Star Trek: Frontiers.


Sweet Rogue
Jan 29, 2000
Captain Emerson shifted in his command seat, he had been on duty nearly eleven hours. The starship he commanded, the U.S.S. Hera, a Nebula class starship, was on a tour to map a currently uncharted area of space.

He had been given his new command only a month ago after having spent seven years aboard an Oberth class starship, the U.S.S. Cochrane, a very prestegious name, Emerson had to admit, but rickity as hell...

Being aboard the Hera was a breath of fresh air to him, although the enormity of having such a large crew under his command was a little daunting. So he had been doing his very best, sacrificing many hours of much needed sleep to make sure every thing ran smoothly.

The ships councelor had requested he come speak to her at his first availiable hour. He knew what for, to tell him to set back and relax. But he just...

"Captain, I am picking up a low level energy signature." Ensign Michael Rock said, snapping Captain Emerson from his thoughts.
"On screen." The Captain replied.

A single metallic dot among a sea of stars appeared on screen.
"Magnify." The Captain added.
A second later the image on the screen was that of what seemed to be a 7x4 cilindrical pod of tarnished and scored metal.
It was not federation, that much was certain.
And from what Emerson could see, it had no evident means of propulsion. "Life signs?"

"Yes, I am reading a life sign, very faint, almost in perfect stasis..."
replied the other ensign.

"Beam it ab..." Emerson was in mid sentence when his ops officer interjected. "Captain, the pod is scanning our computers!"

"Can you block it?" Emerson asked, turning to make eye contact with him. "I'm sorry Captain..." The officer did a double take at the data he was recieving. "It must have been an error... We are no longer being scanned... Wait... According to this, our... This can't be right..."

"What is it?" Emerson asked as he came to the officer's station. "According to this, our entire data base has been copied and downloaded into the pod, Captain..."

Stunned, Captain Emerson turned toward the image of the pod on the main view screen. "Beam it aboard and set a level three containment field around it." Captain Emerson said in a far calmer voice than he felt as he tapped his comm-badge. Addressing the ships first medical officer, Science officer, Savok, and Chief of Security, Ben, Emerson commended them to meet him down in the transporter bay.
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"Captain!" said Ensign Rock. "There's something odd about that podd. it seems to be reflecting our tractor beam!"
Savok goes to work

Savok sat quietly at the 3D Chess table. The human male that sat across from him was in deep concentration. Savok, however, had his fingers steepled in front of him, resting his elbows against his chest. His dark eyes gave away nothing. He was intently studying the young crewman that had challenged him to a game of chess. The man was sweating. That was most illogical. The temperature inside the lounge was 74.8 degrees Fahrenheigt, approximately. The man's blonde hair was wet with perspiration. Savok's own black hair was not damp at all. Fascinating.

Savok raised an eyebrow at the sudden chirping of his comm badge. The Captain needed him in the transporter room. There seemed to be an urgency in his voice. Savok had learned through experience that humans tended to 'get excited' about simple things. It was their emotional downfall. However, his captain used a professional command voice when he spoke. This urgency was 'out of character' for him.

"We will finish the game some other time," Savok said. He left, heading towards the turbolift.
Second Ensign:

"It will take a moment, but we will be within range to simply teleport the pod to the main cargo bay Captain." The ensign opposite Rock said as he glanced over toward him. "It should be waiting for you there by the time you arive."

Captain Emerson:

"Very good, Commander, you have the bridge." Captain Emerson said as he stepped into the turbolift. He arived at the cargo bay just as Savok did. "Lieutenant Savok." Emerson addressed Savok with a nod. "Sorry to have cut into your recreation time..." He added as he led the way into the cargo bay. The pod was there, waiting for them.
stasis pod

"I was not engaged in 'recreation', Captain," Savok informed Emerson. "I was attempting to teach Crewman Flynn the strategies of three-dimensional chess. An apology is not necessary."

They both stepped towards the pod. Savok gave a small movement of his head. "It is a stasis pod." He raised his eyebrows, and turned to his captain. "It is not a design that I am familiar with, sir."

Savok moved his tricorder over the pod from a safe distance. "Fascinating," he stated. "Although the containment field is interfering with the precise readings, there appears to be a lifeform inside the pod."
Captain Emerson:

Smiling to himself over Savok's entirely vulcan responce, Emerson stepped around the pod. "Hm, there doesn't appear to be an access hatch, or even a control panel... How on earth could there be a life sign inside?" Emerson pondered aloud. Taking a short breath as he fixed his eyes on Savok, Emerson tilted his head. "Savok, according to the computer, this pod copied and downloaded our entire data banks in less than a minute..."

