Shield of Yang, Blade of Yin

"About, two days ago, six to eight people disapered near a site where they said they dicovered two old relecs.... One was called the Blade of Yin. The other was called the Shield of Yang. Yin being the symbol of evil, and Yang is the symbol of good."

Yoshimitsu stoped to take an breath, then continued. "These old relecs... These old items were said to seal an portal... An portal to the demon world, sadly the Shield had disapered, and lately mysterious deaths had been reported."

"You mean..."

Tao was quickly cut short. "Yes Tao, I suspect the demons are free."
Chrys looked from grandson to grandfather and shook her head.

"Look, I hate that people got hurt and all but what does this have to do with me? How am I mixed up in all of this? I don't even know anything about this sword and shield you are talking about."
"Yes... I should tell you now..." Suddenly, an fire lit up right in front of Yoshimitsu. "...When the sheild and sword was made, an set of warriors were fighting demons in that period of time. These warriors soul duty was to seal an portal that let demons free to rome the land. When the portal was sealed, the warriors died a peacefuil death..."

Yoshimitsu stared deeply into the fire, slightly angered, "But now the seal is open.. and that means..."

"Grampa... You are begining to ramble on, could you please get to the point?"

Yoshimitsu gave an sharp look at Tao for a few seconds, but eventualy softened up and chuckled "Yes, forgive me if it sounded like I was rambling young lady... To be blunt, when you felt sick, an soul of one of the warriors had entered your body, giving you the power they possesed."

"Grampa... A-are you saying, that now we are chosen to fight these, these demons. And to Reseal the damn portal?"

"Yes... "
But nothing is ever so simple as it is in the spoken word. now that the balence is destroyed the powers will sway one way and the other until a balence is found do you understand it means...."
Chrys held up her hands at the old man's statement. "Woah! Now hold on. You are saying that you want me to go fight some demons because of some legend or whatever it is? Hey, now! That is way out of my league. I am a simple psychiatrist. And right now I should be not only diagnosing myself but you as well. There is no way that some warrior spirit inhabited my body and I am destined to go off and fight some demons which I don't even believe in in the first place."

But you will time A voice sounded seeming to come from inside of her and all around her at the same time.

"What the hell?" She exclaimed looking around for the source of the voice,"What kind of game is being played here?"
The old staired at the young woman. his eyes pierceing her soul or so it felt. the voice came again. "you need not believe only to act now and believe latter"
She staired back now not sure how to take in all the new information.
Yoshimitsu laughed, Then got up, "If you want proof... I will show you proof..." Yoshimitsu slowly left the room, still chuckling...

Tao turned to Chrys "You have to excuse my grandfather, he can be very odd sometimes... But still... Something tells me he is telling the truth..."

"You'll learn soon enough that this IS real kid..."

Tao Eyes widened for an split second, but he then calmed down, so he wouldn't alarm Chrys. Who The hell said that?
Chrys shook her head, pushing the voice in the back of her mind for a minute. What proof could the old man possible give for demons and possession? Did she really want to know?

"Odd is one way to describe it," She said to Tao,"I think I could come up with a dozen technical terms for it though. Maybe I should give you my card and have you bring your grandfather to my office for some sessions."

Maybe I should see a psychiatrist as well She thought grimly as she waited for the old man to appear once again.
"Heh... I tried that, but just before I got him outside the shrine, he put an talisman on me, completely paralizing me... He left me in that spot for almost three hours." Tao said chuckling, he then turned to Chrys "But like I said, something tells me Grampa is telling the truth... Have you felt any thing weird since we got here? Like, new energy or something?"
Chrys frowned. "I will probably get put in the psycho ward for saying this but I have been hearing a voice. It's weird. As for anything else weird happening, tell me something that has been normal for the last twenty four hours."
Tao just smiled "Do not worry... I have been hearing voices lately myself." Just then, Yoshimitsu rentered the room, grunting as he pulled in an empty cage.

"Tao, come here."

With out hesitation Tao walked to his granfather "Yeah?"

"Take a look inside this cage..."

"Uh... Sure..." Tao lowerd himself and looked into the cage but saw nothing "But grampa... Theres nothing in here- YIKES!!!" Tao instantly shot back, seeing that a vicous Kappa Had mysteriously appered inside of the cage.

[Kappa: An Japanese Water demon that lured innocent children into their watery grave]

"C- Chrys? You should take an look at this... But don't get too close, its not too happy..."
"relax" chuckles the old man "this one is young yet, but you won't find anything like it in your 'legitamite' beastaries". Yoshimitsu said with disapproval.
"Now," the old man sat across from Chrys,"tell me everything new... different that has happened lately I may be wise but I'm not onimepotent"