the traditional sense - there are no seams from casting molds, and no tool marks of any discernible kind. These statues look like they were either sculpted into existence or magicked there. They will also be warmer to the touch than the ambient temperature.

With 3, Kenji can tell (and he may wish to look at Jason's rock fragment again) that one of them, a statue of a young woman who seems to be in the process of hailing a cab, is missing the end of one of the curls of her hair.
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Given the evidence, I'm having Jason make an Occult check here.

Intelligence (3) + Occult (1) = 4 dice.


7, 5, 1, 9 = 2 successes + 1 auto-success (epic Intelligence) = 3 successes

I don't think Jason knows but he has an idea of what it might be and will suggest it. 'Boots, please let me know if this isn't okay and I'll be glad to edit.
Easy peasy! You are more than capable of avoiding the security cameras and the lone security guard who pokes her head onto the roof of the building. Up there, there is a doorway down to the factory proper - no way of knowing whether or not the guard is always there, or was just on a patrol without popping your head in and possibly starting an alarm - you can always try, if you like :)

There are also two medium-sized skylights - about 8'x10' each - spaced out on the roof, made of sturdy plexiglass. Heating and AC vents, of course, and several electrical panels.

Do what you want with it, while the other two are chatting below. You can wait for us to post, or just edit your existing post to reflect Jason's actions - your choice.