Returning his gaze to the seamless cilindrical pod, Emerson spoke with awe. "What sort of technology could perform such a feat..."
most illogical

Savok raised an eyebrow. "That would implicate Borg technology, however, this pod does not appear to be of Borg design. If it were," Savok was thinking aloud, something he did quite often, much to everyone's chagrin, "I would surmise that it is the rescue pod from a Borg scout vessel. However, I must reinterate that is does not appear Borg in origin."

"It is quite possible," Savok went on to explain to the Captain, "that it is from a race that we have not encountered."

Savok maneuvered the tricorder over the pod once more. "Odd," he said, then held the instrument up for the Captain's inspection. "There seems to be a temporal flux along the pod's external structure."

Savok scanned the pod once more. "Indeed, Captain," he said. "This object shows a displacement of temporal quantity. Logic suggests one of two possibilities: it either did not originate in our universe, or it has traveled through some type of space/time distortion on its journey to our present position."

Savok remained passively calm. He had just given the Captain news of the possibility of first contact with an unknown being. He saw the effect his words had on the others in the room. Their reactions of exclamation were not logical.
Captain Emerson looked over to the medical officer. "What data have you gathered on this life form?"

"Not much Captain, whatever this pod is made of is interfering with my tricorder's readings..."

"Captain to transporter, can you get a lock on the life form inside the pod?" Captain Emerson asked as he tapped his comm badge.
Argos came in through the door, passing over his secondary tricorder readings. Unbelievable, just unbelievable.
"I wouldn't do that just yet," he said, looking at the standings of what he had found.
"If what engineering has found out is correst, inside there is a major store of built up energy. It might be a processing warp converter, or a bomb of some sort. Engineering skematics are still to vague to tell at this point."
He stepped in front of the force field, giving another tricorder reading. The energy seemed to correlate directly with whatever sort of life was in there. It was almost like the energy istelf was feeding the creature.
Reminded him of an egg.
He smiled. Once the tricorder had given him all he needed to know, he quckly went up setting up some more instruments. He wasn't too concerned with the life form, it was the energy. There was a huge blast of it right before the thing had apparently downloaded everything. If what the computer said was right, this thing had enough energy to power four star ships.
He needed to know more about it.
Captain Emerson:

"A bomb? I doubt it, what would a bomb need with our data base? Could it be that the life form inside is being fed the information? How much of an energy output would it take for such a small vessal to store that much data?"
"Not very much at all, and not nearly enough as it showed us a few minutes ago."
He pressed a few buttons on the right edge of a console, producing an engineering layout of what they had.
"There was a recent account of smart bombs with artificial technology. This is a bit of a stretch, but the race that made this could have played off that. The bomb is simply assimilating our database to see if we are hostile or not, and if we are...
He stopped making te recalibrationed to the sustained tricorder.
"Like I said, highly unlikely, but still can't rule it out. Expecially when we don't know what the darn thing is."
He raised his eyebrows, "We could lower the forcefield. It would give us some precise readings and at least tell us something more about the thing."
Captain Emerson:

After a moment of consideration, Captain Emerson nodded. "Lower the containment field, and lets have a closer look at it." He still wondered what sort of life form was inside, the thought of first contact was apealing to him.
Life form:

From within the pod, the being it contained was waking, waking after countless years of stasis. It was a humanoid, male, it knew this, but little more. Information assaulted its mind in a violent torential stream. His eyes fluttered open, as his entire body clenched in rebellion against the sudden jolt knifing through his brain. If his vocal cords weren't numb from being in stasis so long, he would have been shrieking. An entire universe of information was being forced into his brain, and the only thing he wanted was to escape the pain it was causing him.

The next thing he knew he was huddled in a corner, his suroundings, alien, he was naked. His skin was blue, his hair was long and black, perhaps the oddest features about him were his hands and feet which each only had three digits, and... A tail... A long, sleek tail. Without a word, he fell to his side in a ball, and shook. He was obviously in shock.
Capt. Emerson

OOC Kurt????;)

"Set up a containment field in med bay two and have the med team on line within 2 mins. Savok..What is he and where is he from? Ben calculate every possible variable to our security from microbial to technological and have your security team in med bay two. Argos calculate the safest means of transport to him and to our ship...heavy emphasis on our ship."
the lifeform

Savok looked carefully at the lifeform. Remarkable, he thought. Blue skinned, like an Andorian, but three-toed, like a Saurian. A tail? Impressive. Could this mean that he was from some arboreal world? First contacts were always exciting, even for a Vulcan.

