Star Trek: The New Adventures (IC Thread)

Lt. Cmdr. Orsoth. Science lab 1

The doors to science lab 1 hissed open, and Marjia stepped into the room. It was quite large, for a lab, probably due to it's status as the primary lab on the ship. All sorts of panels and instruments lined the walls and in the centre was the primary console, linked up to a stasis field. Inside, exactly what the Cardassian was looking for. The TR-116.

Moving up to the main console, Marjia deactivated the field and reached up, taking hold of the rifle, and looking it over. Not a bad design. Fairly light and not too bulky. Magazine clip loaded from the bottom, and with a simple dorsal sighting mechanism. Nat bad at all. However, it could probably do with some modifications.

"Computer. Access information database on the TR-116 rifle." The computer bleeped a couple of times in response. "Can the standard ammunition be modified into a delivery system for a viral weapon?" The computer responded in the affirmative. "Computer. Theorise. Can a small, tricobalt charge be inserted into the standard ammunition to maximise damage against species 8472?" The computer peeped a couple of times and then responded. "Negative. The required yield to cause fatal damage to species 8472 would require a larger firing chamber"

Marjia placed the rifle back on it's stand "Computer. I want you to start replicating a batch of ten rifles. Five with standard solid clips, and five with viral delivery rounds. I have work to do elsewhere.." Turning on her heel, Marjia walked to the exit, heading back to engineering
Lt. Connor Jace

The name hit me like a blow to the gut..from a Klingon!! I composed myself, but i knew I had given away something.

"Sir, the name does, but unfortunately that is all I can tell you. This is going to sound bad, but you do not have the clearance to know anything more than that. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful."

Who the Hell had let THAT name slip!!! Someones head was going to end up on a plate if it got out he had been compromised!
Capt. Harper - Quarters

The name hit me like a blow to the gut..from a Klingon!! I composed myself, but i knew I had given away something.

"Sir, the name does, but unfortunately that is all I can tell you. This is going to sound bad, but you do not have the clearance to know anything more than that. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful."

Who the Hell had let THAT name slip!!! Someones head was going to end up on a plate if it got out he had been compromised!

Harper stared hard at Jace for just a second, then he let a small smile escape.

"It's not for me to know, Mr. Jace," Captain Harper told him. "I'm just the messenger. You know full well that information is often given on a need-to-know basis. That being the case, then, I'm sure you won't ask how I came by the name. Just take it, use it, and remember this conversation, nor any others we may have in the future, never happened. Let me say this, though: I trust this source implicitly, without doubt.

"I'm sure you completely understand what I'm getting at. Just remember, I'm not here to watch you, just to help. Suffice it to say that someone out there really believes in you, and believes a lot, because they placed themselves at great risk to bring you this information."

Harper sat back in his chair, folding his hands in his lap.

"You don't have to remind me of your....position," Harper added. "Logic alone dictates my actions in this respect. I am, however, aware of the duplicity of human nature. I can assure you there are no ulterior motives here. You can trust me, Connor. Without doubt."
Lt. Connor Jace

My eyes narrowed a bit as my mind whirled. total recall is a gift and a curse. i could, if I focused and concentrated hard enough, i could recall just about anything I had read or heard. Savok's name was never mentioned in any of my reports nor any reports that had crossed my desk, nor at my trial.

Therefore, the contact that had given the name to the Captain must have been someone pretty high up on Vulcan.

I had some contacts on Vulcan. worked with some damn fine officers there. None of them would have known that name.

My eyes were wandering on there own when a photo on the Captains nightstand caught my eye. the Captain, fresh out of the academy. Standing with him was a older man who's facial features placed him as the Captains father, and on the other side.. Ambassador Spock.

That would explain how the name came up. Spock had contacts on Romulus that everybody wished that had, and had trained Savok before he left. That much was public record.

Spock changed things. He was above reproach. If he trusted the captain, then I did too.

"Captain, I have one question. You most likely will not answer it, but it needs to be asked. Did the Ambassador tell you anything more than that name?"
Capt. Harper - Quarters

Captain Harper's left eyebrow raised visibly. He showed no emotion, no response to the recognition of the source of the name 'Savok'. Inside, however, he was fighting the urge to swallow the lump in his throat.

Inside, however, he was very pleased that Jace had put two-and-two together, the sum of which obviously equalled Spock.

Captain Harper was very impressed. He did, really, expect no less from the officer.

