Start an Argument with the Poster Above

Of course I understand pretty. Pretty is what I do with my poetry, my music and my writing. So I can't bring myself to attack pretty. And that one is pretty too.
You may be pretty, but you sure don't have a pretty mouth. That's a fact. The majority of people think so.
You may be pretty, but you sure don't have a pretty mouth. That's a fact. The majority of people think so.
Why did you kill the thread?
I'm not really blaming you because the posts are how they are, but the timing.
No offense meant.
You may be pretty, but you sure don't have a pretty mouth. That's a fact. The majority of people think so.
No. The majority of your people think so. And the majority of my people aren't impressed with what the majority of your people think or say. So whose majority are we going with? See the problem?

Besides, for some reason, when I am long and far away from your pathetic, petty, bullying thread, you seem obsessed with chasing down any thread I am on, threads you have nothing to do with, and poisoning them with your deranged vitriol.

Please leave me alone and stop dragging your crap onto others threads. Thank you for your kind consideration.
For somebody who writes a lot of words, you sure can’t read. It says start an argument with the poster above, not one that is several posts back.

Although you say you don’t like it, we all know you are now secretly hoping for another nomination as Wanker of the Week!