"Captain," Savok said at last, "it is unlike any lifeform I have ever encountered."

Savok considered things for a minute. He could feel something playing at the edge of his mind, a voice, a small, quiet voice. It was not his voice.

"Captain, the lifeform is telepathic," Savok stated unremakarbly. "As you know, sir, Vulcans are primarily touch-telepaths, although most of us have some limited transfer telepathic abilities. I would suggest that the Ship's Counselor may be needed here." Savok chose his next words carefully, "her....empathetic abilities may be able to determine the creatures....emotional state. I believe that would indeed shed some light on the subject."

Savok thought about what he said for a second. In a lower tone, "Captain, did I just make a joke?"
Councelor Gor

Septana scanned the personal records with impatience. Captain Emerson. She had already been through his file a dozen times, but it wasn't going to do her any good if he didn't come in for his initial evaluation. She looked at the unfinished report with disgust.

Without warning a blast of primal feeling overcame Septana. She gripped the edge of her desk with alarm. The feeling was so intense that she could scarcely define it. But when she did her blood ran cold.

Septana had inate empathic abilities, inherited from her mother. Her difficulty had always lain in focusing her mental energy. Simply said, Septana had to make herself care enough to bother sensing the other emotions of others. She had been working with Savok since she had posted to the Hera. His mental exercises had increased her ability to focus her mental energies. This feeling, however, this alien presence needed no focusing. It felt like a disruptor blast to Septana's psyche.

She tapped her com badge.

"Captain Emerson? Councelor Gor. I need to speak with you immediately."
Ensign Rock sat at his com, quietly navigating the ship. He had no Idea what was going on in his ship, he was left to simply navigate for the time being. And seing as they were at an all stop, there wasn't much navigating needed. Bored out of his mind, he leaned back and put his armd behind his head.

"Oh, why did they have to assign me to this boring part of space. I mean, we allready discovered everything there is to discover, what's the point?"

Ben had never understood the way humans reacted...first, they were afraid of the pod, and as a reaction, they brought it aboard the ship. Then, still uneasy, they decided to lower the forcefield. Then, the forcefield lowered and the possibility of anything bad happening greatly increased, they became excited...
WHo could understand such thoughts.
He had stood by, his eyes shifting from one crew member to the next, examining them for only a moment, long enough to determine their physical condition and assure them not yet harmed, then directed his glance to the next. THe captain had been too close to the pod, he'd decided that from the start, but as of yet, he wished no disrespect to the Captain's authority, so he remained quiet.
His men surrounded the pod, twelve of them in the cargoe bay, and yet three more of them standing outside the doors, just in case.
Now, he stood inside med bay two, watching as the doctor examined the lifeform, testing this, checking that, then testing this again. THe Captain had gone to speak with the COunselor, which Ben felt was good. He was a man of importance aboard this ship...getting him away from any possible threat was imperative.
Two more of his men stood with Ben, one human and one Klingeon. No more would fit without hindering the doctor's work. A shame, the creature could be of any threat, and he was hindered in this small space.
He kept a tight grip on his phaser, eyes examining the creature. It appeared harmless enough, for a creature with a tail anyway. He'd seen and dealt with much worse as a member of the Borg collective, though he remembered only brief moments and still images from that time.
Still...this creature had him new as it was to still...seemed...familiar...
"Cardinal," Argos tapped his badge, "how's the power."
"It's fine. Warp core is stable, and at 98 percent effeciency. A moment ago something fluxed, and the power flittered, but it seems to be fine now."
He sighed, looking at the remnants of the thing. It kept reminding him of an egg. He was going to get some more tests done. How did it get so much power from such a tiny thing?
He examined the space pieces of the left pod. It seemed to be technical wiring from the hull directly filtered into the alien. When the thing jumped out, it broke whatever link.
He paused, psychic ability. Could that have explained the flash of power? He had never seen anything like it done before, but he had heard several theories of beings with enough psychic ability to be able to produce massive amounts of energy at one time.
This could be such a device, something that emphasized psychic abilites and used it for it's own purpose.
That lead to another question, what was it's purpose? Someone put that blue monkey in this egg for a reason. What was it?
A dying planet? Was it as simple as a superman syndrome? Send a kid in the only stasis pod to survive the dying planet. Maybe it was a living virus, dependant on killing whatever civilization it came in contact? Hell, maybe it was from a space circus and lost it's way.
He had no clue, but the bet the answers were in whatever leftover files he could find the "shell" pieces left over. Which meant, techincally, it was Savok's job.
But, since it dealt with energy, and the safety of this ship getting out of this space, and the fact that is was a ship, even if it didn't look it, made it engineering's problem as well.
He decided to get a system of all the neighboring planetary systems and species, maybe they have seen or heard of something like this before. Technicary analysis (Yeah, I just made that word up, what are you going to do about it) would take a while, so he had time to research the galaxy.
OOC: *Blushing* Yes Ink? *Shaking head wildly* Er, I mean... Kurt who?!