Connor Jace knew full well the captain wouldn't answer that question. He even said so. And, Captain Harper knew that if Jace trusted him, he would know that if there were any other information; it would have been divulged. Some questions, though, had to be asked.

The answer, though, came hidden in the meaning of Harper's reply.

"Finite-point transporters work by beaming cargo or other inanimate matter to a specified point. Once that cargo is transported, there is no more. It's kind of like a one-way ticket on a starliner," Harper told Jace.

Harper leaned forward and brought up the ship's status overlays on his wall screen. He checked them briefly, seeing that all was well.

"I won't keep you from your duties any longer, Lt. Jace," Harper told him in that Captain-just-dismissed-me voice.
Lt. Connor Jace

A human with a Vulcan suprise response. Thats why he was so damndably hard to read!

I had lots to think about, but right now I had more pressing concerns than digging up my past.

"Actually Sir, i was going to contact you after I ran a few simulations. I think I found a way to locate someone on board that can't be found by the scanners."
A human with a Vulcan suprise response. Thats why he was so damndably hard to read!

I had lots to think about, but right now I had more pressing concerns than digging up my past.

"Actually Sir, i was going to contact you after I ran a few simulations. I think I found a way to locate someone on board that can't be found by the scanners."

Harper didn't reply, he instead gestured for Jace to sit in front of his wall screen so he could access the ship's computer.

Harper thought for a moment. He wondered if, whatever it was Jace was about to show him, could be adapted into the visual heads-up display the Marines used in their bio-helmets.

Harper told the computer to unseal his quarters door, then he stepped to it and told Master Sergeant S'Tarr to step inside to listen and see what Jace had in mind.
Lt. Connor Jace

The Captain motioned for me to sit, then invited in the Marine outside is door. I guess showtime was going to be shared.

"Computer, activate 3D projector and load program running in my office. Explain symbols on a diagram on the wallscreen."

The 3D model sprang into being hovering in the air while the explanation of the symbols came up on the wallscreen"

"Essentially, what you have here is a model of the ship with every person on the ship represented by a different dot. I already swept the ship with the sensors for anyone without a com badge and had their identity verified. There should not be a single person on this ship now that is unaccounted for by this model," I paused a second, "unless they cannot be sensed by our scanners. In effect, we are hunting invisible men."

I stood and paced a bit, still talking.

"I think I have a way to find them, but I'll need authorization to do it. You can't see a invisible man, you could smell him if his scent was strong enough, and taste him if you bumped into him, but your two senses you need to catch one are hearing and touch. Now I believe I could ramp up the ships audio sensors, program in some filters, and be able to pick up unknown biological sounds, but it would tale weeks and may still not work to the degree we would need them to. That leaves touch."

I turned and looked at the captain.

"What I want to do is flood the entire atmosphere with ditranium particles, which are harmless but easily picked up by the sensors. Once the ship is flooded, we can do a detailed sweep with the sensors, compare the volumes that are reading with the data from the personnel sweep, with date we collect. If they don't match we further narrow down the anomalies, and we should have our invisible man. We still can't see him, but he still takes up space. I believe this has a seventy percent chance to work, and from my calculations it is our best option besides 'getting lucky' and bumping into one of them."

I stopped pacing and turned to look at the Captain. either he would give me the go ahead, or we did this the very hard way.

And I really needed a sit-down with Nine. If i kept jumping over his head all the time, we were not going to get off on the right foot!
M'Chel Raica S'Tarr - Marine MSgt - Captain's Office

M'Chel allowed the Lieutenant to enter the office at the Captains directive, and then waited for him to leave. But instead was startled by being directed to enter the office and join them.

STepping inside she moved out of the way and watched, interucptiong only once. "Heartbeats" she said "Every living being, excepting an Android such as Commander Data of the Enterprise and a Changling, has a heartbeat. Wouldn't it be easier to account for all the Heartbeats?"
Lt. Connor Jace

"Every living being, excepting an Android such as Commander Data of the Enterprise and a Changeling, has a heartbeat. Wouldn't it be easier to account for all the Heartbeats?"

"I thought of that but filtering out all the ambient noise a starship generates would be a enormous undertaking, and not as accurate as measuring volume. Air still gets displaced, even if you are a changeling or a android."
Lt Ecklas - Sickbay

“You are all dismissed for now. We will wait until Ensign Krasnov is conscious before we will question him about his actions. Please return to your stations and await further orders from the Captain.”

