Star Wars: "Begun The Clone War Has." IC

Astalaa Nil

Drinking back the rest of her whiskey, she felt a burn that made her eyes water as she took step behind her subject once he was a few yards in front of her. She still had to tail him to know where he went, and if he was a Sith... well she was going to demand more money for this particular job. Putting her life at risk to follow a Dark-Sider was going to cost her client. If she lived through it.

She kept her gaze ahead until someone decided they needed to try and get her attention. She frowned as a beefy hand clamped over her upper arm, and a smelly breath whispered in her ear. "Hey, sweetheart... how much for a tussle?"

Astalaa narrowed her eyes at the drunken, broad-faced, scarred, and bearded lug that seemed to think this was apparently the way to approach a female. "I am not for sale. Now take your hand off my arm before I chop it off." She spoke in clipped Galactic Basic, her lekku quivering slightly with her indignation and her disgust. She hated being touched like this, as if she were some common prostitute. And it made her angry on behalf of her fellow female Twi'leks, that they should be subjected to such stereotypes from the galaxy at large.

He frowned at her and tightened his grip. "That's not the way to talk to me, you little tentacled bitch. I was trying to be nice, but I think I'll just take what I want..." He reached for her with his other hand, stopping short when she drew her blaster aiming it at his groin between them.

"I said... Let go of me, bantha breath." He dropped her arm as if it scalded him and she fixed him with a steely glare. "Don't you ever touch another female like that again." She moved away and quickly made her way to the door, looking around as she poked her head outside, "listening" with the Force as she had taught herself how to do in order to find her target. Now that she knew he was a Sith she was more able to figure out how he "felt" within the Force, at least, how she had been feeling him up til recently.
Alrond Windstalker

He sensed that she started to follow him, a small distraction would help, a slight nudge with the Force and one of the patrons overcame her little "charm", he slipped away. He was sure to leave a trace though, the little hunter had some things to answer and he was going to make sure that she answers them.

He ducked and doubled on his own track, leaving a clear signature in the Force for even a Youngling to follow. In the shadows he waited now, biding his time as he masked his energy signature as good as he could. A basic trap, but he had no time for niceties now, he needed answers
Astalaa Nil

Like a hound on a scent she moved slowly following the signature in the Force. Keeping her back to the walls, she held her blaster in her hand, ready to shoot first and ask later if someone came out at her. She paused at the alley where she was led, and tilted her head, "listening".

'Come out, come out, wherever you are,' she thought to herself as she moved slowly, feet crossing one over the other as she moved in. She really should just go, report his last whereabouts and habits, and get her money. But she wanted to know if he had a place to go, a place to live. That way, she could deliver that and be done with this whole assignment.
Alrond Windstalker

She passed so close to the shadowy corner he hid in that he could almost smell her, stepping out of the shadows he allowed the energy cloak he had around him to slip off and pulled one of the sabers out without activating it.

"I've been waiting for you little one, why do you follow me? And why do you ask about me? You working for the Sith?"
She quickly turned and aimed her blaster at him. "I am not working for the Sith. Not to my knowledge I mean. I'm just a simple observer, a courier if you will, nothing more."

She tried not to show how scared she felt, jutting her chin up and out. She hated being caught unawares. That was her job, damn it! As he moved closer to activate his lightsaber she shot at the hand holding it, more out of gut instinct than anything else. If she let him get near her with that thing she could kiss her lekku and her life goodbye.
Alrond Windstalker

He did expect her to shoot at him and as he activated his lightsaber he realized a bit too late that her attack was not focused on his person but on his lightsaber. The bolt hit the crystal holder and he only had time enough to drop the now useless hilt, already his other pulled his second saber and activated it. The Twi'lek fired again, the first two shots aimed at his head and chest, these he easily deflected and for a split second he realized her plan, but he was too slow and the next bolt slammed into the hilt of his light saber and he angrily tossed it at her, she of course ducked it easily, he kept his hand extended and caught her with a torrent of Force lightning.

"You just destroyed two things I value quite highly."

He allowed the lightning to dissapate, and watched her slump to the ground, he drew his own blaster and levelled it at her,

"Do you have any reason why I should not kill you? Like perhaps the name of your current employer."
Astalaa Nil

She twitched on the ground in a slump, feeling weakened and dizzy by the lightening. "I didn't... I didn't get a name.... just the assignment....Done... by... proxy..." She coughed. "I... I was supposed... to follow you... learn your whereabouts... your habits... then... return the information... via datapad at a drop-off point..." She coughed again, and trembled as she tried to use her hands to lift herself up to a seated position, trying to take deep breaths.

"I don't ask questions about my assignments. I just do them... I get paid... that's it."
Alrond Windstalker

"You talk, but the only thing I hear is that you ar of no use or worth to me."

