Six Word Stories

Start with his short stories. Now.

I just got up and dug around in my closet. I thought I had a book of his short stories, but I can't find it. Bummer. I did see my copy of Sex, Money, Kiss :) while I was in there, though, and that makes me happy.

try wiki !
it's the word,

I like your posts. I make a point to read them ever since you said dolf got us all to "abandon any kind of mystery associated with the avatar" with charm and a picture of her thumb in her ass.
I like your posts. I make a point to read them ever since you said dolf got us all to "abandon any kind of mystery associated with the avatar" with charm and a picture of her thumb in her ass.

follow yourself...

fellates drown

lit blows that way.
Start with his short stories. Now.

Seconded. Hemingway was a master of the written word, but his short stories are transcendent.

Follow them with The Sun Also Rises (gets my vote for the best novel of the 20th century) and For Whom The Bell Tolls and then just read whatever else you come across that looks interesting. The Old Man And The Sea, imho, is overrated, though a pretty little thing, and everyone except Hemingway will insist that it's allegorical. Watch out for Death In The Afternoon; you may come away from it actually appreciating bullfighting.
LOL. No. No, not at all.

:D (I declare emoticons to be freebies in the word count)
:D that really sounds good to me ;)

* worked!*
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