Lavinda simply raised an eyebrow. She had known the Captain's thoughts on what should have happened here, now, with Krasnov. She had been prepared to render any assistance she could - but it seemed that Nine's reasoning had put the captain back in his place. The hot blooded anger she had felt simmering from Harper's being had almost overwhelmed her, but a few calming and reasoned arguements from the former Borg had put that simmering anger on the backboil. Harper's natural intelligence had been awakened and it had resulted in his former thoughts turning completely around. Now they had to await Krasnov's waking.

Lavinda wasn't sure if she was disappointed or if she was secretly glad. She had never actually liked invading people's minds on purpose. It had been one of the things that had blocked her path to finding a suitable Mate. No matter where she had turned, her feelings on mind invasion had not been returned. It was actually refreshing in a world of non telepaths, because she had no need to actively shield her mind. Oh, her blocks and counters were there as they had been from birth, but she had no need to actually drive another from her mind and her thoughts.

Watching Nine walk from Sickbay, she tried not to let her mind wander too much. There were many different emotions whirling around and she still held a part of Krasnov's pain inside her. Glancing at the sleeping ensign, she let them go. Most of his nerve endings had been burned clean by the plasma bursts - so he didn't actually feel most of what he should have been. She amplified what he did feel, however, hoping to speed up the process to him awakening. She did not tell anyone she had done this - it was not strictly moral....

Still, she reasoned to herself, this matter needed to be resolved as soon as possible. They needed to get to the Neutral Zone as fit as possible - and explaining the apparent sabotage of the ship was something that needed to be done sooner.

Walking to a console, she accessed her own part of the computer and sent a request to the Captain for her to be present when Krasnov awoke. She reasoned that she could tell if the man lied or not - if indeed the captain had no need of her other, more intense, skills. He would see it when he would.

Then she turned to see that the Orion had not moved from her spot. Lavinda surveyed her outright, letting her gaze travel intimately over the other woman's body. There was assessment there - and approval. Walking towards the woman, she beckoned for her to follow, exiting Sickbay. Turning, and hoping to find the Orion behind her, she held out a hand which was customary in Human culture, "I am Lavinda Ecklas, Ship's Counselor, as you already probably know. Perhaps, if you're not busy, we could have a few minutes now to better aquaint ourselves?" she then indicated a willingness to go to the bar.
Captain's Quarters

Harper stood from where he had been seated. He considered Jace's idea for a moment, and then he decided it was a damn fine plan.

"Run this by Nine of Nineteen," Harper told him. "I'd like his thoughts on it as well. If he concurs, make it happen. You don't need any further authorization from me."

Harper then realized he had about a thousand places he needed to be, and there was only one of him. He headed towards the door.

"Scoot," he told Jace, "I've got to get to engineering."

Harper looked back to see if his newfound shadow was on his heels.
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Ryika did indeed follow the councillor out of sickbay. There was no need of her services there, the ex borg had seen to that. The part of her that was pure Orion wanted to snarl and call the man weak. The intruder deserved no kindness, indeed by trying to kill them all he had forfeited his life.

The part of her that was so much more than Orion reasserted itself. To act as she wanted was beneath her, her superior intellect understood that but it also knew such fury had it's place. Now was not that time, now was the time for clearer heads to prevail.

Turning, Councillor Ecklas could see Ryika behind her, she held out a hand which was customary in Human culture, "I am Lavinda Ecklas, Ship's Counselor, as you already probably know. Perhaps, if you're not busy, we could have a few minutes now to better aquaint ourselves?" she then indicated a willingness to go to the bar.

Ryika took the offered hand but before she released it she bent over the other woman's wrist and inhaled deeply, memorizing her scent. She looked up from that wrist and said "It is my honor to meet you Councillor Ecklas. I would be most pleased to make your acquantence. The lounge? I fear I have left it to my simulacra for quite long enough."

She let the councillor's hand go and lead the way towards the lounge.
M'Chel Raica S'Tarr - Marine MSgt - The Captain's Ghost

Moving with alacrity M'Chel stepped into place behind the Captain, maintaining a pace that kept her within several paces of him. Close enough to knock him down if the situation required it, but distant enough she didn't kick his boots as the moved.
Lt Ecklas - Lounge

The trip was made in companionable silence. She had allowed the other woman close enough to scent her skin, and had actually liked the process. Although she knew the reason why the Orion did it, it did not diminish the pleasure she found herself having. She smiled easily and found herself enjoying the other woman's company.

Of course, that could have just been because of the pheromones.

