Star Wars: Return of the Sith


They weren't gone afterall. They were right where I left them, scattered in a semi-circle as the beast with one arm stood in the center, swinging wildly at them, growling and snapping its jaws at them now and again. It intended to kill, either out of anger or for food. As I climbed out of the water, I saw it snatch one of them into the air and sink its teeth into its body, crushing the corpse and swallowing it down in one quick motion.
I ignited the saber, the light giving away my position behind it.
It turned, remembering me no doubt, and eyed me as the little guys hurried a few feet further away, regrouping but not running any further. Some grabed spears, others just waited, frightened.
THe large beast eyed me, searching for a weakness no doubt. When it lunged, I waved the saber at it, singing its chin and causing it to recoil.
It was only a warning lunge, but I was only warning it with the wave I'd fended it off with.It took a step forward, but I didn't wait for the next attack, I moved forward, holding the blade out in case it swung, then ducked my head and rolled beneath its trunklike legs, standing and turning to face it as it spun around to find me behind it. I slashed quickly, digging the blade into its belly and letting out the warm intestines that waited there.
It shrieked loudly, but didn't run or attack. It slunk to its knees instead, the heavy upper torso wobbling back and forth for a moment.
I moved quickly back to where the little guys were, now gaining some courage.
It fell, its heavy body indenting the ground as it struck it.
They approached it as its body heaved with its last heavy breaths, taking turns stabbing the creature victoriously.
"Teeba," one announced, pointing to me. The others cheered thier agreeance.
I switched off my saber.
The creature was dead, the little guys were okay. Time to get lost.
"Teeba," I agreed, then headed back to the vessel.

Tynan pursed his lips thoughtfully, studying the man before him. He'd changed somewhat since their first meeting only a few days ago.

"Malevolence can be detected through the Force for some time after an act done by a Force user, for one sensitive enough to detect it. I'm unable to feel anything of the sort... yet the Force is telling me..." he waved his hand to show the vagueness of the feeling, "...something. I'm not sure what, yet."

"It would have been difficult for Azraiel to do this alone. He has been under supervision the entire time, he had been here. Jedi Moedwyn escorted us to his quarters after the Council meeting."

He smiled. "I, on the other hand, would have had plenty of opportunity to plant the explosive. But to what purpose? If it was to attack someone, they would be dead already, and if it was to steal something, I would have left immediately. I'm aware that if something is found missing my quarters will be searched seconds after the Sith." Not that he blamed them. If the situation were reversed, he wouldn't trust him either. He's an unfamiliar factor in a trying time.

"Besides assasination, and theft, whomever did it could be trying to forment distrust and suspicion. Either way, I'm sure we'll find out shortly."

Tynan was glad Luke was with the Padawans. At least the boy was safe. he would contact him when he was done here, though.

"If your asking for my advice, trust no one. Investigate everyone. The most effective saboteur is one who is a trusted ally, or one who has done something to put him or her above reproach."

"And trust your instincts. For a Jedi, instincts are often the Force speaking to you in it's own unique way."

Realizing he was preaching, Tynan cleared his throat, and looked away quickly. The closest to discomfort he would ever show. Damned kid, he thought, his mind on Luke once again. You've got me spouting Jedi gibberish. I'm not even Jedi, let alone a teacher. He half expected Marius to say the same.

Luke was frozen. Fear crept up his spine. Only Natacia's movement made him move as well, so as not to get too far from her. He unhooked the lightsaber from his belt, and followed.

