Search For The Holy Grail

Kinda odd how you posted my name and I didn't know it. Then I just had this weird craving to look in here. Must be a minion thing. Hmm...

Well, seems like I've got some thread-jacking work to do here so... with out further uhmm.. adiue? adu? you get the idea....

*smacks a large hand down on crysedes shamrock *Smack**


Didn't even need my fishscaler or my plastic swiss army toothpic, damn I'm good.
Don't even think about bring a fish scaler near my shamrock! lol, I was wondering how long it would take you to show up, my minions generally have a sixth sense when it comes to hijacked threads - odd that zeta hasn't arrived yet....

The reason I hadn't shown up earlier is because I don't really have an interest in the thread. I haven't seen the whole movie all the way through and don't really know all the stuff. Keep saying that and he will show up and then... then you'll most likely have to punish him. You're just making more work for yourself!
*yawn, blinking* what? Oh never mind, I'm going to bed. G'night man.
Khadgar said:
*looks at Crysede oddly*
No need to add that, you always look odd!:D Hahahahahhahahahah, ok now I really need to go to bed before I'm tempted to post anymore nonsense...
This may be the longest amount of sillenest in thread history...or not....not sure......haven't been here that like I should say something important here.............hmmmmmmm.......ok i got it............heard this from a kid's video game machine at some place I used to work....................kinda like Chuck E Cheese without the rat..............................made some good cash there.......................what was I saying...........oh yeah.........................remember it's nice to be important but it' s more important to be nice....:p