*sniffle* ALL posters Please Read.

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I am sorry shadow man. That's a shame, well come back any time, lock your door or something just to give a hello. I know I will miss you.
Shadowman, Oh, Bible collage? as Kel once said;
I feel the hurt

Still though, though the site is of a sinfull nature, surely the RPG board isn't. it is simply a way to express your fantasies, and there is no Sex allowed either. Personally, I'de like the opportunety to get caught and argue my way out of punishment, except for the fact that the concept of bible collage makes my spine tingle and my stomach churn. Ugh, it's almost as horrifying as seing a daddy longlegs on my bed. Bvhrrrrrr.
Awwww...I feel so loved. And you're right...as long as I can get here without the noticable way...nothing should go wrong.

Maybe I will visit here.

Shadowman, you don't even need to be writing and someone comes in to be caught. If you use the college computer, it will be loged, and people won't even ask, they'll see "literotica" and kaboom, that's it. It is more
difficult than that. And another thing is, haven't you people seen that RPG is not very well considered on the real world? Just remember all the 'media' hype.
Now here in Spain we are having what you had 2-3 years ago, maybe even worse. Every time some young one kills someone in a grizly manner, it is (this phrase translated directly from the TV) "is is yet unknown if the crime was motivated by satanism, role playing or drugs. Their friends say they didn't take drugs..."
(This was two young girls 17,18 year old that stabbed 19 times another girl, friend of theirs. Guess what was the motive? They just wanted to know how it feels... so it was nothing to do with RPG... or satanism!)
By the way, Bible school can't be that bad. I see three possitive points:
-you are shown to forget stupid and obviously false things like evolution.
-no girls with dressed sexyly that distract you from your studies.
-a lot of study and contemplation, not much going out to pubs...

And now, dropping the joke for a moment, it does have at least one real possitive thing: you'll be able to apply your bible mythos knowledge to your roleplaying!
Hey, if I wanted to read about the four horsemen of the apocolypse (actually, that might not be a bad Idea. they did it in X-men you know) or the serpent of drataline, (Hey, that actually sounds pretty cool too) then I'll read the bible. I don't want to see any of it here when I'm trying to be original and such. Actually, now that you mention it, Everything except Ether and the dimentional heroes are ripped off of something else, so go ahead and Preach on brother!
Good news, I have found a way here that won't be logged on the college computers as me going to Literotica. I just use one of the click on sites to here from me Hotmail account. So it will technically be logged as Hotmail.

Hey everybody!! High fives!! ~gives high fives~

With peace, love and the good Lord above,

Doesn't work that way. THe URL begins with "www.literotica.com...." so no mater how you got there, it would be logged as literotica. Believe me. I'm a computer person. I've worked with this befor. I've set up this before. if there is any type of online restriction software in place, than chances are literotica will be blocked, comepleatly. If not, and you manage to get on, People will know. Your best bet is to actually SHOW the higher powers and disciplinarians what you do here, so they will know that it isn't sinful or objectatious
Thanks for the warning Cryo. If they do get angry about it I'll show them what I do and if that doesn't work I'll just have to stop.
Sith said:
Every time some young one kills someone in a grizly manner, it is (this phrase translated directly from the TV) "is is yet unknown if the crime was motivated by satanism, role playing or drugs. Their friends say they didn't take drugs..."
(This was two young girls 17,18 year old that stabbed 19 times another girl, friend of theirs. Guess what was the motive? They just wanted to know how it feels... so it was nothing to do with RPG... or satanism!)

oooo i know the feeling....i actually wrote an essy about this right after the colombine (?) killings..which were blamed on "goths wearing black trench coats and white makeup who were heavy into role play" gee...if that was the case then, youd think theyd be more deaths like that...

the media loves to twists things around and make what they consider not normal (like RPG, goth, ect) the bad guys.

if any one wants to read it, its up on my page: http://www.geocities.com/nytechenaux/media.html

btw, shadowman, if you must log in (like i must at the JC im going to) it can be traced, if its open access (like i had at MSMC) just clear out the temporary internet files folder and no trace of you logging into this site, which btw, even i have trouble with. while it is a message board, the advertisements at the top sends the wrong messages to people.
If the computer is apart of a network, be it Novell, NT, 2000, etc... than clearing the tem. internet folder won't help. if the administrator is smart, he'll set up a log file that records every singe pabge visited, by who, and when. The log file would be located in the server computer, and unless you know how you hack your way to the server and navigate the OS, your screwed.
ok what was that in english???

i think i understood server :):use to work on a college's web page and stuff) and thats about it
Let me put it in terms even you simpletons will understand.

someone is "video taping" your actions. the camera is hidden beyond your reach. Therefor, since you cannot reach the video camera, your screwed.

and for the dumbasses who don't even understand that, why in hells bucket were you accepted into collage in the first place? if you can't even understand this simple concept, than you are a RETARD!
Cryo said:
Let me put it in terms even you simpletons will understand.

someone is "video taping" your actions. the camera is hidden beyond your reach. Therefor, since you cannot reach the video camera, your screwed.

and for the dumbasses who don't even understand that, why in hells bucket were you accepted into collage in the first place? if you can't even understand this simple concept, than you are a RETARD!

i get the logging part...the terms i dont get..i did html and let my boss handle the server shit....thats not my field..i rather cut up things then deal with computers, so lay off asshole
Uh, the insulting part wasn't for anyone that got it the first time. it's just a little gag I'm uses to hearing from shows about ignorant bufoons. you know, the brady bunch movie 2, Drew cary show, Homer simpson, etc... (I'd include seinfeld, but just the mention of the name freek's me out. Boy that show frightans me.)
For one of the top hacker's personal web page:

but don't say your friendly programmer downgraded to webslave (webmaster is thinking you control the web...)
told you...
Kindof Ironic, don't you think? that a hacker's web site is a business bent on security?

Omg...im out of money for here...but i got the chocolate...and several Frenchies besides....Heh, Now whos this shadow guy you're all head over heels for???
::grins:: already got my frenchie and shadow man i want..OMG ROLAND you have GOT see this chateau!!!. its in the Loire Valley.....Great place for all these chateaus. its beautiful! if ya get a chance to travel, its outside paris....chateau de la verrerie built in the 18 century..total romantic spot...::winks winks::
I have been all but forgotten..(I think i have been forgotten too) Because in every one of my storys i have been unable to find a Trace of Rolando Gilliad after my departure...Has my Greatness been forgotten??? what has this world come to...i miss you all so much and i get depressed when i see i have been forgotten...But the Storys are coming along nicely, i will grant you that...Just dunna Forget me...from next wednesday to 5 weeks from now i cant go on the net...DONT FORGET ME!!! *HugsnKisses* Roland..
Never shall you be forgotten by the faithful Morgoth! I have been unubtrusively contained but I am seriously back!
Hey, for swiss chocolate, I'll write a friggen biography making you out to be greater than the gods! I'll do it unbidden and unwanted. Hell, I'll do it just for the fun of it! Heil Rolland! Das vi Danya! Long live the queen!

BVu bvu Bvu BVU Bvu bvu vuuu Vuuu VUUUUU Bvu BVU Bbvu vu VUUU vvoooooooo!
Errr... Roland who?

(and I can't forget, I can't forget, but I don't remember what. - Leonard Cohen)
You know somthin...I feel hurt...im glad i got to a laptop before you all started bad mouthing me again....
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