Life form:

Even after having been transported to sick bay, the alien still huddled in a quivering ball. The doctor, an advanced EMH progam, paterned after the EMH that was aboard the U.S.S. Voyager, gave the alien a sedative. Within minutes, the alien was resting quietly.
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John Stone had been resting in the rec room when the events had all taken place. Shortly before the pod was beamed abourd, him and a few other security personal had been called to escort the thing to sick bay. Now he found himself standing outside the sick bay doors, reflecting on his current situation.

"I can't believe that they demoted me from Cheif Security Officer. It was all that damn Captian Hadly's fault. If she hadn't open her big mouth, I would have had my transfer and kept my possition. Now I'm the one taking orders and not giving them."

His thoughts raced on as he stood there, verifing those that entered and exited the room he gaurded. Life had certainly taken a turn for the worse.

Sorry so short, give me a couple to get the feel for things.
the alien

Savok stood close to the Emergency Medical Hologram. Once the doctor had finished perusing over the lifeform, Savok uploaded the reading from the medical tricorder into his own.

"Fascinating," Savok said. The EMH came to peer over Savok's shoulder. Savok regarded him with a raised eyebrow. "There are several gene sequence gaps in the alien's DNA."

Savok turned to Emerson. "Captain, I believe this is a construct."

"Construct?" the Captain asked.

"A lifeform that was grown, sir," Savok indicated the data on the tricorder. "These gene sequence gaps inidicate partial DNA de-stabilization. This is consistent with cloned individuals. This same type of phenomenon is quite common among the Borg."

"It is my estimation that this lifeform is a type of probe, perhaps on a reconasance mission, sent here to recover specific data."

"I concur," the EMH said. Savok regarded the hologram with both eyebrows raised. He did not recall asking the EMH for his opinion.

"Sir," Savok noted, "I suggest with continue with security protocols until the Counselor has deemed there is no danger." In a quieter voice, "I implicitely trust her judgement, Captain."
(Lieutenant StarFleet):

The stakes were high: my four thousand bars of gold-pressed latinum against an exclusive liscense to provide Darkmack IV with all their transportation (at a ridiculus price). I watch Scrooge McDuck put his two cards on the table again. He parts his bill and says , "Call."

I hold my two cards in front of me. I now have the option: either see if he is bluffing too, or retract half of my bid and fold. I could not lose that way... but, perhaps it would be worth it. Nobody bets an exclusive liscense for nothing.


My sneeze causes the cards to flip into the air. Everyone laughs at my measly ninik. My hand had been a bluff and now everyone is laughing at me.

"Computer, exit!" My exclamation causes a portal to open from thin air and I leave the holodeck, ending the program. What a horrible time for Az-Neulfni (a Ferengi version of the flu) to kick in. Unlike the human counterpart, Ferengi Flu has not been erradicated, and no vaccination exists.

Walking down the silver corridor, I remark to myself that the panes on the walls should be the same color as the latinum that pools inside of its golden shell. Coming out of the turbolift on the correct floor, I look at the door ahead of me. It reads 0729-SICKBAY.

When the door whooshes open, I walk in looking for the doctor. Maybe he can cure me of this nasty sneeze. After all, it makes my lobes throb.
Ensign Onyx

Ensign Sharna Onyx remains standing at her post, ever focused at the task at hand, however paying close attention to the goings on around her.


Sorry for the short post... it's late, and I am so tired....

Standing before the bank of windows, I could hear the hum of activity around the room. Quiet laughter from the young couple in the shadowy corner, the deep rumbling voices of the few older males seated together retelling stories of high adventure from their younger days and the excited voices of the young ensigns on their first tour of duty all reached out to me. Then there were the other sounds, glasses tinkling, muted music, game pieces being moved. In the back, right over there, was the Captains table. It was set apart from the others. It was his and his alone. The Haven…that is what this place is called. My name is Astra. I am just vain enough that I refuse to admit that I am a day over 400. I am very much my mother’s daughter. I am El-Aurian from her and I am human from my father. I am a listener like my mother before me. Moreover, I feel things just as she did…

“Change is coming…for good or bad…I don’t know...but come it will”