He pulled the trigger and the energy blast hit the ground a scant inch from her abdomen,

"Last chance Twi'lek, give me something..."

He ran his gaze over her well proportoined body and smirked, raising his pistol to aim at her head,

"Or I will cut you up and feed you to the Banta's as minced delicacies."
She choked on her fear as she looked up at him. "Dandiin. His name is Dandiin. I don't know who he works for. I'm sure a... man with your skills is more than able to find out who he is. I am just a courier, and a follower. I am supposed to meet him tomorrow. I can take you to the meeting spot.... Just... don't kill me. I have no reason to have anything against you. I just do my job. I just try to earn some credits to live..."

She was babbling right now, but all of her master's tutelage never prepared her for being against a Sith.
Alrond Windstalker

He cocked his head to one side, one thing he had taught himself was the to use the Force to realize when somebody tells the truth. It seemed like the little Twi'lek was telling the truth. A sinister smile crossed his lips,

"Now was it that hard little one?"

He motioned with his blaster,

"Get to your feet and remove any and all weapons, don't try to fool me or you may end up like my old master."

Strange that he should revel in her fear, bask in it,but...he wasn't enjoying it. It brought a little frown to his face. What was wrong with him?

"Yes I am giving you a chance to live and take me to where you are to drop the information....come to think of it, what exactly do you know about me?"
She gave him a baleful glare as she removed the various sharp objects (Dagger/vibroblades) and blaster from her person and tossed it on the ground in front of him. "Not much, except that you are a Sith, according to the bartender, that you drink glacier water, that you have little in the way of actual habits and that you have no family to speak of, and now I know why." She shrugged. "Oh, and you are fairly methodical and you have... had two black lightsabers. That's about it."
Alrond Windstalker

"Had is the right word."

His tone made it clear that he harbored a disgruntled look upon the outcome of what had happened. He motioned her away, then picked up her gear and stowed it away under his cloak.

"Now we head for your ship, I hope you have been smart enough to disable the tracking system. If not I'll do it."
She jutted her chin out and shook her head, feeling more confident now that he hadn't killed her outright. "I don't have one. Do I look like I'm capable of piloting to you? No, I bartered my way onto a transport. My contact is here on Coruscant. I'm stuck on planets until I can barter, bribe, or... convince my way off them." She crossed her arms over her chest, and shook her head.

"So unless you can work some serious magic Sith man, we're stuck here."
Alrond Windstalker

He arched an eyebrow, this was an unforseen problem. Normally people would not entrust these kind of jobs to somebody without transport.

"I can work serious magic. Now move to the starport Twi'lek, I don't have all day."

He tucked the blaster into the folds of his cloak, but the evil little head kept tracking her every move. Trust was clearly something he didn't have
"I have a name, you know." She spat as she moved. Okay, so it was more like she had lost her transport, or rather he had lost her purposely. But that was neither here nor there. She hadn't really wanted to get into that conversation, not even with Sith man. She moved in the direction of the starport with a sense of inward dread. There went her chance at pleading her case at the Jedi temple. Noooo, she had to accept an assignment following a Sith around on a hostile (to him) planet! By the Force she hated when desperation made her accept nearly anything. It ended up putting her life in danger.
Arlond Windstalker

"I don't care if you have one name or ten."

The walk went past quietly, he kept her under guard constantly, when they came to the docking bays he motioned her towards a craft parked to one side. There was no visible command, but as they approached the entrance way opened and the ladder inside the craft slowly slid down. He motioned for her to get inside, when she did not comply quickly enough, he grabbed her by her neck from behind, walked up into the craft and then dropped her, the blaster aimed at her head. The entrance slowly slid closed and he finally lowered his blaster, sure that the internal security would cover her for any sudden movements.

"Keep your movements slow and keep your hands in sight, otherwise the computer might just kill you."

He turned and walked to the central control room, he hunched over a console and started to type, he was not overly concerned about her, he had warned her and she had given him the information he wanted, now he just had to check it. He was only mildly surprised that her information had checked out, now he had a problem, how did he get close enough to her employer, without endagering himself? He turned from the console and left, he found her where he had left her, good she was a quick learner.

"So young spy, how do I get to your employer without being at risk myself?"

He pondered the question as he looked her over, then he sighed.

"You are Force sensitive, should be interesting to see if I could perhaps become a master...oh well. Come Twi'lek give me your thoughts on how I can get close enough to your employer and still not be caught in a trap."
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Aagh had said that the staff at the clinic wouldn’t ask questions, but this was a legit clinic in a respectable area of Coruscant, and they were obligated to ask questions and report suspicious injuries. However, Aagh saw to it that the obligation was not a concern by subtly nudging the thoughts of the staff away from asking any questions that would have legal ramifications.