Never the less, Lavinda gave her the benefit of the doubt and it was in no time that they reached the Lounge. It had a nice, relaxing atmosphere and Lavinda resolved straight away to come here more often on her time off. Especially if the lovely Ryika was present.

Seating herself in a plush little corner, she smiled at her companion. "So - tell me about yourself?"
Lt. Connor Jace

I left seconds before the captain and made my way down the corridor. Then I slapped my combadge, opening a channel.

"Jace to Nine, I need to speak with you at your earliest convince. I have a plan that has a chance to find our unscannable foes."

I needed to talk with him anyway. Even more, I needed coffee!

I went to the turbolift and ordered it to take me to the observation deck, and the lounge.

I entered the almost deserted lounge, with only the Orion and the ships councilor in the room.

"Excuse me ladies, but could I possibly get some coffee to go? And have a large container sent to the Security Center? Our replicator is on the fritz."

Mentally, I threw up my walls, throwing all emotions and worries into the flame in my mind. I didn't want her pheromones to distract me, and I found that this exercise Dale taught me helped control those emotions very well.
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Tactical Officer Nine of Nineteen, Holodeck 2 -> Ship's Lounge


Nine continued to run simulations, some outlandish, some practical, in order to better understand the effects that his ideas would have on Species 8472. The simulation currently running was intended to keep the boarders from ever reaching the ship. If they were kept in space, there would be no need to deploy the TR-116 rifles or biological weaponry.

Computer, run Species 8472 Encounter Program Alpha,” he said, watching the yellow grid shape itself into the void of space. It was an interesting perspective, for one rarely find themselves standing on nothing in the darkness of the universe with no ill feelings about them.

The Arizona was turning about due to the appearance of a Species 8472 bioship. A single shuttlecraft emerged from the main shuttle bay just below the saucer section. The remotely-piloted Type 7 Shuttlecraft, ironically named the Lord Cardigan after the man who led the disasterous suicide charge made famous by the poem Charge of the Light Brigade, swung about once before pointed it’s streamlined nose at the approaching bioship.

There was a quick pulse of light as the shuttle jumped to warp.

Inside the Species 8472 bioship, the mood was less than calm as the shuttlecraft came out of warp inside one of the cargo holds of the massive ship. A small red light on the control panel blinked three times before the antimatter containment fields were shut down completely and the antimatter injectors were fully opened. The massive explosion from the warp core breach could not be contained within the outer hull of the Species 8472 bioship, and the organic vehicle seemingly burst at the seams as the released energy radiated outward.

The shockwave produced by the explosion ripped the ship into hundreds of pieces and flung them in all directions through space. Several large hunks, complete with Species 8472 foot soldiers, collided with the Arizona and immediately disembarked and began to tear into the ship through the outer hull.

“Hm,” was all Nine said to himself as he noted the outcome in his PADD.

The simulation froze and the computer’s voice came over the intercom.

“Species 8472 bioship destroyed. Estimated Species 8472 casualties less than ten percent. Four percent of Species 8472 crew now aboard Arizona.”

Nine noted the outcome in the PADD and began to program the next simulation when a familiar voice came over the comm.

“Jace to Nine, I need to speak with you at your earliest convenience. I have a plan that has a chance to find our unscannable foes.”

Nine let the PADD droop to his side and he turned to leave the Holodeck.

“Computer, locate Lt. Jace.”

“Lt. Jace is currently in the ship’s lounge,” came the ever-calm reply from the computer. Nine shook his head lightly. The lounge, one of the most open and least secure places in the ship was not his ideal location to discuss matters of ship security. But that would be a conversation for a later time. He stepped into a turbolift and made his way efficiently to the lounge. Lt. Jace was standing near the bar, conversing lightly with the Orion when Nine entered.

He was getting a cup of coffee.
It was in no time that they reached the Lounge. It had a nice, relaxing atmosphere.

Seating herself in a plush little corner, she smiled at her companion. "So - tell me about yourself?"

Ryika smiled and toned down the pheromones even further than the level she kept tham at while she was "on duty". She had realized she had left the levels at that small amount when she went to sick bay, an error she was now correcting.

Lt. Jace entered the lounge, "Excuse me ladies, but could I possibly get some coffee to go? And have a large container sent to the Security Center? Our replicator is on the fritz."

"One moment councillor," Ryika said as she went to the counter and poured a cup of coffee, and then filled a carafe, "There you go sir. Have you contacted engineering about the replicator or is that just an excuse to come visit here?"

