Star Trek Next Gen Story Idea

I'm only resurrecting this thread to announce that the story is actually complete. Instead of reading the book I should have been reading, I finished chapter five of wesley's woman. The story is now done.

I didn't think it would actually happen, and I'm really excited that I finished a 5 chapter story :)

Now I just have to write those like 20 story ideas I have floating around in my head :)
deliciously_naughty said:

I didn't think it would actually happen, and I'm really excited that I finished a 5 chapter story :)




three cheers in your direction!
deliciously_naughty said:

Now I just have to write those like 20 story ideas I have floating around in my head :)

any spares to post here?

mind you., I was initially pleased at that line of your posts cause I smiled and thought " glad I'm not the only one"