"Should we go shopping after this?"

“Yes, of course. There is quite a bit that you’ll need,” replied Aagh, as the triage nurse pointed the two of them towards a treatment room just down the hall. He did not reply to what she said next, for as they entered the room, Aagh saw a 2B medical droid standing next to a small medical table and chair waiting to tend to Illiana’s hand, and he decided that he would wait in the lobby while the droid worked.

And so, he waited.
"Astalaa..." she emphasized her name.
'you bantha-poodoo smelling jackass.'

"My name is Astalaa, and perhaps you can approach from another way. My employer does not know you hired me. That can work to your advantage. If we approach my employer with me bringing you in... you're a Sith, make him think I appealed to your darker desires. I'm sure you can take it from there. I just want my money, and to be on my way." She crossed her arms over her chest and she glared balefully at him.
Alrond Windstalker

He sniffed at her name and discarded it,

"Ah but if I hire you, I will have to pay you. While you are free to turn on me the first chance you get. No I think that it will not work."

He pondered a while and then grinned,

"Well then, I do know a few Twi'lek girls from around the city, I could always go for old decoy trick,"

he tilted his head,

"And draw the information from you that she would need to stay alive."

He flexed his hands, ready to use that lightning that he was so fond of.
"Pfft, he doesn't have to know you didn't actually hire me, just think you did."

At his threat she paled slightly, swallowing hard. "They don't know the ways like I do. They don't know how to move like I do. They don't have the Fo... they don't have the talents that I have." She said with a bravado she didn't really feel.

Hearing her comlink chirp, she closed her eyes. There could only be one person contacting her at this point in time. "I believe that is Dandiin. Do you want to answer it, or shall I?"
Alrond Windstalker

He gritted his teeth and tilted his head to one side,

"Answer, but one wrong move Twi'lek and you will dance a dance that you will not I will enjoy it."

His hand was ready as he listened to her, she had corrected herself, she was on her way to say that she has The Force, but in that case why did she not counter his attack? He frowned slightly, making sure to hide his feelings and thoughts from her if she did have the Mindprobe. It would take a true assault to his defences to read his mind and that would draw his attention.
A decidedly nervous looking Nautolan popped up on her commlink and looked around and at someone away from the link. He then turned and looked surprised at seeing the man with her.

"Astala'a, update... wait... what... you? Well... lookie here, just the man we were looking for. My employer has a job for you, Sith. One you might be very interested in."
Alrond Windstalker

He scoffed,

"You are not even the middle man. If your master has a job, he can tell me personally, I do not take kindly to spies."

He shot Astalaa a venomous look,

"You are clearly a amateur outfit if a Twi'lek is all you can afford, I may be a Sith, but I still have my pride."
Aagh had said that the staff at the clinic wouldn’t ask questions, but this was a legit clinic in a respectable area of Coruscant, and they were obligated to ask questions and report suspicious injuries. However, Aagh saw to it that the obligation was not a concern by subtly nudging the thoughts of the staff away from asking any questions that would have legal ramifications.

"Should we go shopping after this?"

“Yes, of course. There is quite a bit that you’ll need,” replied Aagh, as the triage nurse pointed the two of them towards a treatment room just down the hall. He did not reply to what she said next, for as they entered the room, Aagh saw a 2B medical droid standing next to a small medical table and chair waiting to tend to Illiana’s hand, and he decided that he would wait in the lobby while the droid worked.

And so, he waited.

((Quoting just in case. This thread seems to be dead, and I feel mostly responsible for that. If you were still interested, I'll put in the hours to keep it going.))

Illiana moved to the medical table and took a seat. She pulled her sleeve up to expose the blaster hole that had gone clear through. It had taken but a split second for the gun to cut through her flesh and cauterize the wound again. As such she had not worried about blood loss, even if it had burned for quite some time. She was keen on getting it treated though, in order to regain full use of her digits.

It took about ten minutes for the droid to repair the damage, its little needles and tweezers synthesizing the skin and muscle tissue. She was even sure she felt it mending bone at one point. Soon she had a fully healed yet bandaged hand, and without any prodding she stood up and left the room. The triage nurse didn't even seem to want her to pay from her credits, it was all sorted. Knowing at this point not to complain about such a thing, she went to find her Master.

Usually she would bow down in thanks, but since they were trying not to look to suspicious, she instead smiled and thanked him quietly. Clenching and relaxing her fist, she was happy with the work. The injection the droid had given her for pain also didn't hurt.

"I'll have full movement by tomorrow, once the swelling goes down."

Illiana really needed to find some less conspicuous clothing, and as they left the clinic, she walked beside her Master and mulled over her new partnership.
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