Sister’s friends


Literotica Guru
Apr 19, 2021
This is a different kind of story idea thread in that I’m not interested in writing any of these ideas but I guess I just have a weird brain as I literally have never fantasized about this (which considering the number of fantasies I’ve had is quite shocking).

Simple enough: sister has an attractive friend and sibling wants to score. When I see the idea in stories on here, it usually winds up being a twist in a taboo story: bro wants to score with sister’s friend, maybe sister even bribes friend but something happens to where the siblings wind up fucking instead. Or the siblings are already fucking and friend gets thrown into the mix.

Like I said, the idea never really appealed to me. I had sisters they had friends, we weren’t that far apart in ages so it would be creepy but I just kinda saw their friends as part of the family.

Anywho though, some ideas I would like to read if not write:

1. One of sister’s friends is a childhood friend who everyone knows she’s been crushing on since since they were kids. Now that she’s back from college she goes to finally confess her feelings, only to find her sibling fucking them (bonus points if they’re both guys and sister realizes she somehow never picked up either of them was gay).

2. Sister’s friends are always coming by to the point where there’s almost never a day where one of them isn’t staying the night. Parents treat it like the girls are also their daughters. Brother meanwhile (maybe he’s going to college from home while sis is a senior in high school, vice versa, or they’re twins) is annoyed as heck as not only do they stay up late and his own friends are intimidated, but the friends have gotten so familiar that they don’t see him as a guy, either seeing him as their own little brother or the other person who lives with their friend.

They also have no sense of personal space and see nothing wrong with going into his room if he needs something or even using the toilet while he’s in the bathroom. Which leads to the initiating incident: our lead is showering and friend comes in, bro of course complains but friend just laughs, saying it’s not like he has anything She’d be interested in. Bro gets ticked enough he leaves the shower and either the ole standby of: he has a big dick and doesn’t know it’s big (maybe he watches a lot of porn so he thinks he’s average, or maybe a freak “fall” occurs which magically leads to coitus. Either way, bro suddenly and secretly becomes popular with sister’s friends
I like number two. Bro is big but doesn't realise how big and one day sister and/or friend stumbles upon this enormous cock. Maybe he's just letting it dangle as he steps out of the shower. Maybe he's jerking off when she walks in and she sees this monster shoot its load. Maybe the load somehow gets on her face or into her mouth as he's standing there eyes shut jerking and she positions herself in front and below him so that when he's done and opens his eyes, she's kneeling there dripping with his cum.

In this scenario I think the ages are reversed. She's the college girl and he's the high school nerd, completely naive, still a virgin. She invites her friends over to see what she's found. Maybe they watch him jerk off secretly or maybe they just invite him to do it in front of them. She has parties where her friends gather round just to watch, to be jerked on, and then to be fucked with his big cock, and he just goes along for the ride. He's watched porn so the idea of fucking multiple girls at a party is just normal behaviour reverse gangbang style.

How does it end? His sister pimps him out to complete strangers? He goes off to college and finds out he is big and has something special which opens doors so to speak? Somehow he gets involved with older women in the neighbourhood?
I've been thinking about daughters friends, lately myself. Divorced dad of a popular young woman, has always had her friends over. Daughter goes off to college and a few of her pals have been crushing on dad for a long while. The first one pops by.

Mitch is surprised to find his daughters friend at the door, she's dressed in a tight black dress and heels. "I'm sorry Janey, she's moved to the campus for school. I thought you knew."

"I do know. I was wondering if you and I might have a chat," Janey says with a wicked smile.

Mitch swallows nervously but steps back and lets the stunning young woman in.
Except that it's his daughter's friends. Two of them decide to give Janey's friend's dad the time of his life.
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This is a different kind of story idea thread in that I’m not interested in writing any of these ideas but I guess I just have a weird brain as I literally have never fantasized about this (which considering the number of fantasies I’ve had is quite shocking).

Simple enough: sister has an attractive friend and sibling wants to score. When I see the idea in stories on here, it usually winds up being a twist in a taboo story: bro wants to score with sister’s friend, maybe sister even bribes friend but something happens to where the siblings wind up fucking instead. Or the siblings are already fucking and friend gets thrown into the mix.

Like I said, the idea never really appealed to me. I had sisters they had friends, we weren’t that far apart in ages so it would be creepy but I just kinda saw their friends as part of the family.

Anywho though, some ideas I would like to read if not write:

1. One of sister’s friends is a childhood friend who everyone knows she’s been crushing on since since they were kids. Now that she’s back from college she goes to finally confess her feelings, only to find her sibling fucking them (bonus points if they’re both guys and sister realizes she somehow never picked up either of them was gay).

2. Sister’s friends are always coming by to the point where there’s almost never a day where one of them isn’t staying the night. Parents treat it like the girls are also their daughters. Brother meanwhile (maybe he’s going to college from home while sis is a senior in high school, vice versa, or they’re twins) is annoyed as heck as not only do they stay up late and his own friends are intimidated, but the friends have gotten so familiar that they don’t see him as a guy, either seeing him as their own little brother or the other person who lives with their friend.