She gave the officer a wink as she turned back to the councillor. "About myself, there's not much really to say. I am a humble barkeep who tries her best to help the crew whenever I can." But her thoughts went through the memories of her past and the experimentation that had been done to her.

She thought to herself "And that's me. A genetic anomally that has the best of both worlds. The intellect higher than human and all the animalistic nature of an Orion female."

Nine of Nineteen entered and she said "Isn't that why I was offered this detail? The Admiral seemed pretty clear he thought I could help," she then turned to the ex borg "May I get you anything sir?" the last in her most submissive tone.
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Lt. Commander Torres- Lounge

Miguel had spent seemingly forever inside the lab, working on the data from the internal sensors. Finally he was able to determine that someone had in fact installed a faulty sensor suite in that area. However they were also quite clever to make sure that the it was faulty in such away that any diagnostics wouldn't show anything wrong with the system. Lord only knew how many more suites were like this.

Anyway he was busy preparing his report for the Captain and the First officer, when he found himself needing some much needed coffee. Something very strong. Unfortunately the lab didn't have a food replicator in it, to avoid and potential problems with any experiments that were being run, which left Miguel with one option. It was time to visit the Lounge. In fact he could write his report on a PADD, get a bite to eat, and recharge his batteries so to speak.

A few minutes later he walked into the lounge and looked around. He saw a small table in the corner and made his way to it and took a seat. When a waiter made himself available he ordered himself a simple ham and cheese sandwich and a large extra sweet Raktajino.
Lt Ecklas - Lounge

Lavinda watched the reaction Ryika had when Jace approached them. She was... flirtatious for sure, but something that could not be misconstrued as anything short of play. It was nice to see her in her natural environment - even nicer when she began paying attention to Lavinda again.

"About myself, there's not much really to say. I am a humble barkeep who tries her best to help the crew whenever I can."

Thoughts swirled into her Darkness, something that was so strong she could not contain it. She felt and saw Ryika's past - something she had already read in the personnel file, but something she had not paid much heed to. Now it was clear that Ryika's upbringing had made her the woman she was today. Smart, intelligent, sexy and incredibly alone. She was the only one of her kind.

"And that's me. A genetic anomally that has the best of both worlds. The intellect higher than human and all the animalistic nature of an Orion female."

Ecklas smirked and found herself liking the woman even more.

As for a drink, she ordered nothing and would have continued the conversation if Nine of Nineteen hadn't walked on deck. Lavinda settled back on her chair, noted the arrival of Miguel a moment later, and chose to study the former Borg. Again she observed the interaction between the Orion and her newest customer. This was different as well, and no less interesting.

Ecklas was silent - willing what would happen to happen.
Lt. Cmdr Nine of Nineteen, Crew Lounge


The lounge was not as deserted as he would have thought as he stepped through the wide doors. The Chief of Operations was sitting in a corner, entering data into a PADD and sipping from a traditional Klingon coffee. Several other off-duty crewmen sat at various tables chatting.

The Orion turned and spoke to him in dulcet tones, a sweet voice that seemed to hang on the air longer than it should. There was a hint of capitulation in her voice, not enough to really be noticed, but enough to take the edge off of her words.

“May I get you anything sir?”

He turned his head to her, but did not turn to face her. He’d seen her personnel file and knew her to be anything but submissive. It was simply an act to her, a way to toy with the men around her. Lt. Ecklas simply sat at the bar near the Orion and eyed him. He would deal with her later.

“No, thank you.”

He turned his attention back to Lt. Jace.

“So, Lieutenant, can I always expect to find you fraternizing with the crew?” he said with a single raised eyebrow. The doctors at the Daystrom Institute had told him that humor was one thing that humans prized and held dear and was often a good way to break the tension in a room or add levity to a situation. It was something he had always had trouble with. Jokes never seemed to make sense to him; they were always a play on words or a misunderstanding. Hardly comical, but he was determined to try this humor out from time to time.
“No, thank you.”

He turned his attention back to Lt. Jace.

“So, Lieutenant, can I always expect to find you fraternizing with the crew?” he said with a single raised eyebrow.

Ryika turned from the ex borg towards the Lt. commander but spared a quick glance back at Councillor Ecklas, raised her head towards Nine and made a "Cold shiver" as if the cold shoulder had physically struck her.

She moved towards where commander Torres had just made his order with the E.L.B. and the holographic barista was efficiently off to fill the order. "Barista, make sure you use the fresh ingredients," she glanced at Mister Torres, "And use the country southern ham and old Wisconsin cheddar."

