Star Wars: Galaxy In Crisis OOC

I'm sorry, guys.

But in order to keep my work-to-capacity ratio intact, I'm going to have to bow out of this thread. Not that all y'all haven't seen this coming, I've been gone so long.

But officially and horrifically, I have to duck this one.

It comes down to not being able to live up to the promises I've made, and I'm having to cut things here and there. And, since, as Jedi Khan pointed out, I've only ever made one IC post in this thread, my investment here is such that I can cut it without destroying the whole train of thought.

So. I'm sorry.

(It seems I'm having to make a lot of apologies these days.)

But sometimes the ideas come and sometimes the ideas stop coming and sometimes I get carried away and sometimes I can't get anywhere. Y'all know how it is.

So. I'm sorry.

Good luck, you guys.
Ah, hell... I was looking forward to RPing with ya, Chas. To have this thread lose a writer with your talent is a shame.
Okay, would someone kindly explain to me why this story has come to a near halt?
don't know.. maybe beacuese people thjat can post..aren't..

i waited for replies.. and then posted again. I could hog a thread but try not to.
Well I was told by at leat one person that things were a bit rough for him, so he was going to be a bit slow. I didn't realize how slow. But haven't heard anything from anyone else. And I've just been waiting for the oppertunity to post, which came yesterday.
I kinda wrote myself into the corner. Left Shi and Chen in places where there was really no other place to go for the time being. Though once this gets moving I will be glad to keep up. But yeah.
If you want a prime example of someone who's written themselves into a corner, look at me. I designed Aagh that way on purpose, which means I can do very, very little.
I had originally thought that while frozen in carbonite, Aagh couldn't be detected in the Force, but after reading the latest Star Wars book in which a Jedi is frozen in carbonite, I've decided that Aagh can be detected, but only faintly, as if from a distance.

Oh, and...bump.
Well I've been waiting on some people to get over real life issues, or even just get back to me. But it turns out that those real life issues have robbed us of some more good players. As a result this thread is offically dead. For those of you that have been waiting patiently, I just want to say I'm sorry and thank you.
Hey! Don't you dare call this thread dead yet! As long as there are still two people willing to play, including the GM, then the thread is not dead!
Please continue...

I hope you don't mind my saying so, but I hope you guys continue your IC thread. I'm a huge Star Wars fan and really enjoyed your story!

BTW, look what I found!
Discussion about Female Clone Troopers
Artist's rendering of a clone trooper. She doesn't look Maori, so I guess the cloners used a different set of DNA...
And of course, some cosplaying fans... Yeah, I know they're female Stormtroopers and not female Clone troopers...

Whoa, hold it. A female clone in the clone army? Unless someone decided to use a different set of DNA that happened to be from a woman specifically for snipers, there is no possibility of a there being a female clone serving in the army.

Female troopers, better known as dala troopers, were identical, genetically-modified soldiers bred and trained to serve in the Galactic Republic's army during the conflict that came to be known as the Clone Wars.

Cloned and raised in the cities of Kamino, the dala troopers, trained and drilled since birth, came to be regarded as one of the most efficient military forces ever to have existed in the galaxy's history. This was not only due to their training, but also to their loyalty to the Galactic Republic.

Also, since the Kamino people were the BEST clone creators and DNA manipulators in the GALAXY why can't they?

Also, I've already argued my point with the Admin, and have gotten permission.

What's your source for these "Dala Troopers"?

So, these troopers are identical to all the other soldiers that are identical to Jango Fett, except that the Dala troopers happen to be women? That's disturbing.

Also the only difference between male and female is one chromosone.

Ahhh...the wiki for fan created material, the stuff that is not part of the Star Wars canon. That would explain why that info isn't to be found in Wookiepedia, the official wiki for all things Star Wars.

And see that is also your blindness. As we stepped out of the realm of cannon when Anakin shifted the story line away from become Darth Vadar, we took the story from cannona nd allowed all sorts of interesting things.

As I stated before I argued my point with the admin of this story. and wone your arguments are futile. My point is made.

A bit sure of yourself, aren't you? :rolleyes:

Well, there're only two things to do with regards to someone with a big head, and that's to either try to knock 'em down to size, or to concede defeat, therefore inflating their heads even more. Therefore, I will do neither. I will do as my sig line suggests and not give a damn, therefore robbing you of your victory.

Hey, Jedi_Khan:

History proved Varshanka right, and you're still a dick.