I tried to stay close to Luke, but it was getting harder, both because I wasn't wanted so close to the boy, and because I knew who we were going to see. I wondered if fear would drive me from him, cause me to abandon him for my own safety, not that I could actually protect him.
A Sith?
What could he possibly want with one so young?
But I knew, didn't I? An apprentice, and a young one like Luke could be brainwashed much more easily.
I looked to Nastasia. She'd managed to snow me, or perhaps she really had felt those kind feelings I'd thought I'd seen earlier, but either way, all traces of them were gone now. Now she was all business.
She had every intention of handing over the boy, regardless of what the Sith would do with him, and leaving him here, alone. Perhaps she would turn myself and Orin over as well, to protect the location of the Sith.
I was growing more than weary now, but almost scared senseless.
A door opened and we entered the room there, myself lost in my own thoughts and fear. When I glanced up, Nastasia had stopped walking and stood before the Sith, much closer to him than I would have desired being.
"Darth Vaine, I present to you the boy Luke," she announced, waving one hand in Luke's direction.
"Vaine didn't so much as glance at the boy before speaking.
"You've no need for that weapon here, boy," he said, reaching up and sweeping the black hood of the cloak from him and revealing his head and face.
His skin was once dark, I could see, but now it was getting sickly pale, a touch of its old color still holding on, not wanting to give in it seemed. His hair was short, and curled tightly to his head. Salt and peppered with grey and white hair, it had once been dark as well.
When his glance finally did reach ot to the boy, a shiver crept up my spine.
I missed the Jedi, even with as worried as I'd been to be discovered, I missed them, but I held my ground next to the boy.
For the moment...

Not a Jedi? I thought, hearing Tynan's words and reading the meaning beneath them.
"Yes, intuition is far too often ignored," I agreed. "Even by those who know its true potential. I only hope that the Force gives me the guidance I need to see the future through and stay loyal where I might falter. I know Raine would have done so, and in her honor, I will say I believe she thought you so loyal as well, whether you think it of yourself or not. In either case, intuition tells me that you are not one I need worry about in this case. And Azraiel seems to be free of blame in this concern, save the possibility that he was others here to do his bidding, but I believe we would have sensed thier bad intentions."
I wrinkled my brow then, realizing something that had slipped my attention until then. It must have been tynan's words that brought it into the open, his statement about instincts.
There had been someone with bad intentions here, and the Force, the Dark Side, was behind it. I'd sensed it, but not strongly. Too much might have been going on, or perhaps the source of thier intent was merely too far away. In either case, there had been intruders among us. But who? My subconscious had brought this to me, but it lacked further detail.
"I believe I will need the help of a more experienced Jedi, Tynan, and I donot believe that it is wise to trust any other than yourself, the Masters and those I know well. Daelon is suffering his own fate, his concentration may not be helpful, Moedwyn is busy with Azraiel, and the Masters...well, they have thier hands full deciding the fate of the Yavin base. Might you consider aiding me in this investigation. Something is surely amiss, but who is behind it...?"

Hanging upside down again, I was beginning to greatly dislike this planet, regardless of the little friends I had made.
"Are you certain it will work?"
"Fairly certain, but not entirely sure. I wasn't the type of Jedi would fought often in an X-Wing," Haringer returned. I glanced down at his ghostly figure, which stood ona nearby branch, eyeing him for a moment. He smiled back, but said nothing.
Once I had the item loose, I Turned mybody right side up again and slipped into the cockpit of the X-Wing. I would miss the shp, afterall, it had served me well, but I needed to leave it. Perhaps I could recollect it when we returned for the item.
I was already convinced it was evil, a servant of the dark side, but it would likely be better for the Jedi to possess it, therefore keeping it from the Sith, so long as its evil is contained and kept from affecting the Jedi themselves. I wondered if even the masters would be able to refuse its power, given enough exposure to it. Only a hour was I near it, and it had nearly possessed me, and I was still feeling its affects, doubt and fear had coursed through me, along with anger. All led to the dark side, and I felt unstable with those feelings still so close at hand.
I collected everything that might be useful from the cockpit, including my spare saber, then hopped down to the branch next to Colme.
"I thank you for your help," I said. "Without it..."
He nodded. He knew he'd most likely saved me.
"It was good to feel a part of the Force again," he replied. "To be a Jedi once more. I will see you again, I think, or at least I hope."
"One question," I began, "About what you said before..."
"No," he replied, not allowing me to finish. "I must not. You must see certain things for yourself, Raine. You may not be ready to know just yet, but when the time comes..."
He looked down for a moment. "Perhaps I have already told you too much.""I hope very much to see you again," I returned, accepting his words with only a slight hesitation. Arguing with a Master...not an argument I could win, I knew. If no one else, Kelson's insistant demeanor came to mind then.
I hopped from the limb again, leaving him on the branch, and moved through the swamp below, toward the island where my new vessel awaited mild repair.
My mind wasn't on the repair, though. It was focused on the words he'd spoken.
"...the answers to these questions," he'd said. "And perhaps the answers to all you seek, young one."
I replayed them in my head as I moved toward the ship.

