star trek star wars crossover


"Captain but with all Good things there are bad. If you dont get me there before they reach there destination. I will have set to an outpost so far away. That the nearest life form will be years away. Now get me there and get me there now." I seat down in the captains seat. If he had a problem with I would take command of his little ship. With the order I got from Starfleet Ican do that. But that is no suprise when you get my age and done the things I have done. People normal try to keep you quite if they can.
"helm eta witha the venture" said the caption " 3 minutes caption" said the helms man, "tactcal any reply to outr hails" "yes sirt they say it is alright to bean the anbasador over, theya re standing by" said the tactical officer" th4e caption moved over to spock and said "ambsador if you wil follow me i will see you the transporter room at once" the caption said.
Enson James Redshirt (Tactical/Ops officer)

"Yes sir. They say it is all right to beam the ambasador over, they're standing by."

Mr. Redshirt shifted uneasily. Something about this mission didn't feel right. And Ambassador Spock was making him nervous--Jim had read all about him in Starfleet's required reading, and his sudden appearance and cold exterior both put Jim ill at ease. Jim glanced at the temporal readout. 1200 hours. His shift was supposed to be over, but where was his replacement?

His mind kept flicking back to his great grandmother's warnings about what she called his "psychic powers". He always thought it was a bit of Navaho superstition, but he did seem to get uneasy before something bad happened.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," he muttered under his breath.
Star Trek

"Computer to Captain Emerson. Computer to Captain Emerson. The android doctor has suffered an unexplainable malfunction. The droid body is no longer intact and the droid program has been lost."

Star Wars

I escort my young apprentice to the Y-Wing. As he climbs into the cockpit, I take my place in the Tactical chamber, ready for all offensive and defensive simulation. As he starts the engines, I pray that I will survive this training simulation. All of a sudden, the Y-Wing shoots out of the hanger. Alltogether to quickly, my apprentice tries to do stunts.

I scold him violently, "No! No! No! How many times do I have to tell you: grace, then speed." Then, I see the worst thing to see when you're in a space craft--a transport ship meters from your hull. The fiery explosion is a beautiful sight to see from afar. But, from here...


Sorry guys, I'm in too many threads.
" The ambassador is comming over here" Caption Remington said, " yes sir, hes transporting over now" said the ensign. The Caption was in shock, " well lets give him a proper welcome, COmmander Decker if you will follow me we will welcome the ambasador" said the caption waiting for deckers reply...

Ensign Jim Redshirt

"Yes, sir, he's transporting over, now."

Captain Remington awaited the new Commander's response--that's when it happened. Jim felt something tear inside... like someone was ripping apart his intestines... only it was in his mind, somehow.

"Gah!" Jim said as he fell, holding his stomach.

That's when the Science Officer piped up: "Captain, something's wrong! Abnormally high levels of tachyon activity and ..."

Remington, interrupting in his commanding voice, said, "On screen. And someone get Mr. Redshirt to sickbay."
Captain Decker

Decker Tought to him self ~Comader it s be A Will scince I was Cald that At Least Iam A way from My Wife ~
He Tan Spoke " Lead the Way My dear Captain i look Forword to Seeing Spok Again . I Just cant wait To See his lack A Expresion At the Sight of Me." He Than Fallowed The Captian

Well I am final there. I walked over to the captain to tell him he was going to get a promotion. What he would never know is he would have got it anyway. Starfleet told me they where about to promot him anyway. "Thank you Admiral. As of this moment you are now Admiral in charge of fleet operations. You are to report to Earth as soon as I leave." I walked atoward the turbo lift and left. Not giving him a chance to speak. I got in the turbo lift and head toward the nearest Transporter. I walked in and got on the Pad."Engage". I appeared on the other ship to see before me.
" Ambassador Spock welcome to the Ventrue, Im caption Remington, and this is my first officer Commander Decker. Starfleet infromed us of your transfer to this ship, if you will follow me i will show you the breifing room so we can discuss a further course of action concering this anonaly" the caption was excited to have Spock aborad, he was looking forward to hsi interpations ofn the anomaly. So the caption led the way to the breifiing room....

I followed the captain to the breifiing room.
"Thank you Captain. Starfleet has given me complete controll of this mission.My information of the anomly is lacking. What I can since is that it might be a rip into anothere dimention. But that is just a possiablity it could be a time warp or many other things. But there is something unique about this. I do not know what but I plan to find. I would like all informtion you have on it, and increase speed to maxium warp. Starfleet has given permission for warp 9."
Captian Deker

A sI Leitsen to My Old Friend Spok Speek. I inter ropt " Ex Cuse me Old Freind But The Engiens Here Are only Capitable OF warp 8.7 I Thought About My Last Mission Be for i Was Re Bor So to Speek How Spok And Kirck tried To Keep Me Form Be Coming What i AM.

"Thak, I guess that show how long it has been since i was on a ship.It has been awhile since our last meeting. I would like to say I was suprised to see you. But something told me you where here.Why are you here ?"
the caption repiled and said " of course ambasador, we will report to the anomoly as quicly as possible, Bridge increse speed to warp 8 and imform the ambassador upon our arrival" "aye sir" was all the duty officer said in response.

"I will be in my quaters till we arrive. Please inform me when we arrive." I left and head toward my quaters. To think about what was ahead.