Smallville: Redux OOC

Sorry for disappearing, but mentioning chew toys, Karen had to answer mister Hoodoo Voodoo.

Was going with early 20 around 21, or 22 figure he had 3 years at Princeton at an early age and left vanishing for well the cannon says 7 years but am cutting that done to about 2 or 3 figure he attending Princeton at 15 (he is on that scale of brains to do so) left at 18 returned 20 so for 2 years he has terrorized Gotham I hadn't planned on using Dark Knight I don't feel I can improve on Ledger's Joker maybe use him later but I think that the char and portrayal have earned that char a respite from a butchering.
The whole reason I won't let my son watch The Dark Knight is that he played the Joker THAT good.

Ok. I just needed to know because Wraith is curious about the Bat & just might go terrorize the vermin there.
Jason Teague

Jason Teague
Real Name: Jason Teague
Other Current Aliases: none
Former Aliases: Unknown.
Dual Identity: none
Current Occupation: High School Football coach
Former Occupation: college student
Citizenship: Citizen of the USA
Legal Status: No criminal record
Place of Birth: New York city or Gotham
Marital Status: Single
D.O.B: August 30tth 1990
Age: 20
Known Relatives: Edward Teague Fathr, Genevive Teague mother
Known Confidantes: Lex Luthor and Bruce Wayne and Olliver Queen
Known Allies: Bruce Wayne and Olliver Queen
Major Enemies: Unrevealed
Usual Base of Operations: Smallville, Kansas, USA
Current Group Affiliation(s): None
Former Group Affiliation(s): None
Extent of Education: College junior


Height: 6’2’
Weight: 215 lbs
Hair: sandy or dirty blonde close to brownEyes: Blue
Skin: Caucasian
Other none


Fighting Skills: Jason learned too box as a child and developed the art of bar room brawling while in college at Metropolis University. Is also skilled in the use of some firearms
Other Skills: Extremely athletic attended college on a football Scholarship. Majored in Business and applied sciences includeing Astronomy.
Metahuman Physical Abilities: He has none

Metahuman Mental Abilities: none
Source of Metahuman Powers: none

Costume Specifications: Normal clothes
Personal Weaponry: Unrevealed.
Special/Unique Weaponry: Unrevealed.
Other Accessories: Varies with mission parameters.
Transportation: Conventional means or self.


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