They also have no sense of personal space and see nothing wrong with going into his room if he needs something or even using the toilet while he’s in the bathroom. Which leads to the initiating incident: our lead is showering and friend comes in, bro of course complains but friend just laughs, saying it’s not like he has anything She’d be interested in. Bro gets ticked enough he leaves the shower and either the ole standby of: he has a big dick and doesn’t know it’s big (maybe he watches a lot of porn so he thinks he’s average, or maybe a freak “fall” occurs which magically leads to coitus. Either way, bro suddenly and secretly becomes popular with sister’s friends
Love the idea that sis has maybe 4 really attractive friends but everyone knows she's the hottest of them all.

He works and has his own condo just a block from their childhood home. She still lives at home. He's over all the time and pretty much uses his parents' home for dinner, often to sleep, helps out, hasn't really moved out completely. But is doing well and maintains his own place.

One day the sister's friend sees his massive cock as she walks in on him while he's peeing. She stands and stares for a few seconds. He doesn't move. She closes the door and walks away. It's only a few days later that they are fucking in his condo. One by one, the other 3 friends hear about him and his massive cock, their best friend's brother, and are getting railed by him regularly. They don't mind sharing, it's a non-emotional arrangement, they all know and trust him and have known him for years. It gets to a point where they are comparing notes on how well he fucks and the things he does with them and they realize he is into different things with each girl and custom-fucks them the way that pleases them most.

Sister one day overhears some of the conversation and asks who the guy is. She's heard ALL THE PRAISE. The big cock. The gentle lover. The "aggressive pound you into the bed" lover. The "take you from behind like he owns you" lover. The "make love to you deep like you're his soulmate" lover. All the things he can do. She doesn't know who he is but she's wet just hearing about his capabilities. Her friends assure her she will not want to fuck him. She finally pressures them until they let her know it's her very own brother. She can't help the fact that she's already dripping wet after hearing about her friends' adventures.

After dinner and family movie night with the parents, they are in bed, he's sleeping over as he often does, and she enters his room. It's dark.

"I know you're fucking all my friends." she tells him.

"Julie...wait." he responds.

"I didn't say it was a problem. But I think it's fucked up that my brother has this supposedly amazing, massive cock and all these skills and everyone gets to enjoy them except the woman who actually loves him more than all these other girls." she climbs onto his bed and straddles him in the dark. She's wearing a short nightgown with nothing underneath. He can smell her juices. This is the scent of a woman's lust.

"I want you to do everything to me that you do to my friends." she tells him

"Julie....what the fuck." he says, rising turning on his side lamp. And he sees her. His baby sister in a sheer nightgown and nothing else. Her every sensual curve exposed to him and her pussy dripping right above his cock, onto his boxers.

"Holy shit you're gorgeous." he says, involuntarily.

"And I'm yours. Take my cherry. Make all of this yours forever. There's no one else I trust more to take me."

He can't resist. The time for thinking is over. The scent of her pussy, the sight of her body, the sensuality of her words. The battle is lost. He takes his boxers off, however he can, awkwardly maneuvering and places the tip on her pussy lips. She rises....and gently falls upon him as his massive cock splits open his sister's never-entered cunt, violating this sacred space in a way no brother should violate his little sister.

For Julie it's anything but a violation - it is a homecoming. Her brother is where she belongs. Inside her. She closes her eyes as he fills every inch of her with every inch of him until there's nowhere inside her for him to go and no more of him left. They fit perfectly, as they should.

They stare into each other's eyes, and smile. Tears filling both of their eyes, but from joy, relief, passion, resolution. Not fear nor regret.
A brother and sister are very close, and each has lots of same-sex friends. Neither of them has ever been very lucky in love, though.

One day they are chatting, and brother says, "Hey, Sis, your friend Sally is really one fine looking woman. Do you think you can help me tap some of that?"

Sister comes back with, "Sure. But only if you help me get some of that fine man-meat on your pal Teddy."

And the scheming begins.

(I would probably have the first two or three schemes fail in some humorous manner, but the final attempt is so successful that we end up in a foursome.)
Not a sister but I have fantasized about my two female cousin’s friends and have many scenarios come into my head
The funny thing here is the “massive cock” trigger. The assumption that women will turn into drooling fools because they see a hung guy. I get it that it’s the way a lot of guys think, physical attraction first, but I don’t think many women are built that way. They need some attraction first before becoming cock focused. Now, that may be a hunky guy, dreamy eyes, nice suit, whatever catches her eye, but I’m thinking big package is not going to usually be the first or only bait. Women, am I right (I’d love to be wrong)?
One of Baby Sis' friends didn't have a date for some function or another of theirs that I can't recall precisely what it was at the moment (athletic banquet maybe), so I got recruited to put on a monkey suit and be her backdrop for the shindig (whatever it was).

Somthing that may be of note, from what she said (later), her attraction had more to do with the fact that I was nice to her when she didn't feel like anyone else was.
Or maybe brother is -small- and the girls take pity on him to help him build up his confidence, only to find out he has special talents in other areas. He becomes the objuct of their desire.