Tynan studied Marius for a moment. He asked for his help? Frankly, Tynan was surprised, and somewhat pleased. This was well with in his area of expertise after all... on both sides of the equation.

"I'll assist you."

He looked around. "We should find out if anything is missing. You know these people better than I, so I'm sure you'll know the best way to organise a search. We should also check to see if anyone's left unexpectedly. I doubt it's a murder... someone would have felt it... but it couldn't hurt to be sure..."

Luke's hand tightened on the lightsaber hilt. The man's appearance scared him to death. He could feel the unnaturalness about it, just like the animals and people they brought to him at the Intitute on Tatooine. They had wanted him to fix them... had ordered him to.

He held the lightsaber up, and turned it on. Maybe the man would think him a Jedi...
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Intruders on Ithor

Momaw Nadow looked at the wreckage of the small ship. The Empire's scout shad just left, but not following the survivors. And for good reason. They were by far the better warriors, but had no knowledge of the Forest, or what waited there. In that, the Ithgorians had the advantage, one that only superior numbers could outdo.

"Do we follow them, Momaw?" one of his assistants asked in their native tongue.

"We do," he replied. "Any enemies of the Empire, are allies to us..."

And so they followed. They followed the trail, until the trail suddenly ended.

"Which way now, Momaw?"

Momaw looked around. How could there trail just end that way? It was not possible. There are no predatory plants in the area... where did they go?
Lady Charis Du'Thar

"Handle it!" Moridin whispered harshly, as his holo-image disappeared.

Lady Du'Thar rose to her feet, and opened communications to the bridge. The cpatain's face appeared before her.

"Yes, My Lady?"

"Set course for Ithor, Captain."

"As you wish, My Lady."

Jedi. Damn them. Always in the way...

I dwelled on Tynan's words, realizing that, in the event of a murder, both he and the Sith were still the most likely culprits. No force-signature, no murder, but ensuring that no others were harmed elsewhere was only common sense afterall.
"The Masters should be counted first, then the students," I explained. "THat process is already underway. It's only a matter of a few more minutes before we get those totals. The number of fights that came here with us from Mached will be a harder census, but still an achievable one. Needless to say, if we find this attacker's motivation, then we'll find the attacker."
I was thinking out loud, saying things Tynan had no doubt thought several minutes ago. It helped my brian move along, however, so I worried little over how I might have appeared to him.
"Perhaps what we should do is segregate the population, the civillians and soldiers from Mached, the Jedi, the various frieghters that move through here. That'll give us easier function. I'm certain the troops and Jedi here will make our job easier..."
I reached out and grabbed the sleeve of a passing guard.
She looked at me, surprised.
"Tell the head of the guards that we wish to have those that arrived here today all taken to one position, the hanger would be sufficient. Oh, and get me the figures on whether or not anyone has left the planet in the last few hours, since the last security team has swept this location."
The woman nodded, and hurried off.
"THere," I said, more to myself than to him. "Surely the bomb could not have been planted too long ago, or it would have been detected. Now, it's only a matter of time before we get some answers."

The oy lit the saber, and my heart sank. I was certain it would be his end. I wondered what I could possibly do to divert the Sith's attention, but before a damn thing occurred to be, the saber was moving across the room to the Sith's hands.
I glanced at Luke, surprised, seeing the boy's empty hand and becoming more concerned.
The Sith switched off the saber and clipped it onto his belt.
"There's no need for such items, here, boy," the man said, speaking calmly. "I am not here to harm you. In fact, I wish to request your assistance."
He began to move toward Luke, then stopped, glancing to Nastasia.
He turned suddenly to the guard who'd led us here.
"Give Miss Vish her payment, and see that our friends here are taken care of as well," Vaine stated. The guard nodded, turning to the door.
"After you," he insisted.
"If it isn't all there..." Nastasia began.
"It is," Vaine responded. "And I would not consider it wise to threaten a Sith, Miss Vish, even over something so near and dear to you as money."
SHe looked at him a moment, perhaps testing him with her eyes, then nodded to him and exited the room.
Leaving...? Where was she...?
"ANd you two?" THe guard asked.
I shook my head.
"I'm staying with the boy," I replied.
The guard looked to Vaine, who shook his head and pointed to the door with one absent hand.
The guard raised his weapon. "I'm afraid I must insist."
A blaster, to my nothing. I was no good to the boy dead.
"Be brave, Luke," I whispered to him. "Have faith. I hope to see you again. And I'm sorry..."
I exited, Orin right behind me, the doors sliding closed behind me.

