So... what happened to all the RPers I knew?

Wow. This thread suddenly came back. It's nice to see so many old faces.

Has anyone seen PmTick, or bobo_da_clown, or DarkTalon, or TheGrandMage? There are a few other names that occurred to me while I was taking a brief walk, but they aren't coming to mind right now.

Jeremy Davis, I remember you. We did the X-Men threads together, yes? Among others.

Anyway, maybe we should consider getting a group together and starting a few new RPs, something to give the Old School RPers something to do together. We wouldn't have to exclude the new ones, but it's always easier (more comfortable, I hould say) to work with those you know, especially when working with new people as well. I just might have an idea....

QC ~

PM post ever once in a great while here ... Usually on the ORP Announcements Thread ...

GM comes in a lil more frequently and post in the same thread as well ...

DarkTalon & Bobo are pretty much AWOL ... I have not see either here in a while ...
*wavies* I grew up and moved away from my literotica home...I think... *laughs softly* hiya!
Well, I haven't been around for quite a time, and even then, my stay was... hrm... short-lived. I suddenly got the urge to visit today, and it's good to see some of the old names still around, as well as some of the newer ones. My absence wasn't completely unwarranted, as I was a tad occupied (Read: WORLD OF WARCRAFT SUCKS WEEKS OF LIFE AWAY), but that incessant, not unwelcome need to write has drawn me back.

So... what I'm trying to say is: I'd be honored to participate in a thread, if you'll have me.

I swear (seriously!) that I won't disappear again like some cheap stage magician!

Note: I similarly vow that my writing skills and... hmm... maturity level have increased significantly since my last visit. The old Morgoth was best avoided in a thread, as he had a tendancy to... well... drag it down and ruin it. The new one is hopefully a bit more to your writing.
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"drag it down"? Take it over is more like it... ;)

Good to see you, Morgoth.

I am also feeling the itch to write. I am just too inconsistent to feel right about committing to a story-line beyond a brief appearance. I enjoy reading the stories, though!

I look forward to reading the new and improved Morgoth.
Yes, well, I've tried to forget those days. Every time I look back at those posts (and it happens more than you might think), I literally hang my head in shame. I was a little... too stuck up on being the "main character," having adjusted poorly from my reading of novels (Also, the characters I played were really, really lame- since, well, almost every one of them happened to be Lokken, who was, in all honesty, terrible).

In my WoW playing, I made my way to a RP server, and while my main character is in a raiding guild, my second character is in a heavy RP guild, and my main often interacts with them. I've learned, in my time there, not only numerous and effective techniques for writing in coordination with others, but also the importance of removing the sense of being a "main character."

While it is important for my characters (who, by the way, are no longer ridiculously lame!) to still have a sense of self, and their own personal motivations, which weave in and through their dialogue and thoughts, none of them try to steal the spotlight, and all understand the equal importance of others.

The point is that I've changed! I now more fully understand the responsibilities and requirements of mature, and fully developed online RP. I just want to help tell a good story, to develop some interesting characters, and see how they interact with others.

I know it's a tough call to consider me, since in the past I've promised much the same thing three(?) times, but I hope that you can see the difference from that past version. While I'd appreciate the acceptance of this formal little apology/application speech, I also fully understand if you're hesitant, or even unwilling to.

Thanks for hearing me out, at the least.

Also, it's good to see you as well, Ranajja. I look forward very much to writing with you, in this thread, and hopefully, in others!
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so does that mean morgoth that you're going to start a cool thread soon? your Five thread was cool ... till it died ......
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I'm glad to hear you liked it! I'll certainly start another thread just as soon as I get struck by another idea ;). I (now) hate regurgitating my old ideas over and over again, so any thread I start will need an original (to me) premise.

Hopefully, one will come along soon!