With that she gestured an invitation for the Lt. commander to join the councillor and herself. She approached the table with the councillor and made a minor production of sitting on the table and crossing her legs in what those of the era of Earth world war II would call a "cheese cake" pose.

She turned her smile to the councillor, "Sorry councillor, I am halfway on duty. Now where were we?" She raised her eyebrows with a devilish smile on her face.

The thought at the top of her head said "Your turn dear."
Lt. Commander Torres- Lounge

“No, thank you.”

He turned his attention back to Lt. Jace.

“So, Lieutenant, can I always expect to find you fraternizing with the crew?” he said with a single raised eyebrow.

Ryika turned from the ex borg towards the Lt. commander but spared a quick glance back at Councillor Ecklas, raised her head towards Nine and made a "Cold shiver" as if the cold shoulder had physically struck her.

She moved towards where commander Torres had just made his order with the E.L.B. and the holographic barista was efficiently off to fill the order. "Barista, make sure you use the fresh ingredients," she glanced at Mister Torres, "And use the country southern ham and old Wisconsin cheddar."

With that she gestured an invitation for the Lt. commander to join the councillor and herself. She approached the table with the councillor and made a minor production of sitting on the table and crossing her legs in what those of the era of Earth world war II would call a "cheese cake" pose.

She turned her smile to the councillor, "Sorry councillor, I am halfway on duty. Now where were we?" She raised her eyebrows with a devilish smile on her face.

The thought at the top of her head said "Your turn dear."

Miguel was taken by surprise by the Orion's invite, especially since he had no idea who she was. But when he looked over at the table he saw she was with the ship's counselor. Deciding he should probably get to know some more of this ship's crew he left the single table and walked over to where the ladies were. "I'm Lt. Commander Torres." he said introducing himself to the Orion barkeep. He then turned and nodded to the Counselor "Counselor."

He had to admit that taking his eyes off of the Orion woman was deficult to say the least. A fact she had to be more then aware of.
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Ecklas - Lounge

Ecklas was quick to note the way Nine of Nineteen made Ryika feel. Though it would be hard for anybody else to miss it, she felt the emotions and thoughts drifting from the Orion as well. She simply raised and eyebrow and gave the other woman a slight nod. A boost to the confidence but a clear message that she had to deal with it on her own. After all, she needed a strong assistant - and right now was the best time to test the girl's mettle.

Then Ryika turned back to her and the show was on. Honestly, Lavinda did not mind and a hint of fang showed in her smile.

Your turn dear....

The thought was clear and precise and though this woman was not a telepath, she knew she would get the message across. As indeed it was received most effectively. Ecklas chose that moment to raise an eyebrow and noting that Nine and Jace were now in a conversation - was the former Borg attempting humour? Or was he just sour? - then she turned her gaze fully towards the orion female.

Doing something impulsive - something she didn't allow herself to do often since becoming a part of Star Fleet - she reached into the Orion's mind, brushed aside the intelligent woman's conscious and delved into the animalistic part of her. Heat rose in the woman's body as she flashed provocative images of the creamy tops of Lavinda's breasts and the inner sides of her thighs, missing the more important parts, into the woman's mind. The flashes came fast and hard - with the accompanied deep sighing of a woman in pleasure.

The message was there - 'Don't play with a telepath unless she's willing to play back' - but it was clear that Ecklas was, and more than anything enjoying herself.

The images and sounds were abrubtly pulled away as Lt Cmdr Miguel came towards them and introduced himself. A flash of annoyance crossed her features, but luckily her face was turned away from him - but not the Orion. Then she smiled and faced the Lt Comdr and gestured at an empty seat, "Please, do sit." Knowing of his ignorance of the Orion's status - she continued, "This is Ryika, the barkeep here and a helper of mine."
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The wave of thought and feeling washed over Ryika, followed by an instinctive rush of the pheromones that could insure such feelings being more than memory if she wanted them. Poor Lt. Commander Torres, he'd walked right in the middle of the pecking order issue.

Ryika let a throaty laugh to slip past her lips, the sound of thick velvet sliding along silk and skin as she accepted the hand shake from the man "I am the bar keep of the lounge. Please forgive me my manners Mister Torres, The scent should clear very quickly."

She turned a quick smile that went from polite to predatory as she faced the councillor, then turned back to Mister Torres, "I do hope you will spend at least some of your busy schedule visiting us here in the lounge sir."