He'd been right afterall, the part fit almost perfectly, definitely well enough that a few quick adjustments and I was ready to move.
I got in, feeling abit cramped, but otherwise fairly well settled, and set about getting the engines moving.
In minutes, I was moving toward the atmosphere, the vessel moving slowly at first, working out the tightness of having sat so long, then picking up the pace a little.
Could City seemed only a brief trip away.

Luke watched them leave, with mixed emotions. He felt betrayed by Natacia. He had really liked her, felt comfortable around her... and Mogo, surprisingly to him, had been the one to show concern. He found he didn't want him to leave. Still, he would try to be brave.

"My assistance with what?"
Cloud CIty, Bespin--Vaine's chamber

"Vaine moved closer to the boy, kneeling before him and looking him eye to eye.
"You see, boy," he began. "I have a friend who has been injured, and greatly needs your help. I merely wish for you to help him, then I will take you wherever you wish to go. Is that a fair sounding deal to you? All you must do is help someone in need, then you can go."
The door opened again and another guard moved inside.
"Sir," he announced, nervously. "The unfreezing process is almost complete."
Vaine nodded. The guard hurried out of the room.
"Let's take a walk," Vaine insisted, standing to hid full height again. He moved his hand for the boy to exit ahead of him. He wasn't worried about the boy running. Guards were stationed outside the door. "Did I happen to mention that I too once trained to be a Jedi?"

Tynan watched Marius issue his orders, and smiled slightly. Marius would indeed become an asset to the Rebellion the more he continued to grow. Tynan turned toward the Masters present, and noticed some of them looking at the former Padawan. They see it too.

Frankly, when Marius asked for his assistance, he thought it was his way of asking for Tynan to take over in all but name. Now, he saw that was not the case. Tynan would, indeed, be assisting, not leading. He found it..... interesting.

Luke walked from the chamber.

He wants me to help him, just like at the Institute!

He could do that, and then he could leave. He sighed in relief, and walked from the chamber.

"Do you know Tynan? He's my friend. Why weren't you on Y... the Jedi base?"
Could City, Bespin

"Well, that's a longer story than you'll wish to hear, boy," Vaine responded. "It's not so interesting as it might seem."
Vaine knew to avoid telling him just yet at least. He was going along, and things needed to be done here.
They exited, moving through the corridors toward a room at the far end.
"And this Tynan, I did know him once, I believe. I was not certain he was still alive. Do you know him well, boy?"
The possibility that the Jedi would come looking had occurred to him, but it was a minor issue. He could handle most situations, and once his friend was well...
He almost smiled at the idea.

"Oh yeah. Tynan brought me to the Jedi. I want him to be my teacher. I just hope he says yes..."

Talking made him feel more relaxed, although he still didn't trust this man. It made the way natacia had acted seem more normal though. After all, she must know he would be ok.

"Besides. You'll meet him soon. Natacia says all the Jedi will be coming here after they evacuate."

They walked along until coming to a large room full of steaming pipes and electonic equipment, but the other man didn't stop, immediately.

"Where are we going anyway?"
Cloud City, Bespin

As they moved toward the doorway, Vaine listened intently to the boy's words.
The Jedi were all coming here? It seemed unlikely, but he would remember those words.
"My friend awaits us up ahead. He will be very happy to meet you, Luke," he replied. "You are from Tattooine, yes? How long did you live there? I sensed you there quite some time ago, but it took some time for me to trust your intentions. I belive you might be a Jedi one day indeed...or at least equally powerful."
"Yeah. I don't really remember going there... so I guess I was born there."

Luke looked up at the man, his fear at him being the Dark Man rising to the surface briefly. But, for some reason, he didn't think he was. Still it made him uneasy. He decided he would not talk about the Institute.

"Anyway, Tynan found me a few weeks ago, and took me to be a Jedi. He said I had potential."
Cloud City, Bespin

The entered the room at the end of the hall, the door closing behind them. Before them was a long table, and on it, a body lay, it's form covered in a long black sheet to the neck. Sticking out of the end was a male face, the two tentacles on its head disappearing beneath the sheet as well. Its skin was grey, and fading in its color, but the eys were open.
"Master," Vaine said, kneeling beside the body. He hadn't seen him in some time, years in fact. The man who looked back nodded his head weakly.
"I have been awaiting this moment for some time," Vaine explained. "This boy has agreed to help you, I believe, haven't you Luke?"


Luke studied the man, then reached out and touched his face. The skin was clammy, and felt... wrong.

He rubbed his fingertips along the man's face, and along his head-tails. He didn't know how this skill worked really, just that it was a trick that he could do. He could still remember the first time he had done it. It had been a small furry creature, someones pet he supposed. It had been injured, and he had decided to take care of it, wrapping it in makeshift bandages and feeding it leftover food he had kept off his own plate. The guards took the pet away when they found out of course. What he hadn't known at the time was that when they had removed the bloody bandages, the animal had been completely healed. Completely.
Afterwards, they would bring him more animals, all of them injured. Eventually he would realize that the bandages weren't needed to heal them, that he was able to do it on his own. And he did.

Soon they brought him others. First some little creatures they called Jawas, then some bigger ones they called Tusken Raiders, and then his first human. The human was the hardest of all, but not because she was human, because she was extra sick. She could barely breath, and her heartbeat was slow. It took him awhile to help her. But he did. He liked helping people when he could.

The man on the table felt most like the sick human than the others. He seemed to be just as weak in some ways, but he also seemed eerily strong in other ways Luke couldn't understand. His body seemed injured, but the man himself... didn't. His eyes were fixed on Luke, and Luke found he couldn't look away. Worse, he found that he didn't want to.

He felt his skin start to tingle, but worse than he ever remembered. He fought the sudden instinct to run with every spare ounce of his strength.

"This might feel weird," he rasped, as if his voice wanted to run away too. He felt his throat constrict with fear.

He felt the heat rise in his chest, move down his arms, and flow out of his fingers into the man. The man gasped slightly, opening his mouth to show needle-sharp teeth.

He felt more heat rise. And more. And more. All of it pouring into the man before him in a torrent. All of it making him well. It was then that he knew... it was the Force he was using. He was a Force healer.

He couldn't say how long he stood there, only that it was more than a few minutes. Eventually the man started to feel different. Better somehow.

The room started to spin before him, and he pulled his hands off the man, grabbing the table for support. His knees shook slightly, and he fought to keep himself upright.

"It's done," he rasped. "He'll survive." He wasn't sure how he knew, only that he did.
Re: Intruders on Ithor

*Doprekka worked diligently on a camouflage shelter to settle his unconscious master in. The not overly large lizard man wouldn't be too difficult to hide. In a matter of minutes he had what he needed, vines, leaves, bark, and fallen bits of the large trees, which were all crafted over time into a firm shelter built into hedgeing and bushes, pulling his master into the shelter he laid him comfortably within and closed it off to keep it concealed but to his trained eye, and the senses he posessed with the force. He then set out to cover their tracks, managing to get halfway down their trail before hearing voices....Ithorians, interesting. With his robes about him again and his lightsabre firmly in place. He stepped out onto the path and looked over the Ithroians in silence before speaking.*

(Friend, or Foe?)
Momaw Nadow

Momaw started when the big Wookiee appeared before them. He was continually impressed with the grace these mammoth beings possessed. He looked at the robes he wore, and knew the answer.

"We are friends to the Jedi, and enemies to the Empire. We should take cover before any ships arrive. I know of a place. Are you alone?"